Tribune Freeport Reporter
The government is hoping for full turnover of the Grand Lucayan Resort to the Holistica Group by the end of year, according to Minister of State for Grand Bahama Senator Kwasi Thompson, who describes the deal as “hugely important” to Grand Bahama’s recovery.
Mr Thompson noted that the developers have put forth changes to the timeline that the government is now looking at.
“The Grand Lucayan deal is a hugely important deal and government is working on this feverishly,” he said Thursday while taking questions from reporters following his report to the nation.
Despite the devastation caused by the storm and the COVID-19 pandemic, he stated that Royal Caribbean, the ITM Group, and Holistica Destinations have indicated they are still interested in moving ahead with the deal.
Mr Thompson said: “Some time ago we executed the HoA and agreement for sale. Unfortunately, Dorian came, and it brought its own challenges with respect to moving ahead with the sale. And, then came COVID, and the cruise ships were a huge part of the entire GL deal for the hotel portion and the new cruise port.
“We are very thankful RC and ITM, and Holistica are still wanting to move ahead with this deal; they have been firm in wanting to move ahead with this deal,” assured Minister Thompson.
“However, they put forward some amendments to the timeline, and those require us to take a close look at the amendments, and that is what is presently being done now.
“Our hope is to complete full turnover to them by the end of this year, but we are still going ahead and continuing talks with them in terms of assessing their post-COVID plan.”
When asked the number of persons currently employed at the property, Minister Thompson reported that some 35 persons are employed there.
“The balance of those have been terminated and we indicated that process needed to take place in order to have a complete turnover of the hotel,” he explained.
“And so, we are again following the process in order to do the turnover of the hotel. We anticipate it would happen and we are moving ahead with full turnover.”
Holistica Destinations – a joint venture between Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd and Mexico’s ITM Group – proposes to carryout a $300m development of Grand Lucaya and major redevelopment of the Freeport Harbour.
The Lucaya Stripe is envisioned to be a world-class beachfront destination with 526 hotel rooms, shopping village, spa/wellness center, and water-based family entertainment. The amenities will include a 40,000 sq ft convention centre, water and adventure theme park, zip lines, off-roading, restaurants and bars, entertainment and nightlife.
The harbour redevelopment calls for Harbour Village, with multiple shopping and dining venues, beach areas and short excursions hub.
Mr Thompson also shared some information concerning the safe return of cruise ships and government’s purchase of the airport in Grand Bahama.
He noted that major cruise ships that come to Freeport are vessels from Carnival and Norwegian Cruise Lines, and the two ferry boats - Balearia and Bahamas Paradise.
“We are in discussions with the ferries as to how and when they will be able to safely bring tourists and residents back to GB,” he said. “And we should know the answer to that question shortly.
“We know that health is very important when it comes to bringing . . . those passengers on the ferries. Unfortunately, we are still awaiting the full clearance of the CDC which have put forward a pathway for the major cruise ships to come forward and come to the Bahamas, and we remain hopeful that at the earliest those cruise ships will be able to come back to GB and to Nassau, and other islands they go to as well. We are closely monitoring that, and hopeful they would be able to come back soon,” he added.
On the airport, the minister indicated that negotiations are still underway with Hutchison Ports and the Grand Bahama Port Authority, with the best way forward in rebuilding a world-class airport.
“There are a number of things in that transaction that need to be completed. We have completed some and we are continuing with others,” he said.
He noted that there is a temporary facility that is open at the airport for receiving international and domestic flights.
In addition to the existing facility, Mr Thompson said work continues to proceed on the expansion of the temporary facility. This new facility is 8,500 sq ft, adding to the existing 8,200 sq ft facility.
Once completed, he noted that there will be 350 seats total; and a new combined customs and immigration arrival hall.
“The airport will be able to accommodate some 350-400 passengers. The project is currently more than 85% completed. The airport will require a long-term sustainable rebuilding plan. It has been destroyed by hurricanes several times. The airport has been rebuilt three times in the last seven years which signifies that a greater plan must be put into place. However even as we work toward the final product, we are indeed accessible,” he said.
Mr Thompson said government is about to embark upon a study and move ahead with negotiations.
birdiestrachan 4 years, 2 months ago
Poor fellow he is just embrassing himself again.
trueBahamian 4 years, 2 months ago
What? This is a colossal pain in the ass. Wasn't this deal supposed to be finished a year or so ago? Seriously! What kind of BS is this? The government did a very stupid asinine thing in buying that crackhouse hotel. Now we're still holding it like donkeys, while politicians pretend it's going to be sold.
K4C 4 years, 2 months ago
Anyone notice when deals are made in real counties they actually close ?
The saga of the Grand Lucayan
Was there actually a DEAL ?
rodentos 4 years, 2 months ago
the truth is that with Biden administration first what they will do, they will close US for all incoming and outgoing flights. They are bullshitting about opening tourism here, but nobody will be able to travel to Bahamas because of US. 2021 is gameover time for Bahamas, prepare for impact.
K4C 4 years, 2 months ago
is everyone in the Bahamas HAPPY Biden won ?
Asking for a cousin
was told once by one much wiser than I
Beware of the light at the end of a tunnel, it could and in most cases is a bear with a flashlight
FrustratedBusinessman 4 years, 2 months ago
Those of us with a brain and the ability to comprehend our long-term economic prospects aren't.
Edit to add : We can only pray that God works a miracle and exposes all of the corruption what took place. Any Bahamian who cares for our country needs to pray for Trump to be the one getting inaugurated in January.
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 2 months ago
any Bahamian with a brain knows that no US president cares about the Bahamas beyond its strategic positioning. which is still a positive thing. Those with even a bigger brain know that the Trump would only be inaugurated on Jan 20 if he were the last person on earth and praying for it will be like praying to see pigs fly.
Our economic survival will be based on the ability of Bahamians to rise. noone is coming to save us. especially Trump who thinks of us like another s-hole country
It truly boggles my mind that anybody believes Trump cares about them
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 2 months ago
all those maga hats are money in his pocket. but there were people who truly supported Hitler so there's that.
FrustratedBusinessman 4 years, 2 months ago
I usually don't respond to a bait comment like this one, but I will make an exception here. I highly doubt that you have the historical knowledge to comprehend why Hitler was democratically elected. Here a few terms to read up about when you have the chance : The Treaty of Versailles, Dawes Plan, Hyperinflation, Spartacus Rebellion, and if you really want to get controversial in this day and age, the Frankfurt School and the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft. Please also do a detailed study on fascism and National Socialism (yes, they are different ideologies) so that you are adequately educated on what those ideologies stand for (Hint : its not anything that you just don't like). Maybe read up on Falangism too if you want to go off on a less mainstream path.
As something of a student of history myself, it disgusts me when I see so many naive individuals today compare Trump to historical figures such as Hitler, or deride everyone/every ideology opposed to them as fascism/fascists. It is just asinine to suggest as such. If Trump was truly the Hitler or Mussolini that so many proclaim him to be, we certainly wouldn't behaving this discussion over the Internet right now. Even if you want examples from the modern era, look at North Korea and seriously ask yourself if you think the United States is on the same level of censorship and totalitarian control over society. If Trump was even a quarter of the Hitler so many claim him to be, you wouldn't be criticizing him over the Internet, you wouldn't be protesting in the middle of the streets for every little thing, and you certainly wouldn't be allowed to think anything contrary to the official government line of thinking.
Even from our own region, Trump is nothing close to the horrors of Papa Doc, Castro, Somoza, and whoever else you may want to substitute in their place.
I reiterate for everyone watching : less emotional thinking, more logical, please.
K4C 4 years, 2 months ago
and you THINK Biden cares for you ?
FrustratedBusinessman 4 years, 2 months ago
The last time I checked, it is not President Trump's job to care about the Bahamas. He is the President of the United States of America, not the Prime Minister of the Bahamas. His people are his concern, not us. I don't think any Bahamian really expects him to care about us.
That being said, you fail to comprehend that Trump's policies have a neutral at worst, and beneficial at best effect, on our country. Foreign investment here has only increased since he has assumed office, hence contributing to our economic health. Anyone with an adequate knowledge of Bahamian history quite frankly knows that the state of our economy is directly dependent on the state of the American one, and the American economy soared to unprecedented heights prior to COVID-19.
If the worst comes to past and Biden assumes office, rest assured that his policies will be nothing but detrimental to the state of our country. The worst case scenario involves a normalization of relations with Cuba that places further economic strain on us following COVID-19 and Dorian, plus an increase in taxes in America + other domestic initiatives that prompt American money to stay home and not invest here. Economically speaking, we are nothing more than a vassal state of America and it serves our best interest for investors to have a high degree of confidence in both their domestic market and ours.
Please stop drinking the orange man bad kool-aid and think rationally. We need a lot less emotional thinking worldwide, with a lot more logical.
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 2 months ago
if they do close their border they will acknowledge a reality that the Bahamas refuses to accept, the key to controlling a pandemic is to control the border. We cant listen or behave enough to stop it. The Bahamas is celebrating opening the borders... wide. and relaxing controls. the trajectory of this virus is very clear. With open borders we will eventually see exactly what Europe then a a delayed response US is seeing. Its like deja vu March 2020 all over again
tribanon 4 years, 2 months ago
Most Bahamians should remember that government's purchasing of the Grand Lucayan from its previous cunning, conniving and deceitful owners (namely the Chinese Hutchison Whampoa group) for US$65 million was Minnis's very own lame brain idea. Minnis then proceeded to have government dole out millions of dollars more in generously padded contracts to his political cronies to 'purportedly' renovate the hotel.
Adding the debt financing and all other costs associated with government's acquisition of this property, the Minnis-led administration has caused the Bahamian people to invest upwards of $150 million in this boondoggle. And now Minnis and D'Aguilar are apparently willing to accept the position of the Royal Caribbean / ITM Group that ownership of the Grand Lucayan should simply be "turned over" to their joint venture for essentially zilch or they will not proceed with the absurd project they have proposed for the entire western portion of Paradise Island.
Minnis and D'Aguilar have already confirmed to the Royal Caribbean / ITM Group that government would allow them to operate their Paradise Island development under their outrageous 'all-inclusive' business model. This would mean few linkages to our economy, therefore putting the lion's share of the development's profits into the pockets of the Royal Caribbean / ITM Group.
It's too easy to smell the really big and most greedy Bahamian rats behind all of these most usual financial dealings that have been designed from the get-go to royally fleece our country and its people, as well as all future generations of Bahamians.
TalRussell 4 years, 2 months ago
The politically appoint redcoats senator known his chatter mouth that is excepting when a reporter skillfully slid in a three-part question of which em in last part question was precisely asked if he is prepared to provide the PopouacesOrdinary at large POAL, with an updated 2020 progress report detailing OBAN's $3.5 Billon Freeport project update, em's meaning the redcoat senator's only response was to have brought a sudden hushed silence over the press briefing room?
Shakehead once for Yeah maybe this same reporter should asks the Chief Royal Constabulary for his own 2020 update report pertaining to the Chief's investigative search for the long now supposedly gone missing into its second year OBAN documents,Twice for maybe Not such a smart move for a reporter be asking certain kinds questions of the Chief?**
DDK 4 years, 2 months ago
shonkai 4 years, 2 months ago
First the govt says, then they plan, now they only hope. Next up: dream?
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