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Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 10 months ago on 120 obtain citizenship in 3 months

All Brent Symonette ever does is look down on us from his lofty high horse. This man's involvement in politics is all about increasing his family's wealth and the wealth of his crony business partners. He cannot point to anything of any great import that he has ever accomplished for the Bahamian people throughout his many years in politics. As was the case while he served in previous Ingraham-led cabinets, Brent will do nothing as Minister of Immigration to help deal with the real issues underlying our illegal immigrant problems. From the standpoint of Minnis and the FNM party, Brent's only purpose is to "open doors" that might not otherwise be opened in terms of fund raising and some small influence in dealing with matters involving the U.S. and certain other foreign governments. Frankly we would all be better off if Minnis chucked Brent overboard and kept him away from active politics

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My2centz 6 years, 9 months ago on Stopping migrants 'not as easy as it looks'

It's not hard either...there's a reason they're not flocking to Jamaica, Cuba or even Long Island. They need to impose extreme fines on illegal entrants and their enablers and not give officials leeway for "stern warnings" in lieu of.. . Secondly, leaders need to lead logically and not like emotional basket cases because of their personal lineage or to be "humanatarians". The Bahamas is a country, not a charity. Do not tell them if they're born here they're automatically entitled to Bahamian citizenship it's not true. It only encourages them to take the risk. And do not build low cost housing for their now adult offspring. Some already believe by just making it here, they're entitled to free land...this validates that. Ie Stop making illegals feel entitled.

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SP 11 years, 9 months ago on MP: 'Sub-set of Bahamians are unemployable'

As an employer, I must agree with Mr. Pinder, there are untold numbers of individuals that are indeed unemployable.

However, it is not fair for all you geniuses with full bellies and fat butts to sit on your high horses and blame these people or their parents’ procreation for their problems.

The bottom line here is successive governments totally failed in education of the populace. The fact that a child even today can finish school unable to read or write at 4th grade level cannot be blamed on the child but is an indictment on a failed system.

After all, the child does not promote himself to higher grades each year...Does he?

Complaining and pointing fingers at this point is non productive and a waste of time.

The only solution now is the creation of serious vocational training programs to teach these many thousands of people skills and trades perhaps using existing school campuses as locations.

This is a major problem for the government of the day that will not be easily resolved. It is impossible to fix 40 years of political stupidity and failure in 5 years.

I sincerely hope they are up to the task of at least heading in the right direction to solve this issue.

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ADubbs 11 years, 9 months ago on MP: 'Sub-set of Bahamians are unemployable'

We may be largely unemployed, but we're not stupid. We don't need Pinder to tell us these things. It would be nice the government would step up and DO something. Training programs, incentives to private businesses hiring young people, diversification of the economy, encouraging investment in family islands... When will we some solutions?

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SP 11 years, 9 months ago on Tourists robbed at downtown night spot

One day the moron "concernedcitizen" that continually harps on the irresponsible sexually of blacks will learn he has succumbed hook, line and sinker to brainwashing and simply parroting white racist sentiments of long ago.

In a nutshell, the problem here stems from 40 years of neglect by successive governments to address our failed educational system complicated by stifled domestic growth and virtually no economic diversification.

This combination, resulted in the "perfect storm" for criminality growth as great numbers of individuals are not mentally prepared to positively contribute to society due to the lack of education, skills and most of all opportunity.

Cuba and many other countries as examples with virtually zero illiteracy but less opportunity have comparative birth rates but substantially less crime due to individuals ability to use knowledge, reasoning ability and skills.

Education or the lack thereof seconded only by the nonexistence of opportunity is the main driving force of increased crime in any culture.

So please shut your ignorant pie hole about the root cause of crime being caused by babies having babies, which is a global phenomenon that have been with us and will continue to be with us and the whole world until the end of time.

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SP 11 years, 5 months ago on Griffin warns of poverty rise

Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin seems surprised of the fast growing reliance on government assistance.

This is a direct result of the Idiotic, dumb FNM policy of selling $40M in work permits to over 25,000 foreign blue collar workers.

Blue collar workers are the backbone of an economy base on the sheer volume of them, whose "spend trickles up" through an economy.

Remove indigenous blue collar workers or displace them with foreign workers that "do not spend locally" and the economy crumble from the bottom up, as we are now experiencing.

The double whammy that will very soon become undeniably evident, is these foreign blue collar workers not only do not spend in the local economy, they also repatriate most of their earning to home countries in U.S. currency, putting extreme pressure on foreign reserves.

No wonder the IMF, S&P and Moody’s' branded Hubert Ingraham as the "worse leader in the region".

1 Vote

HarryWyckoff 11 years, 3 months ago on PM challenge on VAT alternatives

Blah blah.

All you folks whining on an internet comment thread have two options if you don't like this.

Rise up, or shut up.

This is your country. You voted for these people, and at the end of the day, they are accountable to you.

Do nothing, and YOU let this happen.

Now log off, and go make a difference.

Apathy is the root of all evil doers.

2 Vote

bismark 11 years, 3 months ago on Minnis: Tragedy could have been avoided if planes were working

we have allowed this problem to fester under both administrations,the Bahamas is to small to accommodate all of these illegals,i am no fan of Bran Mcartney,but he had the right strategy,raid every day,they are right in front of us,in the bushes ,over the hill,the inner city they are everywhere,they do not contribute anything to this society but take away,have you ever seen them paying light bill or water and sewerage?they don't shop in the major food stores,they do not spend any of the money they made in our economy but yet they get our health care for free,schooling for free,they don't pay for anything and its been going on for two long,we need to raid everyday,if Bahamians who hire these illegals 10000 dollar fine,they wouldn't hire them again.

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rory 11 years, 3 months ago on Minnis: Tragedy could have been avoided if planes were working

Same thing PAPA did, and those before him. It may be an issue, but it's nothing new. Just glad I wasn't dumb enough to vote for the PEE ELLE PEE or EFFIN EMM last election - I would be slapping myself in the face right about now. :)

3 Vote

SP 11 years, 3 months ago on Minnis: Tragedy could have been avoided if planes were working

Just because successive lousy PLP & FNM governments gave away work permits and citizenships to Haitians like candy does not make it right.

Haitian business's only hire Haitian nationals. Haitians have a system of working for Bahamians until they learn a trade, then they undermine the employer, quit the job and offer the same services at reduced cost, putting the Bahamian out of work.

Have you ever seen a Haitian begging in the streets? Meanwhile 30,000 Bahamians have been reduced to beggars’, thieves and prostitutes for survival.

How the hell can Haitians earning $1.00 per day in Haiti afford $3,000.00 to smuggle themselves into the Bahamas? THEY CANNOT.

Haitian work permit holders and Haitian-Bahamians send funds to Haiti to bring other family members and friends to the Bahamas, find jobs and housing for them upon arrival and have them repay the loan with interest.

We cannot sit back and allow our country to be further over run with these people or the next step will be the formation of their own political party. If they out number us they will VOTE BAHAMIANS OUT OF GOVERNMENT.




1 Vote

SP 11 years, 3 months ago on Minnis: Tragedy could have been avoided if planes were working

It is a total fallacy that If Bahamians have a choice; they will hire a Haitian over a Bahamian.

People use the "cop out" that Bahamian workers are lazy, unproductive and tief from you and Haitians are honest, hard workers to justify themselves for hiring cheap labour and having their ass's kissed and seeing big nigger smiles every time they look at "their Haitian".

After 14 years in business I can truthfully say Haitians are much lazier than Bahamians, spend much more time standing around engrossed in conversations and or on cell phones, work at a snail’s pace or not at all as soon as you turn your back, cannot follow instructions without constant supervision and will steal more "time which is the COSTLIEST” and greatest asset of any business.

If the PLP and FNM had properly governed the country Bahamians (and expats who hire as many Haitians as possible for cheap labour and grinning servitude) would not have the opportunity of profiting from Haitians and we wouldn't have the problem.

The main culprits here are the PLP & FNM with their secret deals with Haiti and the U.N.

U.K. business's have the opportunity of hiring cheap labour from poor E.U. countries and have done so. However, Prime Minister David Camerons' government recognize the obvious pitfalls of social decay and mass unemployment this has already caused so far for U.K. citizens and are moving swiftly to close loopholes and prevent a similar disaster the Bahamas is facing today.

100% blame unquestionably rest with successive governments.

They totally mismanaged the economy and led the country into the deep stinky quagmire we now find ourselves in on EVERY FRONT.

Continuing to engage Haitians is a recipe for FURTHER disaster that even the blind, dumb, stupid and staunch can see.

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SP 11 years, 3 months ago on Minnis: Tragedy could have been avoided if planes were working

Government is too comprised with deals and agreements with Haiti to do anything.

Has ANY GOVERNMENT EVER exposed to "WE THE PEOPLE" the terms of dozens of "bilateral" agreements made with Haiti in the past 40 years?

What can they have possibly been negociating so much with the poorest country in the hemisphere?

All Haiti has is 9,893,934 people......ALL WANTING TO GET OUT.

What happens when ANOTHER 100,000 Haitians infiltrate the Bahamas?

We already proved over the past 40 years that we cannot solve the problem with talk and civility to the PLP & FNM.


READ below what Thailand IS DOING NOW to resolve an issue their prime minister refused to deal with......



4 Vote

SP 11 years, 3 months ago on Minnis: Tragedy could have been avoided if planes were working

The PLP and FNM have not only ignored our demands to effectively deal with the Haitian invasion, they have obviously made secret deals with Haiti and the U.N. to assist Haitians.

"WE THE PEOPLE" have no other alternative to save our country for future generations except to take immediate action OURSELVES against this Haitian invasion.

Firstly, as a business owner, I will NOT HIRE any Haitian, WITH or WITHOUT work permits.

Secondly, I also will NOT HIRE any Haitian-Bahamians or anyone with HAITIAN ROOTS, as these people are the main facilitators of illegal Haitian migration, have loyalty to Haiti not the Bahamas, only hire other Haitians in their business's and benefit from narco loans to buy Bahamian assets which they then only trade with Haitians.

Both PLP and FNM are too deeply compromised to deal with this invasion of Haitians.

Bahamians will have to pull together just as Haitians pull together to help our Bahamian brothers and sisters if we are to survive as a people. Our Government is PROVEN USELESS!

The U.K. is facing the exact same problems as we are. However, Prime Minister David Cameron is a REAL PRIME MINISTER taking REAL STEPS to protect the U.K. and her citizens from migrants from poorer EU states that threaten to destabilize Britain and overwhelm social services, schools etc.

Please see article below which shows what a REAL LEADER does to protect a country:


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newcitizen 10 years, 10 months ago on Debate to open on marijuana?

Forget just medical use, lets get on with legalizing and taxing it. We can make some money from marijuana instead of spending incredible amounts on police, courts, and jails. Police can use the time and resources to catch violent criminals. Legalizing it mean that gangs no longer have control over the market weakening them. Lets get on with it. The rest of the world is moving in this direction. Are we going to lead or follow?

6 Vote

asiseeit 9 years ago on PM may face ‘committal’ over Blackbeard’s Cay

If the government does not obey their own laws why should any other Bahamian obey them? This government wonders why we have a crime problem, if they would look in the mirror they will see the main cause of our lawless society, themselves. The government is direct the cause of the breakdown of the rule of law in this country. This is what you get when you have a government that is corrupt, immoral, unethical, and biased. Wake up Bahamas, you have a government that is destroying your country from the inside. Your children will ask you one day why you allowed them to do so.

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Sickened 9 years ago on PM may face ‘committal’ over Blackbeard’s Cay

Mr. Smith I don't always agree with you but I certainly wish you well in getting Perry and Gray imprisoned. Their imprisonment would reflect poorly on The Bahamas but I think that it is the best thing for all Bahamians.

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MonkeeDoo 9 years ago on PM may face ‘committal’ over Blackbeard’s Cay

birdiestrachan: I hope that you will be able to witness the Service and the Supreme Court committal. In 1649 King Charles, King of England, was put to death by the people of England so putting Christie and Gray in Jail for contempt is nothing big or new. The result of a subsequent Commission of Inquiry might lead to a charge of Treason and that might lead to death by hanging. Maybe for a lot more that these two.

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BahamianDiaspora 10 years, 9 months ago on D.N.A. to join march for freedom of information

This goes beyond any party politics. This is a Bahamian issue. Without this, our country will not develop!

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John 10 years, 9 months ago on Cash silent on reports of wife being fired by bank

If this so and Mrs. Cash was fired for telling hard working Bahamian people what was going on with their money at BoB, (basically that their money was getting t'ief), then Bahamian people need to stand up, PLP, FNM, DNA, Independent against this government. Put party politics aside and stand up for democracy and what is right. Those responsible are not worthy and should be kicked out of government... They tie'fin and askin Bahamians to pay more taxes..kick them out!

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Bahamianpride 10 years, 7 months ago on Crowds march in support of Nygard

Colonial slave mentalities on display, each one should be photographed individually, identified and shamed for having the morals of a $10.00 whore.