Dive operator 'begs' Gov't for oil exploration rethink


Tribune Business Editor


A prominent Bahamian dive operator yesterday "begged" the Government to reconsider its approval of oil exploration in Bahamian waters, arguing: "The environment cannot take any more stress."

Neal Watson, owner of Neal Watson's Bimini Scuba Centre, told Tribune Business that Bahamas Petroleum Company's (BPC) plan to spud a first well some 81 miles west of Andros pre-Christmas "sounds like a mess waiting to happen" for tourism, fisheries and all industries that make their living from the ocean and environment.

"I truly can't believe it's going on," he said. "I'm imploring the Government to take one more look at this in terms of the risk versus reward scenario. Fishing and diving are really the last careers open to Bahamians. The resources are there for any Bahamian to use, and to risk that on the reward of some persons potentially finding oil......

"I thought the Government was looking at sustainable energy and renewable resources; that's where we should be focusing the energy, not here. I don't know what to say. It's terrible. I'm devastated. I can't even believe they can possibly allow it, and I beg the Government to take one last look at the risk versus reward.

"It's just heart-breaking, man. I didn't think 2020 could get much worse, but it keeps on giving. We're all holding our breath here. I would implore the Government to take one more look. I can't imagine the benefits being that high versus the potential of a catastrophe."

BPC has repeatedly asserted that all its risk mitigation work and studies to-date have reduced the possibility of an oil spill or other environmental incident to the bare minimum, while pointing out that its Perseverance One well - which it hopes to drill before Christmas 2020 - is exploratory and will not seek to extract fossil fuels from the seabed like its commercial variety.

However, Mr Watson voiced fears that the tidal currents and gulf stream would inevitably take any spill towards Bimini, thereby endangering its "quite fragile ecosystem" of mangroves, corals and other environmental characteristics that have already been damaged by development and hurricanes.

"It's just bad news," he added of oil exploration. "I feel like the ecosystem is quite fragile, and so stressed by over-fishing, all the coral disease that was going round from last year and all the mangroves that have been dug and damaged from the hurricane, the last thing we need right now is another stress on the environment.

"I don't see anyone in Bimini that's particularly excited about that project. The last thing I would implore is that the Government take another look at this, and really, really, really think hard about this, the risk versus reward, and if they do go through with this add another layer of safeguards and standards than what is required by Bahamian law.

"I would just implore them to take another couple of steps and really make sure this doesn't mess up as I don't think there's any coming back from it if we get a really bad spill."

However, Roberta Quant, BPC's environmental scientist, in written responses to Tribune Business questions, said the oil explorer's studies had shown that the Great Bahama Bank would protect Bimini and the rest of The Bahamas should any oil spill occur.

"From a scientific perspective, the risk of a spontaneous flow of oil, or a spill, is considered to be minimal," she reiterated. "That said, as part of planning to be able to meet any eventuality – no matter how remote - as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Environmental Authorisation documentation, BPC undertook a sophisticated ‘fate of particle’ spill modelling exercise in conjunction with a US university and environmental consultants.

"This exercise modelled thousands of spill scenarios, in thousands of different weather conditions (all based upon actual weather and sea state conditions), and assuming thousands of different response scenarios to predict where oil would likely be carried by the ocean currents."

Ms Quant added: "The spill modelling suggests that, given the flow of ocean currents, water depth and shape of the ocean floor, and prevailing meteorological conditions, the Great Bahama Bank protects The Bahamas given the flow of any water would be parallel along the Bank rather than across it.

"The consequence of which is that any shoreline contamination would most likely occur primarily along the Cuban coast. In the modelling exercise, we observed that the only time this pattern of spills moving along the Bank is potentially disrupted is during a hurricane event. It is for this reason that BPC has specifically committed to not drilling the exploratory well during the hurricane season.

"In the most extreme modelling scenario of a totally unmitigated spill event - an almost inconceivable situation where the company does absolutely nothing for 60 days to prevent any flow – and the reservoir sustains maximum flow volumes to surface for this entire period, fluids released below the surface were predicted to have a larger potential impact to shorelines than surface releases, with spill volumes potentially making it to the northern shores of Cuba and some isolated small uninhabited islands of The Bahamas. This extreme event is modelled to ensure BPC is able to meticulously plan to mitigate even the most extreme events, notwithstanding how unlikely."

However, that has done little to reassure environmental activists, who yesterday renewed their calls for BPC to provide greater details on the actual amount of insurance coverage it has obtained and its environmental studies.

"There is no question that drilling anywhere in Bahamian waters poses an enormous danger to this country’s environment and economy,” said Rashema Ingraham, executive director of Waterkeepers Bahamas, and member of the Our Islands, Our Future group's steering committee.


Porcupine 4 years, 4 months ago

Neal Watson thank you for speaking out. You are right. To Ms. Quant. "It is difficult to get someone to understand something, when their salary depends upon them not understanding it." The science of 2020 suggests that we move rapidly away from fossil fuels. We all managed after finding out cigarettes were harmful. We can do the same with oil. Your salary obviously affects your needed objectivity. Mr. Hartnell, how much time do you spend studying what is going on environmentally in The Bahamas? I am available to help bring you up to speed. Business exists by virtue of the environment. Not the other way around.

proudloudandfnm 4 years, 4 months ago

Don't worry Neal, Bimini is more in danger from oil tankers passing than a well down off the coast of Cuba. Chill Neal, chill...

banker 4 years, 4 months ago

There ain't no oil. BPL is a penny stock play -- a junior resource make-believe playing at being an oil company to flog useless stock on junior exchanges. This was big in Canada 50 years ago with junior mining companies. They have to pretend to do some exploration, but they have no intention of really drilling a well or even finding oil. They know that there is no oil, but junior penny stock speculators hope that there is enough gullible people to waste their money. The drive the stock up with these announcements and do have have any intention of following through. Google it. This company has promised drilling since 2012. How have they kept going for 8 years and doing nothing. They had made millions off the stock. Oh you naive Bahamians.

proudloudandfnm 4 years, 4 months ago

Actually scans show oil. Cu a tried in the same spoy but couldn't get to it. BPC is betting on newer technology to get to it....

Please stop with the idiotic facebook conspiracy theories.

Thank you....

banker 4 years, 4 months ago

Please educate yourself and get some science. There are no such things as scans that "show oil". Oil is found by identifying geological structures that "may" contain oil. There is no way of imaging the oil itself. Please don't show your ignorance while posting. Also please read up on penny stock plays. It is no wonder that the Bahamas is still a 3rd world country.

bahamianson 4 years, 4 months ago

Dog for oil in a.responsible way. They did for oil everywhere in the world , why not did here. We can't stop this for a few individuals. This is great for the Bahamas. Hey, tourism is in a slump and oil might be the next best thing. Only thing is, don't let the typical Bahamian families get the lion's share. Stop insider trading and let it be open to all.

Porcupine 4 years, 4 months ago

"We can't stop for a few individuals? Do you realize what an ignorant statement that is? So the people who are arguing against drilling are doing it for themselves. God help this country.

Proguing 4 years, 4 months ago

Oil is an energy of the past. Look at the stock price of royal dutch and BP. They are at a 25 years low. And guess where they are investing now to save themselves? In renewable energy, got that?



ColumbusPillow 4 years, 4 months ago

What you going to do when it gets cloudy or there is no wind?. Wind turbines last about 12 years, where are you going to bury these elephants? And what about the toxic chemicals in solar panels when you bury them? And what about corrosion of solar panels due to salt air? Are you able to pay double for renewable power? Are the climate alarmists taking over?

Voltaire 4 years, 2 months ago

Better than the cuckoo trumpist science-ain't-real climate deniers. We will take an alarmist any day over that special brand of wilful idiocy. Thanks tho.

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