Tribune Staff Reporter
DISNEY Cruise Line said yesterday it has no plans to construct a cruise port at Egg Island, Eleuthera, claiming impact studies have suggested that island’s marine environment could not sustain a development of that magnitude.
In an email responding to questions from The Tribune on Thursday, Disney Cruise Line spokeswoman Kim Prunty confirmed that environmental impact assessments and geo-technical studies carried out by the company have indicated that the quaint island’s marine and environmental profile could not survive a development on that level.
Ms Prunty said: “We regularly look for opportunities for growth, some of which we pursue and others that we don’t. We recently completed a careful and thorough review of a project at Egg Island and determined that the environmental impact of our intended development would be too significant.”
Ms Prunty said as a result, Disney Cruise Lines made the decision to close the door on the idea.
Earlier this month, a petition spearheaded by residents of Eleuthera surfaced, calling for a ban on any development by Disney Cruise Lines.
On Monday, Prime Minister Perry Christie spoke about the matter, calling for caution as he insisted that no development deal with the cruise line had been approved.
He said while he understood the initial shock and panic over the proposal which had been made public to that point, residents in Eleuthera could rest assured that his Cabinet would not sign off on any plan without the relevant assessments being done.
At the time of Mr Christie’s statement, the “Stop Disney from purchasing Egg Island” petition had some 1,337 signatures.
The petition, among other things, highlighted the island’s importance to the livelihood of residents and the ecosystem of the surrounding islands.
Disney Cruise Lines has on several occasions ventured into discussions with the Bahamas government on opportunities to widen its cruise brand.
The company maintains that it has always mandated that studies be carried out to guard against environmental dangers.
DiverBelow 8 years, 6 months ago
There are projects that make sense & some that do not. Thank God someone in Disney can see the consequences & make an appropriate decision.
DillyTree 8 years, 6 months ago
Great news! There was no way this was ever going to work -- no committees, studies or reports needed to figure this one out.
Now, what about Ocean Cay in Bimini? Will MSC proceed with destroying more areas in Bimini? Our esteemed Prime Minister has already signed a 100-year lease with them in 2015. They hope to have it all developed and open by December 2017.
We have enough cruise lines with poor records of conservation in the Bahamas -- have we not learned anything?
themessenger 8 years, 6 months ago
Imagine the dismay of our corrupt officials watching all those potential pay offs and kick backs sailing away over the horizon, bitch take dat!!
SP 8 years, 6 months ago
Lol.. Had to have been a very rude awakening for several political pirates...Lol
Required 8 years, 6 months ago
Awkward realization when Disney cares more about the Bahamas' environment than our own government...
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 6 months ago
Was it really "caring" though or was it aversion to negative publicity? The story last week reported that there was already some dredging in the area. Who dredges the seabed to determine if dredging will have a negative impact?
It's troubling how much off our land is and has been already sold off to foreign interests, this is not sustainable. Bahamians may not populate the out islands today but it's very shortsighted to say the answer is to sell it off. Can you imagine Bahamas 2116 where 800,000 Bahamians are crammed on NP in squalor while the rest of the world refuses them entry to "their" own out islands?
SP 8 years, 6 months ago
Disney or no one else should be allowed to develop anything without local participation!
We do not need 100% foreign owned developments in the country repatriating profits and stifling growth.
We need to get corrupt politicians out of the picture with negotiating developments. Public-private partnerships must be made law to ensure qualified partial local ownership of any business.
This stupidity of selling everything lock, stock and barrel with a select few political pirates and lawyers hidden in small print has brought our country to the sorry state we now find ourselves.
asiseeit 8 years, 6 months ago
The only reason this was stopped was because Disney knew they would have a major fight on their hands. This should be a lesson for all Bahamians, this is OUR country and if we come together we can put a stop to anything, even our corrupt politicians! Imagine a government that was accountable to the people, it is possible!
TalRussell 8 years, 6 months ago
Comrades! It's a but another painful ear opener reminder about the "muteness" over the impact on an island's marine environment that went on within the Government in waiting Official Opposition leading up to the day a Cruise Line was to publicly announce that they have no plans to construct a cruise port at Egg Island, Eleuthera, claiming impact studies have suggested that island’s marine environment could not sustain a development of that magnitude?
This is but one of many questions the 410 voting red delegates preparing to head to the convention floor of The Meliá Nassau Beach, should be writing down to demand answers to from the shtick being peddled by six red MP's of the failed Butlerism intelligencios coup d'état? But asked only, after the adult voting delegates does clean up the dirty words, for the protection the ears younger convention attendees.
Shouldn't the magnitude the damage done to the Red Movement, should be sufficient justification to pull the "Welcome Mat," from underneath the foots of the Six, as the party is no longer willing to sustain the Six, within the ranks of a thrice elected governing party of our Bahamaland.
To go away, and do it quietly on the morning July 30, 2016, and take your damn doomed for failure Butlerism's cynicism intelligencios coup d'état apparatus tools with you.
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