COB president questions ethics after report on leaked audit


Tribune Staff Reporter


COLLEGE of The Bahamas President Dr Rodney Smith has denounced “unethical journalism” intended to create a “scandal” after this newspaper reported the contents of a leaked audit management letter from Baker Tilley and Gomez (BTG) that revealed numerous problems with COB’s internal controls.

In a letter published in The Tribune today, Mr Smith suggested that the articles do not paint an accurate picture of COB’s financial accounting processes, although he did not specify the ways in which the reports were supposedly inaccurate.

Meanwhile, COB has not yet responded to The Tribune’s emailed questions about the matters exposed in the BTG audit, such as how the college could account for its use of restricted funds since auditors noted that the use of such money could not be traced.

Nor has Dr Smith returned phone calls from The Tribune seeking comment.

The draft audit was presented to COB in January and covers the period ending June 30, 2011. The 36-page document obtained by The Tribune lists a litany of faults found in COB’s internal control processes and procedures, ranging from failures to conduct timely bank reconciliation procedures to failure to adequately train staff.

One practice by the college, the report noted, could have even resulted in theft.

“…Someone with a personal agenda decides to leak a confidential in-house document to a media house,” Dr Smith said. “The document, designed to examine and assess all areas requiring improvement in order to make the institution a better functioning institution through implementation of best practices, is published without due process of verification or even enquiring about additional information in an effort to provide more accurate information to the readership. No effort was made to first assess ‘forward’ and ‘backward’ linkages to the document. What conditions existed before and after the report document and what changes took place since, were never researched prior to the blind publication of the leaked document. In institutions of higher learning this is referred to as unethical journalism; journalism that is intentionally designed to present one picture as opposed to a more complete picture. I would take this opportunity, here, to remind all journalism and communications faculty members at The College of The Bahamas that ethics and citizenship must be taught together. Whenever we are teaching our students about journalism, we must be sure to spend a little more time on journalism ethics.”

As for the BTG audit, he said: “The recently leaked extensive and unusually candid 2011 audit management letter from Baker Tilley and Gomez was intended to help the institution. It was not intended to be used for the creation of a scandalous story.”

Dr Smith said that as COB uncovers weaknesses in its processes, it will identify these and implement best practices.

He added: “No doubt, as the institution re-examines existing and past policies and practices, some will be viewed as weak and even inadequate. This kind of acknowledgment is necessary for continuous improvement. These internal documents are not intended for public consumption. They are intended for the purpose of institutional continuous improvements.”

In his letter, Dr Smith offered advice to journalists, asking that they “move away from the practice of sticking a microphone in someone’s face and asking for off-the-cuff statements.”

The Tribune has previously reported that no financial statement from COB of any kind has been tabled in the House of Assembly since 2008, despite the fact that the College of the Bahamas Act mandates that such documents be prepared and tabled.

This has prevented COB from drawing down on a multi-million dollar loan from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) which is supposed to aid its development into a university.

College Council Chairman Alfred Sears said on Tuesday that the “matters in the management letter presented by the external auditor requires the determined and serious remedial measures by the institution.”

For years, many have complained internally about the institution’s management of its financial affairs.


Economist 9 years, 3 months ago

He can't be serious. With his past and he is saying this?

Required 9 years, 3 months ago

Hang on... THIS guy is talking about ethics? Not only did he have to resign following a plagiarism scandal in 2005, but since he's been back, he's actively been responsible for numerous violations of the Industrial Agreements between COB and its various unions. And HE's talking about ethics? Puhlease.

sealice 9 years, 3 months ago

AS.... AS you uncover weakness? Why not try someone with no political aspirations in one of these posts and maybe we won't have public funds stolen but the short of the matter Mr. Smith the truth hurts when everyone sees you for what you are and what goes on around you...

ohdrap4 9 years, 3 months ago


TalRussell 9 years, 3 months ago

Comrade Rodney can you weigh in on exactly how has your College of Bahamaland dealt with "student" plagiarism - since you assumed da presidency?
Will you now make available to the media within the next 48-Hours, COB's written policy on student plagiarism? Like all college presidents, you do have such a written policy, don't you?

Required 9 years, 3 months ago

The College's policy on plagiarism (as it applies to students) can be found on the COB website: http://www.cob.edu.bs/POLICIES/Plagiari…

Now, whether it's actually enforced or not, that would be another question, as there are no effective tracking mechanisms to catch repeat offenders.

TalRussell 9 years, 3 months ago

Comrade Required, many thanks but can you now point Tribune readers to COB website as it relates to how members of the faculty are to be dealt with if accused of plagiarism? I means the sections that deals with likes - are they demoted, fired or promoted?

Required 9 years, 3 months ago

You had asked for the policy on student plagiarism, suggesting it was some sort of secret, and I found it through a rather simple Google search.

A similar search for faculty found guilty of plagiarism yielded no results. I'd wager a bet that COB doesn't have one.

My intention was not to defend the Plagiarist-in-Chief.

TalRussell 9 years, 3 months ago

Comrade I didn't think there were to be found rules on faulty plagiarism. Now, ask how you get be appointed by cabinet as da honorable Plagiarist-in-Chief, and does it pay well by taxpayers? Any mention on COB website about Hurricane Joaquin relief for islanders?

TalRussell 9 years, 3 months ago

Comrade Residence had they even tried, could they have possibly designed this flyer to be any more academic thinking? I hope they're not teaching marketing courses at COB.

(Just don't mix your boxes Grits with ya cans Corned beef or tins Sardines in same box as ya bottles waters or other grocery items).
Likes I keeps saying, why would I even bother to make this stuffs up. Reminds me of when ZNS radio would run lots radio spots that you could only buy the still to this day popular Rustoleum product from Maura Lumber Company - on Fridays.

WEDNESDAYS &THURSDAYS - Canned good and non-perishable items
FRIDAYS - General grocery items and disinfectants

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 3 months ago

This is the longterm problem with choosing Mr Smith as president, no matter his illustrious past qualifications, no matter what he does in future, his name will be forever stained with a single mistake (or "on purpose") that he committed years ago. Imagine what the student or staff member he brings in for disciplinary action says. His choice, his medicine.

Second chances never restore you to your original position. Injustice restores you to your original position. Second chances strip you of some or all of your privileges and then says, "now prove yourself"

TruePeople 9 years, 3 months ago

How can the New papaer ACCURATELY report your finances, WHEN THEY HAVEN"T BEEN AUDITED FOR ACCURACY FOR YEARS. bey dis bey is dumb aye. Either tha or he thinks ise dumb. Bey dis bey dumb aye!

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