ON May 7, 2013, it will be one year since Perry Christie led the Progressive Liberal Party to victory in the 2012 General Election.
One year on, how has the new government fared?
The PLP made a number of promises, some of which were to be completed within 100 days, others due in the course of its term in office.
How has the government dealt with the big issues - the economy, crime, education, health, transportation and the digital age?
Immigration, the environment, National Insurance and taxation have all come under the spotlight since the election.
The new government kept its promises to launch Project Safe Bahamas and Urban Renewal 2; to create a Ministry of Grand Bahama, re-establish a Ministry of Financial Services and Investments and reduce Stamp Tax. It held a referendum on legalising web shops and establishing a national lottery.
Has the PLP delivered on its pledges over other issues?
In April last year, the now Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis, told a rally in Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera: “Vote PLP. Vote for a PLP government that is ready to create 10,000 immediate new jobs for young Bahamians.”
What has the record on unemployment been?
The Mortgage Relief Plan was launched but failed to help any homeowners facing foreclosure.
What happened to the opposition, the FNM and the DNA, in the wake of their defeat by the PLP?
We want to know your views on the government’s successes and failures over the past 12 months.
If you have an opinion, post your comment below or email newsroom@tribunemedia.net and share your views.
Honeybun 11 years, 4 months ago
The only thing I can say this government has done was the re-launching of Urban Renewal 2.0 which is working in some instances in my opinion. The mortgage relief plan was bogus from the start, crime is increasing by the minute and many people are still unemployed. But this is nothing new, the PLP is and has always been a failure...you're welcome!
bookiedread 11 years, 4 months ago
It seems as though Mr. Christie and his party came to office with a chip on their shoulders and no plan as to how to run this country. They have borrowed an exuberant amount of money and are still blaming Mr. Ingraham. Their mortgage relief venture was a total bust and well, I won't even go there with the so called opinion poll. They remain clueless on how to deal with the crime problem in this country and Urban Renewal seems just a waste of human resources for the Royal Bahamas Police Force. In short, this first year of governance for the PLP government has been a total failure. The Bahamian people have seemed to have lost faith in this government. Maybe it's time for a change.
4carmel 11 years, 4 months ago
Well! The Bahamian people got what they deserved. They voted on a hype of loud music and dancing in the streets. No one took the time to analyze indepth the character and financial background of who they were voting for. Gold Rush cannot pay bills, keep you in your home or improve the way and lfe of the people. Too late to lament in sorrow... 4 years is along way off. I hope they are putting the murders etc on billboards like they did to the past goverment,
islander242 11 years, 4 months ago
"Gold Rush cannot pay bills, keep you in your home or improve the way and lfe of the people."
So true.......so so true my friend
TalRussell 11 years, 4 months ago
While PM Chrsitie has made missteps during his first 12 months in office, the question should be asked; Can it touch the Hoax played out upon Bahamaland and her people, by the Hubert regime?
No PLP minister was fired, although it appears that when it comes to getting the National Insurance Board Minister Shane to reveal what is in that expense report on the NIB, that he has been sitting on for weeks, it would be easier to get the secret service to reveal the secret codes necessary for the President to begin launching warheads against an incoming first strike nuclear attack on the United States?
Stapedius 11 years, 4 months ago
Back to blame game we go. As far as I'm concerned its not even about party. Because I think supporters of both major parties feel let down and disappointed. Not matter what side your on it seems like there's a circle of people in this country who only take care of there own. This goes across party lines. It really is sickening. They cut dirty deals and we suffer for it. Meanwhile their kids get the best education and opportunities. Something has to happen in this country.
John 11 years, 4 months ago
It sure aint no government ih the sunshine..more like 'the great deception.' government seems lost for ideas and direction.
Danie 11 years, 4 months ago
By far the most disappointing action this government has taken ,( besides stir up the unnecessary drama about gambling) is the proposed cutbacks to education. With the amount of crime, social issues and unemployment etc in our country the absolute last place the Government should have cut back was the education budget. Increasing the education,awareness and skills of our population will be the only way we can move forward. Wouldn't it be nice if instead of producing criminals, we would excel at creating individuals who are skilled,responsible,aware,productive and proud of their country?
SP 11 years, 4 months ago
The PLP has been virtually "dead in the water" since taking office and has lost the confidence of even many staunch supporters.
The governments failure and inability to deal with the big issues - the economy, Immigration, crime, tourism, education, health, transportation, the digital age, National Insurance and taxation after 1 year in office is a telltail sign the Christie administration is too far out of touch with reality.
The Vincent Vanderpool Wallace cover-up smacks of corruption. With the former Minister of tourism knowing the deeds of present Ministers corrupt dealings & rendering them unable to deal with the matter without themselves being exposed as well
Which of the two parties would any right thinking person trust to negociate an oil deal on behalf of Bahamians?
NEITHER? So why do we these pirates?
We should very seriously examine Bermudas' example, as they had the same 40 years of corrupt political stupidity.
Bermuda resolved the problem by forming a 3rd party (OBA) "One Bermuda Alliance" which won the government December 2012 and IMMEDIATELY made sweeping changes to the benefit of the majority, not just the chosen normal few friends family and lovers.
See their platform and decide for yourselves: http://www.oba.bm/index.php/our-plan
CArmbrister 11 years, 4 months ago
Grade G for "Garbage".
PKMShack 11 years, 4 months ago
They did what even their supporters knew they would do,,,,NOTHING and they have nothing to show for doing NOTHING. Thats your PLP ......Next time vote with your heads and not you color flag......Now time to party,,,,gas up the trucks, mount the DJ systems, turn up the music, drive around making noise and give out some free tings and their supporters will vote for them again.....My poor country
TimeForChange 11 years, 4 months ago
My views on this present government is they have failed in everything which is no surprise if you failed once then you will fail again. Perry Christie and the rest of his so called members don't have a clue as to what to do in these crucial times, Christie never had a solution to the problems this country faced, the only thing he is good at is talking a bunch of bull and making a bunch of promises that he knows he cannot and will not keep. He campaigned on crime and now the crime rate is more out of control than before and who should be blamed for this well the FNM is not in power anymore so maybe we should place the blame on the shoulders of Christie. But it is not even about blaming anyone its about fixing the problems this country faces and they have failed to do so. If he and his party was elected to do a job then get to work and do your damn job or get the hell out of politics!
bismark 11 years, 4 months ago
The voice of the people is the voice of god.they wanted the PLP and they got it,hook line and sinker;only an idiot had to believe that bull what the PLP campaigned on,but alas they were so fed up with Hubert Ingraham they would have believed anything,Huberts gone now,i would like to know who they are going to blame now?
TimeForChange 11 years, 4 months ago
So true bismark! I guess the people who voted PLP now seeing the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
John 11 years, 4 months ago
If something drastic does not happen in the next year or so, either a great rebound in the economy or unless the Bahamian people lower their expectations and grow into these hard times, those elected PLP politicians will be more anxious than anyone else for 5 years to come so they can run out of parliment and out of public office. Rather than acknowledging that these are tough economic times, the PLP sold the Bahamian public pipe dreams and seems to have no means or intentions of fulfilling. In fact for the past year the PLP government seems unable to deliver on the most basic demands and requests of its own supporters. Crime, for example is in the clouds, and someone needs to put a bill board with a on it to keep track of murders. As some 4,000 graduates are set to be dumped out of the classrooms in a matter of days, employment opportunities seem non-existant and these young people seems set to face days and months, even years of doom and gloom. We know that when they become discouraged they will turn to crime and anti-social behaviour. Rather than waiting for tourist and financial markets to rebound and create employment and new wealth, government must look at other sustainable industries. A substantial investment to revive the farming industry with employment of the latest thecnologies, will not only create employment, but will also reduce the country's huge food bill. Fishing stocks are virtually being depleted and efforts must be set in place now to sure up and preserve these stocks. The price of fish is already beyond the reach of more than halfd the bahamian population, and any crises in the volatile world markets could send food price beyond the clouds. Government must stop giving away our human and other natural resources, land included and move to ensure that more of the foreign invested dollar stays in this country and in the hands of Bahamians. The much critizized road works and renewal project should be extended to to complete the renewal of all remaining roadways and water mains in New Providence as a means of creating employment for blue collar workrs. Other things that can be looked at are infrastructure in other major islands and a summer repair and development for all the schools in the Bahamas.
hj 11 years, 4 months ago
I have never seen a party loosing so much support in such a short period of time. Perry Christie never had any kind of plan for our country. His only plan was to become P.M again,so he can satisfy his ego. In the meantime things are falling apart,cabinet members contradict one another,our country's situation is getting worse every day,and Perry Christie acts as he is some kind of movie star.
echase 11 years, 4 months ago
I agree whole hearty with Perry Christie agenda, Perry Christie never had any plan in place to advance this country. Perry Christie only want be Prime Minister to collect his big time pension for his 2nd term in office and the Bahamian people fell for it. Bahamian people had to understand that during the FNM administration in office in 2007-2012 there was a great depression like no other. The FNM did everything they could to keep the Bahamas afloat economically but the recession world wide was so bad that even casualties could not be avoided therefore we all suffer and will continue to suffer. Now you will really see poverty under the PLP.
singaton 11 years, 4 months ago
It seems like yesterday when i grabbed a microphone and took to the stage and sang my heart out for a party that i trult believed in ......but just like everyone else i was hoodwinked bammboozled run a muck and lied to. This govt clearly cares for its personal agenda and we the people are gonna have to suck it up deal with it or wait for a miracle . if the magnificant seven or eight MP's that are really not i favour of Mr Christie leading this country or the PLP then they should stop being ballsless and put forward a vote of no confidence despite the political repercussions. Branville stood up to a giant of a man in Hubert Ingraham and true Mr Mcartneys word he beat Hubert.....you may ask how did he do this and he lost his seat, well its quite simple he said to Mr. Ingraham in the house of assembly i may not be here but you wont either.....where is mr Ingraham today GONE,though by choice the fact is because of Branvilles interfernce it cost the FNM thousands of votes therefore forcing mr. Ingrahams hands into retirement so you see people there are some Fitzgeralds,Pinders,Majors,Rolles, Dorsettes,and the like that are not in favour of a Christie led govt but will they stand up for what is right ,will they stand up for the people that elected them for the future of our beloved country or will they become as they say in showbiz a one hit wonder it remains to be seen.....at the end of the day one thing ios for sure The PLP IS NOT THEY ONLY THING WE SHOULD WANT............
mangogirl 11 years, 4 months ago
Amazing! You sang for them and now even you doubt! What a difference a year makes!
tonymontana 11 years, 4 months ago
let them eat porridge
lazybor 11 years, 4 months ago
this is a good rewardhttp://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">
dacy 11 years, 4 months ago
SP 11 years, 4 months ago
Unquestionably the majority agreed “twiddle dum” Hubert Ingraham had visibly lost his mind and had to be gotten rid of before causing irreparable damage to the country.
He was solidly put down!
The electorate was wise enough to understand the country had been lead into deep trouble by the FNM and needed leadership capable of stopping or at least slowing the decline evident in every sector. The PLP was the only viable choice with any hands on knowledge of governing.
They were elected May 7, 2012. As expected, we now have a half dozen where we had six.
Now that the stop gap is here and “twiddle dum” is gone, it is time to begin planning on get ting rid of “twiddle dee” and the PLP for several obvious reasons not worth reiterating.
We must now very seriously examine Bermudas' example, as they had the same 40 years of corrupt political stupidity to sort out as well.
Bermuda resolved the problem by forming a 3rd party (OBA) "One Bermuda Alliance" which won the government December 2012 and IMMEDIATELY made sweeping changes to the benefit of the majority, not just the chosen normal few friends family and lovers.
Review "OBA" website below. Bermuda is now rooting out decades of corruption shared by their PLP & UBP.
The Bahamas needs to do the same if we are to move the country forward for the betterment of all.
dub 11 years, 4 months ago
bookiedread 11 years, 4 months ago
I'm in total agreement.
jackbnimble 11 years, 4 months ago
I agree with some of the previous comments as I too stood on Clifford Park with tears in my eyes waving my PLP flag to "The Storm is Over Now" as Mr. Chistie ascended the podium to give his thanks to the majority of Bahamians that voted his party in for another term. One year later and all I feel is deep disappointment and most of it stems from the lackluster attitude of our PM who never seems to have a clue what is going on, made a foolish attempt to have us "give our opinion" on a gambling issue that clearly took preeminence over more pressing issues of immigration, a fledging economy and hurting Bahamians who were looking to his party for help and hope. I trust that the next four years are not more of the same. If we had to vote tomorrow, they would clearly be voted OUT!
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 4 months ago
Solid "F". We should have let HAI finish what he started. The country would be so much better off right now.
Ah well. PGC will go down as complete and utter failure and HAI will go down as a genuine Bahamian hero!
mynameis 11 years, 4 months ago
What part of "the arms of flesh will fail you" don't people understand? Disappointment is inevitable with respect to political parties, whether that be FNM, PLP, DNA or any other party. Even if we follow Bermuda's example and elected a third party, that third party will, as with all other political parties, outlive its usefulness to the people which elected it. It seems like we're on autopilot with this particular government...neither Captain nor co-pilot sitting in the chair.
mangogirl 11 years, 4 months ago
Mr. Ingraham did warn us of the PLP and their trend of failure and "all for me baby attitude." We should have listened. The Bahamas need to wake up and demand better. Sad times in our Bahamas.
banker 11 years, 4 months ago
Bahamians are getting the country they deserve. Mediocrity rules and the one-eyed jack is king. The PLP apologists are benefiting in some way from the PLP being in power, and they think that the crumbs that they are getting are the most to be had in their miserable human condition. The country is on a downhill track and nothing can save it with this current regime of mental midgets. At least the roads are in better shape to smooth the ride of the handcart to Hell.
Honeybun 11 years, 4 months ago
Deepdrop2 11 years, 4 months ago
"money talks and bull shit walks" You got what you asked for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bismark 11 years, 4 months ago
The Bahamian people got what they deserved nothing,because that's exactly what the PLP has done from they have taken office,show me an investor?i hate to say it but our way of life will be changing for the worse if government don't get their act together,first thing crime,the hell with the privy council!hang those murderers,flog the rapist,give 30 years for arm robbery,caught with a gun;10 years you see how quick crime will drop .minor infractions,make them work,hard labour from 7 to 5 that will teach them a lesson.as for the economy,successive governments F.N.M and the PLP have failed in their efforts to make us a sustainable nation,the imports this country relies on in order to feed its population is out of this world,we import every single thing,alot of these items mainly food,can be produced locally,Florida is less than 100 miles away and we don't have a major dairy farm?livestock is almost non existant?Andros is our answer,but the idiots we put in the house are lost!
concernedcitizen 11 years, 4 months ago
its hard to grow things on coral rocks ,the countrys w/ volcanic soil can grow things much cheaper on an economy of scale ,,we had a dairy ,,,we grew giving a type of cow that could live and thrive here free ,,the ones that weren,t theifed and eatin starved to death
John 11 years, 4 months ago
Is concernedcitizen related to George Bush? Why does his posts never seem to relate to the topic being discussed?
concernedcitizen 11 years, 4 months ago
geez dude ,the previous poster was talking about farming ,,how did George Bush get into this ,,once again your xenophopia paints a picture of your inferioty complex ,,,,,,i like people from all nationalities as long as they are nice and honest ,,,,do different natinalities and cultures friegthen you ?? come on @ john you know you really want to get racially insulting to me and call me either an uncle tom or a white cracker ,,you know you do you just can,t figure out which one ..your predictable bro ,,,,,,,lmfao
TheObjectiveVoice 11 years, 4 months ago
Well people, it's up to us to hold the people we put in office accountable. Every last one - yellow and red. The PLP has four more years to correct their failures of the first year and I am sure they heard you all loud and clear. I don't count on the government to give me a hand out and make my life better because I trust in the one true living God to provide for me and make my life complete. The arm of flesh will always fail you but God never fails. The FNM and the PLP have had issues, and I just believe whatever party in power needs to make their policies and decisions based not only logic, reasoning, information and education but they need to be guided by the spirit. The Ingraham government wasn't guided by the spirit and that's why they are out and the Christie government is just the same...but they have four more years to seek God for guidance. It's not too late to really put the affairs and concerns of the people as a priority.
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