Nygard hits back with his own allegations

Peter Nygard

Peter Nygard


Tribune Chief Reporter


THE convicted criminals who first alleged they were hired by Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard to murder opponents have changed their story, according to affidavits released by Mr Nygard yesterday.

The affidavits, purported to be sworn by Wisler “BoBo” Davilma and Livingston “Toggie” Bullard in Manitoba, Canada on March 24, 2015, alleged the men were promised $3m for their “false testimony” and paid $50,000 upfront.

In a press statement released yesterday by a spokesperson for Mr Nygard along with the affidavits, it was alleged the men also made a secret recording of a payment meeting at the Hilton hotel in downtown Nassau in the presence of Free National Movement Senator Michael Pintard in February 2015.

According to the documents, the men claimed they met with Mr Pintard several times in February 2015 to discuss Mr Nygard.

The claims are a complete turnaround from their testimony in court documents filed in the Supreme Court on March 9 and appear to exonerate Mr Nygard from their initial claims. According to the statement, Mr Nygard did not pay Davilma or Livingston for their sworn testimony.

The press release also said Mr Nygard’s attorneys have turned over evidence to Bahamian police and plan to formally ask local law enforcement to investigate his billionaire neighbour, Lyford Cay resident Louis Bacon, and others involved in the alleged “murder for hire” plot lawsuit against him.

“The thrust of this thinly veiled publicity stunt, disguised as a lawsuit, focuses on a fictitious murder plot supposedly aimed at Fred Smith and Louis Bacon because of their opposition through Save The Bays to development plans at Nygard Cay,” a Nygard spokesperson said. “But the evidence presented in the complaint, particularly the video recordings of Mr Nygard and the two criminals, refute that Mr Nygard had anything to do with such a plot or any of the other crimes alleged in the complaint.”

The press release added: “The statements and tape recording given to Mr Nygard by the two criminals help prove that allegations made in the March 9 lawsuit are fabricated. The lawsuit was filed against Mr Nygard and attorney Keod Smith in the Supreme Court of The Bahamas by Save The Bays Directors Joseph Darville, Romauld Ferreira, Fred Smith, Mr Bacon and Rev CB Moss.”

A Nygard spokesperson called the lawsuit an attempt by operatives to destroy Mr Nygard’s reputation, and drive out the Progressive Liberal Party government that he supports so that, under a Free National Movement government, he would be prevented from obtaining the permit he needs to expand Nygard Cay.

The statement said Mr Nygard’s lawyers plan to file a criminal complaint against those “involved in this campaign to smear his reputation”.

The statement added that Mr Nygard wants police to investigate allegations of counselling to commit murder, given that the two criminals “tried to get Mr Nygard to instruct them or someone else to kill Mr Bacon”.

The Nygard spokesman added: “Mr Bacon’s investigators obtained copies of the transcript and affidavits taken in Canada and sworn to by Mr Davilma and Mr Bullard. Therefore, they knew that the two criminals were (allegedly) lying to them when they took sworn statements from them about being paid for the protest and other matters. We will be moving to strike Mr Bacon’s recent statement of claim against Mr Nygard and Keod Smith as frivolous, vexatious and scandalous.”

The affidavits released by Mr Nygard’s representatives have not been filed in court but were prepared in contemplation of litigation, according to the documents.

Both show that Mr Davilma and Mr Bullard “realise” their affidavits would be sent to the Deputy Prime Minister, Philip “Brave” Davis, and that “he is free to make whatever use of this Affidavit he or the Government of The Bahamas deems fit, despite the fact that the word privileged appears on the transcript”.

The Save The Bays plaintiffs said in their Supreme Court filing that the two criminals had been paid to turn against Mr Nygard.


Publius 8 years, 7 months ago

ha. Disgrace. And shame on the low class Bahamians in and outside of politics involved in helping to further tarnish their country's reputation to suit the interests of warring, wealthy foreigners.

And now the Tribune has pulled down altogether the story posted this morning that some of us have commented on. House of cards crumbling - and all at our expense as a people.

Publius 8 years, 7 months ago

I am referring to the house of cards that is this bogus story which has caused The Bahamas to be hurt to suit the interests of two foreigners, one who enjoys the PLP's support, the other who enjoys the FNM's support, and neither of whom that have ever been touched by the other side though their behavior in this country is known to both sides.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 7 months ago

Repost: You need to spend much more time reading good meaningful literature and much less time spewing bad meaningless comments (often laced with salty rhetoric) on web sites like this one. Many have by now relegated you to the same dust bin that Tal and Birdie were long ago tossed into. Frequently you come across as being very much like a cork pulled half way out of an expensive bottle of champagne that then gets violently shaken to the point where the cork.......oh well, you get the idea!

Publius 8 years, 7 months ago

uh oh, we know how this back and forth is going to go! ha.

Godson 8 years, 7 months ago

TO THIS EXTENT, FOREIGNERS AND THEIR FOREIGN INTERESTS, as well as, their disagreements and disputes over the use of a drive-way can become the center focus for our politicians including OUR GOVERNMENT and THE OFFICIAL OPPOSITION, and can also... force attention for discussions in debate in the halls of The Bahamas' Parliament while the interest and the survival of the Bahamians, for want of a more suitable word and expression, don't seem to mean a shit to them.

THIS IS THE ULTIMATE... use your own words to describe_______...

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 7 months ago

Law enforcement authorities (and the Bahamas Government) need to do something about the three very wealthy families in the Lyford Cay Community who are behind all of the shenanigans instigated by Louis Bacon. The government really needs to designate Louis Bacon persona non grata. While Nygard himself is certainly no saint, Bacon and his few very wealthy Lyford Cay friends are full of hatred and capable of just about any vindictive act you can think of!

Tarzan 8 years, 7 months ago

Total B.S. Bacon has been a friend to the Bahamas and to many, many charitable concerns in the Bahamas. Bacon has not despoiled two acres of reefs and seabed to illegally enhance his estate. Now the truth is out. The years of lies about "natural accretion are exposed. Nygard had a "deal" with the PLP for a lease of the land he illegally ruined on the seabed. Call everyone else a bad guy if you want. We all know who the bad guys are.

Publius 8 years, 7 months ago

Every single Bahamian involved in this affair - politicians, media, private citizens, etc - should be condemned and where criminal charges are warranted, they should absolutely be handed down. As for these fellows behind the gates, we all know "tough on crime" only means crimes committed by persons who are not a part of or connected to the right social class in this country. As long as these men are seen as money bags come election time, they will be forever straight.

TalRussell 8 years, 7 months ago

Comrades doesn't it make the citizenry fell better to have it exposed, that not only are we politicians of all stripes, sticking their right hands into the pockets of the poor whilst removing the last two pennies from the pockets thousands struggling natives, to pay VAT over buying food.. but their left hands are firmly planted as they go about fleecing the deep pockets of the foreigners.
Didn't somebody tell Nygard and Bacon, we politicians, merchants, lawyers and preacherman's, have a long history of fleecing foreigners - going back to the days of piracy and ship wrecking?

Voltaire 8 years, 7 months ago

IkalikI - for real. There is only one issue here – the unholy alliance between foreign investors and politicians – no matter the particular investor or politician – has made this a nation for sale for the last half century at least. I am not a Hubert Minnis fan, but his use of this phrase is correct. The model was pioneered by the PLP, but back then the 'investors' were Colombia drug lords. Personally, I don't buy the above story, simply because it is a claim without any evidence. I would never have believed the relationship between the PM, the DPM and Nygard had I not watched those videos. The proof is in the pudding, or else these claims and the claims by Christie in today's papers are just another attempt at deflection. The bigger picture, though, is campaign finance reform to stop ANY foreigner being able to buy the government of The Bahamas, as Nygard apparently has. What a sad day for the 'independent Bahamas'.

GrassRoot 8 years, 7 months ago

foreign investors don't come unless invited. invited by the politicians that fill their own pockets.

Voltaire 8 years, 7 months ago

Also, why Bahamas Information Services, the government's propaganda arm, releasing a press release defending Nygard (see today's Tribune editorial)?? You would think Christie dem would have the sense to at least create the appearance of distance...

jackbnimble 8 years, 7 months ago

I had the same thought. Isn't this a private matter between two wealthy foreigners? Why is BIS issuing a statement. Is the Government a defendant in the action? Anyone smell that dead rat in the room???!! Boy I tell ya!!

Tarzan 8 years, 7 months ago

If you consider the illegal appropriation of three acres of public seabed a "private matter" then I guess it's private. Nygard is the miscreant here, along with the PLP politicians who have enabled him all these years.

lazybor 8 years, 7 months ago

incredible...http://s02.flagcounter.com/mini/rzN/bg_…" width="1"/>

sheeprunner12 8 years, 7 months ago

We are witnessing the 1980s drama ............. Nation for Sale ............ all over again

TalRussell 8 years, 7 months ago

If I were a close advisor of Comrade Nygard's, I would not hesitate to strongly advise him that, innocent matters not to the allegations being made against him.
To find the courage to be honest with himself and acknowledge, that this is one those sometimes when it's better to leave Bahamaland, and for good.
There is no way in hell for him to even try to put all the broken pieces back together. To leave and leave immediately. To rid himself of all Bahamaland assets and connections.
Rightfully or wrongly, there are too many out get the prime minister through him and they are not going to go away any time soon.
Life 's too short to run the risks that are all around. Get the hell out. Don't risk becoming the sacrificial political lamb.
Sometimes its best to swallow one's own pride, than risk what's behind door number 2.

bluesky 8 years, 7 months ago

Tal, Could advise the same thing to Bruno Rufa

Voltaire 8 years, 7 months ago

Indeed Tal – the real issue for Nygard is the videos, not the claims of violence and etc. Why you don't please ask your government to invite him to leave? I am no fan of Christie, but what has come to light is bad for this whole country. We should all seek to divorce ourselves from this circus.

bluesky 8 years, 7 months ago

Voltaire, "Invite him to leave" , yeah right.. They tried that with Bruno Rufa. and how did that work out? The Out Spoken QC threw a fit. Rufa and Nygard will die of old age before their court case are determined.

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 7 months ago

Comrade Tal: When I read "sometimes its best " in your above post, I thought you might be advising him to swallow a cyanide capsule or otherwise fall on his sword. A coup de grace for Beloved Comrades Christie and Davis & Co.

Publius 8 years, 7 months ago

Attorney Fred Smith says Christie and Davis have not been accused of any wrongdoing in this case and it is unfortunate that the police and others have brought the PM or DPM into this! Ha! This thing is the theatre of the absurd - http://www.thenassauguardian.com/news/6…

TalRussell 8 years, 7 months ago

Comrade Publuis exactly what I've been telling the scandal mongers since the Tribune first broke the story. Too bad it took the King's Counsel so long set the record straight.

John 8 years, 7 months ago

All this black ink on the front page of The Tribune today reminds me of when I was a little boy growing up. Back the The Tribune was not printed in color so even as a little boy whenever you saw large black print or reverse print or shaded gray on the front page, you knew something important had happened, and seldom it was murder or the unveiling of an alleged murderous plot as it is today. And the Tribune was printed in the evenings in those days so you learned to know that an early newspaper meant little news. But sometimes when the house of assembly was meeting or a high profile court case was in session or election results were being published, it would be 8 or even 9 o'clock before The tribune hit the streets. And sometimes if the weather was bad some whole not get their evening newspaper until the next morning. You see The Tribune was sold by mostly school boys who gathered in the delivery section of the newspaper building and after receiving their allotment, they made their way over the hill and had to sell their newspapers and be home before curfew to do their homework and get ready for school the next morning, except if it was a Friday or a Saturday or school was closed. I was one of the ones who was sent to the corner store over and over to find out ,"if The Tribune reach yet." And so when The Tribune was very late I would stand with the group of persons at the corner store, "who didn't want to go to sleep in the dark" and wait for the Tribune "to reach." And from the conversations I got to know everything that was going on in the country, and sometimes I wondered why some of the people were waiting on the evening newspaper because from their conversations, "seems like they done know everything." Well somewhere I got to reading the Tribune for myself and especially the editorials written by the late Sir Ettienne Dupuch and through his been I was able to travel the world and learn about and see many things without leaving New Providence. There were topics on World War 2 and the war effort here and how so many things we take for granted were not available because all the material was being used for the war. Then sometimes Sir Etienne would write a series of articles. He would have his usual piece at the top of the editor' page then another part of the series at the bottom. This created a problem for me because we did not buy the newspaper every day And as a schoo boy I did not have the 10 or 15 cents to buy a newspaper. So I never got to read those articles. So after a while you learn to analyze news stories and not only to believe or not believe, but also to fill in the missing parts.

Godson 8 years, 7 months ago

John, I was one of those newspaper boys who you described. You describe the scenario very well. I know an aspect of the Tribune that not even Mrs. Eileen Carron would know the answer. What day was it that the Tribune carried two headlines? Do you recall?

Godson 'Nicodemus' Johnson

John 8 years, 7 months ago

When I read that Mrs Ellen Dupuch Carron has been editor of The Tribune for 53 years that would mean that something is wrong or I would have to be over 50 to read Sir Ettienne's editorials. Then I remember that he was a contributing editor after he retired and his daughter took control of the newspaper.

Godson 8 years, 7 months ago

Mrs. Carron was around there... she used to be throwing around her weight from way back then. Mrs Chase had the little food store on Dowdwells Street. I think she was Gonzales sister. 10 cents could have gotten you a slice of cheese and two slices of bread.

TalRussell 8 years, 7 months ago

Comrade Godson, if only that corner store could talk, attracting the likes of the street sweeper to A.D. "Mitch" Hanna. Percy Munnings, Talbot Stokes, Gene Toote, the Haitian Consultant General, Arnold Cargill and Cecil Wallace among many others who were regular visitors.
An interesting book could be written about that special corner.
That corner was the prelude to The Punch newspaper.

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 7 months ago

Trudeau is looking for you Mr. Nygard. Revenue Canada too I think.

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago

The press release added: “The statements and tape recording given to Mr Nygard by the two criminals help prove that allegations made in the March 9 lawsuit are fabricated. The lawsuit was filed against Mr Nygard and attorney Keod Smith in the Supreme Court of The Bahamas by Save The Bays Directors Joseph Darville, Romauld Ferreira, Fred Smith, Mr Bacon and Rev CB Moss.”

Unfortunately for Mr Nygard and Keod Smith, nothing can erase the video recordings with their own words and images. Hypodermic needle with some unknown drug substance, the allegations that 5 million was pissed away on a PLP political campaign but the PM subsequently reneged on a promise to grant a lease, and the blind rage crazed man attack on Fred Smith. Unless they were both taken over by aliens while they were being recorded.

John 8 years, 7 months ago

So while we are waiting for the fat lady to finish singing: i don't remember the two headlines the Tribune had, but I think i read about it somewhere. Do you remember when the Tribune astarted putting color in its print and sometimes they had problems getting the color adjusted properly or properly aligned. So sometimes you would get newspapers with an overwrite or sometimes a particular color was completely missing. Then the same thing happened when The Tribune started publishing color photographs. Sometimes there were problems with alignment or color seperating and so sometimes some really off looking photos were printed. In this day and time screaming headlines (mussy 1000 point) dominate the front page. Is it because more of our population can read now or the bold headlines and color wraps are more effective than photos/

Publius 8 years, 7 months ago

Anybody realize that two of the men involved in this case as per the March 2015 affidavits - Bullard and Spartacus Moncur - were the same men in the case where Branville McCartney alleged that his life was threatened prior to the 2012 general election? It was alleged in the criminal court case that these two men made threats of death against Branville. In the affidavits, Spartacus is Pintard's partner in crime in this Bacon/Nygard matter. Amazing.

Story - http://www.tribune242.com/news/2012/sep…

TalRussell 8 years, 7 months ago

Comrade Publius let's talk about the death threat that was made against Loretta via a DIRECT communication with the red party. But the party NEVER even bothered to contact the police, nor did they even bother to tell their deputy party leader Loretta.
Had it NOT been for a media story about the death threat, Loretta would NEVER have known her life had been threatened.
And, this is the red party leadership asking to be trusted with Bahamaland come the 2017 General? I don't think so.
Taking precautionary action for your deputy leader from a potential assassin is not a red party option?
They better come ALL clean with the public over their involvement in the"NygardGate," or all hell going break loose when their supporters start to demand a full investigation into "PintardGate/"

John 8 years, 7 months ago

So when will it be the right time to ask for lawyer Fred Smith to be disbarred?

BigSlick 8 years, 7 months ago

Never....he's just about one of the few people challenging the rampant injustices being committed daily by our Government! Only somebody with something to hide would want him to be disbarred!

killemwitdakno 8 years, 7 months ago

Nygard has clearly paid Bobo and Toggie now to change their story lol. He's going to lose, weak moves. Poor thing approached by the PLP to have his blood sucked out like Izmirlian. Wonder how long he's been backing these goons?

stoner 8 years, 7 months ago

It is a shame that the Bahamians have buried Mr.Nygard's name in the mud so to speak.He is a well respected Canadian Citizen and no doubt will be Knighted by the Queen someday. Why don't they bring the other criminals to Court who are local Bahamians and who have been criminals for a long time and are members of the local Govt or opposition.It is unfortunate that Bahamians still don't like rich outsiders coming in to their Country.When Cuba opens up to American Tourists later this year, Bahamians will start crying again like they did in the 70's when they had no food and stole and robbed everything on site.Their was a mad drive for white people to leave and to get out of that Country.The white man ran for cover and took everything with them.Bahamas never recovered fully since. Unemployment was the lowest ever recorded then and they stole and robbed and killed. I was there and know what happened.

thephoenix562 8 years, 7 months ago

I was there too and i dont know what the hell you are talking about.Crime was nowhere close to what it is today.

Voltaire 8 years, 7 months ago

Yup, exactly. Nygard: "Hey guys, I need you to tell me the same thing you told them, ok?" Thugs: "Ok boss no worries." Its pathetic. In any case, the problem for every single Bahamian is not which billionaire wants to kill which; its the content of those recordings and what it suggests about our current leaders and their relationship with Peter Nygard. Full stop. No amount of spin will change that. And everyone knows it.

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 7 months ago

If the timeline is correct, these recordings were made in March 2015, the recordings of Nygard were made in May and June 2015.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 7 months ago

Did Pindling kick Carlos Lehder and Robert Vesco out of The Bahamas?????????? ....... maybe this generation of PLPs are following the "father" of their party

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