FORMER prime minister Hubert Ingraham has warned that the Christie administration’s “tedious, vexatious” efforts to revisit the Baha Mar deal may have serious consequences for the Bahamas.
Mr Ingraham noted that the government’s commitment to pay more than $45 million for infrastructural work was part of the initial agreement signed in 2005 – on the watch of the first Christie-led government.
The former Prime Minister said he is “saddened to see the good name of the Bahamas as a trustworthy and transparent jurisdiction in which to conduct business threatened” by an attempt to delay meeting a valid financial obligation.
“I submit that the harm this action portends for the Bahamian people and their economic prospects by the destruction of goodwill and trustworthiness that it represents may be unimaginable,” Mr Ingraham said.
Click HERE for the full text of Mr Ingraham's letter.
TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago
Hubert breakes his; I'll go away promise. Comrade leader Minnis was mistaken in his belief that he'd no longer be overshadowed by Hubert's grip on the red shirts. Why would Minnis having previously worked for Hubert have ever thought that Hubert would voluntarily be “locked away quietly in some Cooper's Town warehouse? What is it about Abaco politicians that is making them be running all over Minnis's leadership? Seems it will take more than four padlocks to finally shut the former PM the hell up. I wonder if Hubert and Edison been out fish'in together? My Dear Comrades listen to me. The apology called for by "Cooper's Town" Hubert is ridiculous. Maybe by now my many critics who keep preaching for me to leave the "retired" former PM alone, cause he is well retired and out of the meddling political spotlight , will press their "Hubert leadership" reset buttons. Is this the same Hubert who was so vindictive against his former law partner when he bragged to the world how he was reviewing, revoking and outright canceling ALL contracts entered into by PM Christie? Lord knows I would have loved to leave him to be, but is this really a former PM in retirement? Let me remind the red shirts that AFTER they lost the Cooper's Town By-election, their new leader Minnis had this to say about Hubert; “I also want to say thanks for the support that we got from the former Prime Minister and I want to wish him the best in going forth in his retirement, I hope that he enjoys retirement, said Dr Minnis. The Ingraham factor will now be BEHIND US and we must see the new FNM moving forward and the direction I want to take them." My Comrades was it OK when the Hubert regime revised an agreement with the foreigner I-Group but not for PM Christie to only pay what the government believes to be due and payable to Baha Mar? The same Hubert regime which held a media displayed vindictive attitude against Freeport's economy? Now, will the real embarrassment as Bahamaland's PM, please step forward. Ask the thousands of Bahamalanders who were left with a broken economy and fighting to keep from having there mortgages foreclosed, what they really think about the real record of the Hubert regime? Ask the merchants who are arming themselves against the criminals, what they really think about Hubert and Tommy T's handling of criminals? Does Hubert really think he should have been reelected PM? Comrade Hubert may I remind you that you did say; Upon my return to leadership seven years ago, I promised to stay in office as long as I could or as long as the Bahamian people would have me." Truth is the majority of Bahamalanders, including many in your own party, said they would have you no more. What is there about' " Hubert please go away" that you will never understand?
banker 11 years, 5 months ago
Yawn. All very nice, but way off topic. Your addiction to Hubert Alexander Ingraham is overwhelming. You need help. I swear that next I will read a story in the news about you abducting HAI, take him camping in the Idaho wilderness so that he can be all yours, and then the FBI (and the RDBF) rescuing him by shooting you.
What was the topic? Oh yeah. Perry Gladstone Christie shouldn't welch on payments to Baha Mar. It gives the Bahamas a bad name. Especially since Perry signed the agreement. Of course your moral compass is blind to the perfidy of the PLP. But Comrade Tal, you seem to be a man of God in spite of your communist leanings. I urge you to open your King James Bible and read Matthew 7:3-5.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
i knew if the topic had anything to do w/ HAI Tals would be the first lengthy poster ,,
TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago
Scripture quoting Comrade Banker, I shall laugh off your final solution plans for me. Why do you look at the little speck in this Comrade brother's eye but will not consider doing the same for the lost in the wilderness up in Cooper's Town Hubert? it would do both you and brother Mathew good to look at them all specked up eyes of the former PM. They point to an all out red shirts leadership return. God bless your, a little to vengeful heart.
banker 11 years, 5 months ago
Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. I just cannot abide the criminality, small-mindedness and corruption of this PLP government, who is making our home, our archipelago of islands in the sun, into the laughingstock of the world.
The tendency of all Bahamians to suspend their moral compass when it comes to the PLP is astounding. They would be shocked at the huge intelligence file that the Chinese have on Mitchell and consul Miller and their proclivities. You would be shocked at the transactions of one said Obediah and the amounts of pilfered money stashed in the US. You would be astounded at a leader who almost broke his neck hurrying to the bloodied but still warm corpse of a purse designer, to remove his photograph from the bedside table. The list goes on. The closet full of money. The Rolex Watch. There is not even a corollary to any of this with the Red Shirts who actually built things and did stuff while in power. But you will never see and and you are part of the problem. Mene, mene, tekel upharsin.
John 11 years, 5 months ago
This cannot be the father of the STOP, REVIEW and CANCEL policy speaking..tell me the Tribune was mistaken. The FNM brought the country to an economic standstill when they implemented their policy of stopping, reviewing and cancelling contracts they met in place signed off by the government that preceded them. And what about this BTC contract that they carved into stone and sold the Bahamians out to C&W. This company has choked no less than $30 MILLION out of persons who sell their phone cards and Top Up by reducing margins from 25% TO 9%...AND 515 OF THIS MONEY IS BEING EXPORTED OUT OF THIS COUNTRY...TELL HAI TO FIX THAT!
UserOne 11 years, 5 months ago
TalRussell, Ingraham has the right to comment on what is taking place in the country just as the rest of us do. He is no longer the PM, but he is a citizen like everyone else and affected by government decisions. As to your seemingly huge fear of him coming back as PM, even IF he wanted to, he cannot do that unless people VOTE him in. John, HAI cannot fix anything now, the people voted to replace him, remember?
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
can you stop w/ the phone card nonsense ,,geez give it a rest already ,,the treasury is getting double the money it did from BEC before CWC fix dat
John 11 years, 5 months ago
@ call it nonsense maybe only because you are ignorant to the facts. Do you know how many persons this has affected? Persons who were willing to brave the elements and put in long hours, honest days work that you claim Bahamians don't want to do, were able to make ends meet by selling phone cards. Before C&W took over if they sold $3,000 worth of cards a week they could make a $450.00 to pay their bills. Now with C&W in charge they can only make $180.00 if they sell $3,000 cards, but yet C&W brags that they have doubled their profits to the government and you took it in hook, line and sinker. In fact I challenged you to name THREE legitimate business owners who were satisfied with what they were making from BTC but you never responded...put up or shut up..
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
i,m for privatization and planned parenthood ,,talk to be in 20 yrs when we are Haiti and Jamaica ,,more babies then jobs ,haiti ,,,jamaica ,detroit ,,,,parts of africa ,brazil ,,IT DOESN,T WORK ,,,,,LOOK AT COUNTRIES W/ STABLE BIRTH RATES ,,GERMANY ,,,,,THE NETHERLANDS ,,BERMUDA ,,ALL ELSE IS JUST TALK WHEN THE RESULTS ARE INEVITABLE AND PROVEN ,,,,,,,,
TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago
Like he fix anything from 2007 to 2012? Would you call Hubert to fix anyone's financial plumbing? Comrades you must know by now, that I have never purposelessly commented on the private lives of any politician or private citizen. I view such weakness as a Tribune Bloggers Poverty. Hubert strutted through the daily lives of Bahamalanders as our PM for 15 years. He made himself a public official and it is only in this context would I feel justified in discussing his "true" record. In Hubert's "not so retired" world, he sure as sure hell doesn't seem to be bothered, when his loyalists in the media are singing his praises for his 15 years in office. Comrades I need not remind you that Hubert is an interesting man, so interesting he constantly attacks a long-dead Pindling? How could it be, that here he is front and center, grabbing media headlines, yet some resort to quoting the bible to make me out as if I am the one dredging up old politics. You'd think I'm the one holding some grudge. When Hubert went into exile the first time he was busy plotting to remove Tommy T's leadership. Comrades it's not my fault that Hubert keeps encouraging me on to find him an genuinely interesting politician. Which among you would be willing to bet the family home that he will not be back? Personally, I do like the man, not his style of always playing politics. How could you possibly like the political style of a PM, who would stand in a park before his supporters after winning the 1992 General Election, shouting out like a crazy man. "Pindling car gone ... he maid gone …he cook gone?" Then the tow truck was dispatched to repossess Pindling's government car. Comrades you can't just make such ridiculous up. It is the revengeful record left behind by the red shirts leader. And, Bahamalanders have long memories, go'in way beyond the 2017 General Elections. You red shirts need find an all new, progressive, inclusive political route to follow, not Hubert's old ways. He PM aspirations ship sank in May 2012. It sunken alright but not a sunken treasure.
banker 11 years, 5 months ago
HAI didn't have the cojones to go far enough. Not only should he have taken his car, but his house and his money. Pindling should have been jailed. It is our eternal shame that our founding father was a crook, a drug runner and tief who stole the patrimony of all Bahamians and made us all morally poor and ethically bankrupt. Our history is tainted and continues to be tainted to this day, by the criminal racketeering organisation called the PLP.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
FACTSPOLICE 11 years, 5 months ago
Report of the Commission of Inquiry, Appointed to Inquire Into the Illegal Use of the Bahamas for the Transshipment of Dangerous Drugs Destined for the United States of America, November 1983-December 1984 , Volume 1 HAI should have done what he was suppose to do and prosecute the former PLP PM, we all know what happened. If he did, he would have had an even bigger legacy. Its a shame he did not, but Bahamians seem to have forgotten. We should name the Airport "Knighty Knowles", since he claims to have helped many persons in our society, but is a know drug dealer, then what about the numbers guys, we should give them all the praise because they knew that it was illegal, but no prosecutions! even though the now PM PGC order the numbers shop closed!
HAI is in a league all by himself, so please do not suggest he was worst than the current PM! HAI was and is the best Prime Minister this country has ever seen, so no matter how much that Tal rant and rave, intelligent voters know better.
We are better off under a FNM Government period! until we can see another viable Honest group of politicians. We do not want leaders who cheat on their wives, or have dubious backgrounds; certainly the USA voters would have been demanding that this current embarassing corrupt group of children step down! Imagine that Nygard video being President Obama, you would have a civil uproar. So much for that Christian one stands up for Jesus at the end of the day.
The Hon. Hubert Alexander Ingraham, I say to you that you are a great man, not perfect, a human being, but a Superior Leader! We need you back!
TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago
How many UBP families were called for to be imprisoned for outright corruption while in power? Comrades would it be fair comment if I were to point out that some of the same UBP offspring families now connected with the red shirts have not only played a major role in financing the three Hubert regimes rise to power, but have received under Hubert's regime most controversial government contracts, including exclusive licensing concessions? When we connect the dots to their families money, what do we run into? Allow me to educate/remind you, by taking you back to 1966-67, when the British government sent a Royal Commission of Inquiry to Nassau to investigate charges of widespread corruption in the Bahamian political system. The four-man commission was headed by Sir Ranulph Bacon, who had recently retired as deputy commander of Scotland Yard. The commission reported that the United Bahamian Party, previously in government, had been a front for "mob-affiliated" american casino interests, and that former Premier Sir Roland Symonette and influential tourism minister Sir Stafford Sands, and some others, had ALL received large payments from the casino and resort businesses they had permitted to operate. Comrades if you are now going to hold PM Christie responsible for the sins Pindling may have committed, then wasn't Hubert in the PLP at the same time? If PM Christie is to be held accountable for Pindling's alleged sins, then shouldn't we act unfairly by holding the children of the corrupt UBP's, equally accountable to Bahamalanders? You tell me? Personally, the sins of the father are not the sins of the children. But you tell me?
john33xyz 11 years, 5 months ago
Wow - I have never seen so many people go so far off topic on this Tribune thing or anywhere else before in my life.
The point is simple.
Right now the PLP says they have 3 finalists in the works (one will be picked) to run the casino at Lucaya in Grand Bahama.
If all 3 of them tomorrow announce publicly that they withdraw their offers because now they know that no matter what agreement they finally sign and the government signs for them to manage and run the casino and bring employment and some prosperity to G.B. - a few months down the road the whole thing (or important parts of it) could be changed by the same government - or changed when a new govt is elected.
They would say they now realize that when the Bahamas government agrees IN WRITING to something - it is a meaningless and valueless document that cannot be relied upon for anything.
In such an environment nobody can do business.
Hence they will take their casino management companies elsewhere.
If there is no such report in the Tribune by Friday (because the 3 companies do not say that) then they are even stupider than Baha Mar is for continuing operations and construction there this week while this question hangs in the air. Everything at the cable beach development should have come to a standstill this morning while they await on a new Heads of Agreement to be printed out and a new signing ceremony (public) to be held. Anything short of that is just silly.
SP 11 years, 5 months ago
Hubert Ingraham stupidly sold BTC, a strategic national asset, at a ridicules undervalued price with no performance or out clauses' to a known incompetent C&W then runs away and hides in total silence when the poop hit's the fan.
Now he thinks he can poke his head out of his hole with advise and warning to the PLP?
The PLP may not be the answer to the countries many age old failures, but Hubert Ingraham has effectively shot himself and the FNM squarely in the ass, rendering them null and void on any issue of national importance.
Most Bahamians have had more than enough of Hubert Ingraham and the FNM as clearly proven in the last election.
Hubert needs to learn from President George W. Bush...Go away and SHUT UP. We are not interested in Huberts' opinions.
Netty2283 11 years, 5 months ago
It is virtually impossible to silence a superior leader like HAI!
The last election proves nothing! Face it clear and square. That election comprised of bribery and vindication...but be reminded HAI warned everyone.
Perry & the PLP is taking this country on a roller coaster to HELL!
It really urks my soul to see how low, negly and ungrateful some Bahamians can be. It is said that PLP's are low class people...which are use to 'hand me outs'.
Stop focusing on the 'Simply The Best Prime Minister'...He has done a whole lot and there are those who appreciate him for it!
His voice still echoes in this nation!
Netty2283 11 years, 5 months ago
You are entitled to your own opinion! The only brainwashed people here are the PLP regime...Pindling did a number on you people seem to can't see beyond the outside toilets and lack of infrastructure and superstructure!
Perry & the PLP suck!...Aweful governance...
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
our prolific baby making is making nassau a larger and larger ghetto ,,keep making more babies then jobs and Jamaica and Haiti are the results
abacogrouper 11 years, 5 months ago
Based on the hundreds of article-based comments that I have read on the Tribune's online editions, I am convinced that TalRussell 'gets off' when talking or reading about the former Prime Minister (HAI). I have never observed such obsession with one individual. His bathroom must be littered with proudly mounted pictures of this individual.
Netty2283 11 years, 5 months ago
In total agreement!
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 5 months ago
Love him or hate him, Hubert Ingraham has a perspective that only one other living person in the entire world has. It seems ridiculous to me to expect him to be silent. Nothing dictates that his advice should be taken. At a minimum it could be weighed in the balances for any merit.
I read his letter and it seemed to make sense...~our good name and our solemn word are invaluable, take care in performing any action that might damage either.
As to what he did when he was in office, stop review and cancel etc., I don't believe it disqualifies him. The father who stumbles along the way can wisely tell his child to avoid the path that he has chosen. The fact that he himself has stumbled does not negate the wisdom of his words.
John 11 years, 5 months ago
The biggest problems in this country is that one, we do not know how to put party politics aside for the good of the country and,two, we still worship the foreign investor as lord and saviour. When will the day come when there will be smooth and seemless transitions beteeen governments in this country? Why can't prime ministers and former prime ministers consult each other on matters of national importance without trying to score political points? If HAI had a genuine interest in the issues with Bah Mar why couldn't he contact the PM's office directly? And when are we going to stop using a different yardstick to measure the foreign investor as opposed to Bahamians. True we have many who come here and take a genuine interest in this country but still, on the other hand, We have many who come here, hood wink and bamboozle the government of the day, make millions, then pack their bags and flee,owing the government or Bahamian workers millions or some environmental mess to clean up sometimes scandal even.
John 11 years, 5 months ago
One of the warped government policies is where they allow a foreign owned hotel power to stay on when they owe BEC $10. Million but they disconnect the lil mom and pop store in farm road for $300. In fact BEC and national insurance were probably more responsible collectively (not even to include the road works) for more small businesses closing down over the past three years than the recession itself. When efforts were made to inform the former pm about the scandal going on at BEC where they were disconnecting customers every three weeks to benefit (enrich) workers he had already lost his ear for the Bahamian people. And despite the improvements and exposures by Leslie Miller some of this is still going on.BEC could not survive with more than 6000 of its consumers disconnected on a consistent basis and to hear a former executive of the corporation say they (management) saw it *disconnections) as a revenue generating exercise leads one to wobder.
John 11 years, 5 months ago
Michael Moss said they used consumer disconnections as a revenue generating exercise, rather than a means of revenue protection. But did BECever conduct a study to determine how much revenue the corporation was losing per day or week or month when 6,000 consumers were disconnected? Did they compare this with the $150,000.00 maximum they could make by disconnecting 6000 consumers? and the fact that the disconnectors were the ones who benefitted, some taking home $120, 000.00 a year? No one is disputing that when a consumers account becomes delinquent BEC must take action to *protect * its revenue, but to use it as a revenue generating exercise? no wonder the corporation is on the brink of bankruptcy.
Philosopher_King 11 years, 5 months ago
The former PM needs shut the hell up and to stop kowtowing to foreign investors after he eviscerated the local business community through his Stop, Review & Cancel policy, poorly implemented road works disaster and NIB targeted witch hunt during an unprecedented economic recession. Those of you making excuses for his incompetence in taking those misguided actions only adversely affected Bahamians so that makes it okay; need to seek immediate psychological help for the low self-esteem issues you suffer from. If Baha Mar has a legitimate grievance with the government's assessed value of the road works then show through credible documented appraisal the cost of the work is worth what they claim. For the agreement if it was negotiated in a fair and equitable manner has to have a clause that gives the government the right to reasonably assess the value of the works and the investor a mechanism to seek redress(Through arbitration, mediation or the judicial system) if it's differs from theirs significantly. For with out that then the foreign investor holds the upper hand to gain a unfair profit by inflating the actual cost of works completed and is merely taking advantage of we the Bahamian people once again.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 5 months ago
I repeat:
Love him or hate him, Hubert Ingraham has a perspective that only one other living person in the entire world has. It is ridiculous to ask him to be silent. Nothing says you have to abide by his advice. Listening and weighing the merit of his words hurts nobody.
I read the full text of his letter and it seems like absolute sense. Basically, our name, word are invaluable take care when performing any action that might damage it.
The fact that he made mistakes does not disqualify his message. Someone who fell into a pit can tell you just how fast to run and far to jump to avoid the same fate
TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago
Putting aside all my emotions, I'd advise Comrade Opp Leader Minnis to act smart and hung a quality set them cow bells around Hubert's neck. No telling when he's go'in make his move to regain the red shirts leadership. Had Tommy T hung them cow bells he couldn't have snook-up on him, like a thief of his leadership in the night. No tell'in when he cometh not. Minnis think cow bells, cow bells. Ain't none that ... if Hubert be cometh ... but when? Even more than Minnis, who will be disappointed in Hunert, it'll shatter Bran's and Loretta's hearts into a thousandth pieces. No tell'in, if a stay up at Sandilands is in them two's future?
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 5 months ago
Damn the man write one letter and erryone gone crazy! Now that's power. Maybe he should look at running again....
Lord knows no PM has gotten even close to him in terms of results.
abacogrouper 11 years, 5 months ago
I concur... it's amazing how one man has so many people 'waters on'! It's laughable.
SP 11 years, 5 months ago
The electorate has spoken loud and clear and the majority decided Hubert Ingraham is not wanted.
Hubert Ingraham showed his true colors and utter lack of respect for Bahamians with the ultimate insult of inviting Haitian President Michel Martelly to Nassau to rally Haitians against Bahamians at the polls.
This one man band clown should be tried for treason!
Hubert obviously has a very limited memory capacity in that 10 gallon head of his, or maybe he thinks we are stupid enough to forget his Haitian love affair.
Crawl back into your hole Hubert Ingraham. We will never forget the FNM's favoritism towards Haitians at the expense of tax paying, indigenous, deserving Bahamians.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 5 months ago
Can you spell fickle? Moses had the same problem with the Israelites...I am sure some people today are wishing for the good ole days...may not be a majority today but only God knows what happens in 3 years...
Frustrating isn't it?
TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago
Rung them Hubert cow bells.…
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
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