Minnis to cops: Vote FNM

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.


Tribune News Editor


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis made a last-minute push for law enforcement officers to support the Free National Movement when they head to the polls in today’s advance poll, saying his government will reform conditions of service and realign salary scales if re-elected.

His comments came as he spoke to supporters at a rally in South Abaco last night.

“Tomorrow, the advanced poll begins. May I speak briefly to senior citizens and to the members of the uniformed branches throughout The Bahamas and here on Abaco,” Dr Minnis said last night.

“I ask our seniors to vote for the FNM for their future and the future of their children and grandchildren. I ask the members of the uniformed branches for their support of FNM candidates. The occupational health, safety and welfare of law enforcement personnel in The Bahamas are critical to advancing safety and security.

“In our last term, we began to address a variety of the concerns and needs of law enforcement personnel in all branches. We strongly believe that their welfare and well-being should be supported throughout their careers.

“We have ensured greater parity among all law enforcement agencies under the Ministry of National Security. We are going to continue to reform conditions of service for career and reserve law enforcement personnel.

“We are going to expand mental, physical and financial services for all law enforcement personnel. And we are going to realign law enforcement salary scales based on qualifications and with global standards.”

Last night, Dr Minnis also urged Abaco residents to throw their support behind his party’s two candidates — North Abaco incumbent Darren Henfield and Central and South Abaco hopeful Vandea Stuart — promising more concessions and continued rebuilding efforts for the storm-torn island.

He admitted that rebuilding efforts after Hurricane Dorian in 2019 need to be accelerated and promised to do so if re-elected. He also took shots at the Progressive Liberal Party, telling residents they “could not trust” the opposition party with public funds and storm recovery efforts.

“We know that we need to accelerate this work and other plans. . .the pandemic has slowed some of our restoration work but we are still at it. We remain determined to ensure Abaco is again one of the most vibrant economies in The Bahamas.”

He also said: “In our term, we are going to create the extended disaster recovery plan programme for Abaco. That means many of the benefits that you see may be extended even further beyond December to ensure Abaco is rebuilt.”

He said this will apply to the hardest hit areas of Abaco.

“Abaco was devastated by the hurricane and Abaco needs all of the assistance. . .to get its economy roaring again. Further, we will earmark a specific portion of the Ministry of Social Services’ budget to the needs of Abaco, we are going to expand the existing Small Business Development Centre on Abaco... to see that entrepreneurs on Abaco succeed.”

On the issue of Hurricane Dorian repairs, he said the government has repaired 14 schools on the island with NGOs helping in the repair of 10 of these. He said the Ministry of Education will rebuild the Treasure Cay Primary School.

He also touted Bahamas Power and Light’s efforts post-Dorian, saying the power provider has spent $61m on repairs to date, much of that in Abaco.

Of future plans he said, “We are going to construct a new modern police station in Marsh Harbour and upgrade other police stations. The government dock in Marsh Harbour will be expanded.

“Through a major public-private partnership we are going to build a new Marsh Harbour port.

“The roads in Pelican Shores, which were dug up for the waterworks, will be repaired.

“An FNM government will create a National Memorial Park in the Mudd.”

He also said service lot communities are set to get underway in Spring City and Central Pines, adding that apart from the Ministry of Housing’s planned expansion of Central Pines, Bakers Bay has started construction on some near 50 homes to be gifted to storm victims whose homes were destroyed.

The government also made a commitment for the construction of an additional 10 homes to be given free to those who lost homes during Dorian, he said.

He said the government will build a “world-class track” that will help to produce more world and Olympic champions.

He also said the existing dump sites all across Abaco will be transformed into transfer stations and a proper landfill will be built on the island.


TalRussell 2 years, 10 months ago

Has to be blatantly desperately falling to back the pack in your own polling numbers to publicly attempt to use the — powerful imbalance of power of the office of the prime minister — as an election bullying tool — Against, dedicated members of the Colony's Royal Constabulary — into switching their votes. —Yes?

birdiestrachan 2 years, 10 months ago

Pay attention to the PM's language "We are going to": he did the things that were important to him and his rich supporters. The post office deal, the cruise port deal and God alone knows what else. Now he is full of empty promises.

He can HE`-HAW as much as he like. But many know him for who he is_

TalRussell 2 years, 10 months ago

The stresses 2021 election is not the time for finger-pointing in the faces of loyal members of the Colony's Royal Constabulary. — One glance around the cabinet table and there's no tellin' — where or what — his finger has been — Up — to. — Yes?

ohdrap4 2 years, 10 months ago

He gets more odius by the hour.

ThisIsOurs 2 years, 10 months ago

Ingraham removed from the early voting list.

The very embodiment of "petty".

And they seriously couldn't let him vote anyway? Its not like someone stole his identity. Thats the purpose of the list. Identity verification.

The FNM council needs to look at this and a good long look all the people who've died unnecesarily in 3 weeks.

This election was timed to coincide with "the greatest vaccination program the Bahamas has ever seen" and its killed 150 people in 3 weeks. We cannot do 5 more years of this even if the FNM wins, its counterproductive to innovation and transformation and growth. What did sitting around quiet for 5 years do for those 39 MPs? It never got better. Actually maybe 30. Brent Symonette spoke up and Minnis stand right to attention.

For the rest of them, Look at all the damage that happened while you sat back. Petty will never get better. By the time you remove all the people you dont like you'll be left with people who'll tell you your spit tastes like sugar. And where will that leave the country

happyfly 2 years, 10 months ago

Good point. these useless MP cronies all gave PapaDoc emergency powers and went fishing. They all need to go. And let's keep voting them all out until they start representing their constituents instead of making false promises and letting some two-bit tyrant take over the country. We need to cut the term limit down to one year so we can kick them out quick as that

TalRussell 2 years, 10 months ago

Memo to the office of the prime minister. — Shouldn't OPM — Want the Popoulaces to trust their prime minister to keep them and loved ones, safe and alive? — It sure as hell was sacred responsibility for we colony's four previous holders entrusted premierships. — Yes?

John 2 years, 10 months ago

Why didn’t Marvin Dames ask the police to vote FNM? Remember all those he fired? Kicked them to the curb like career criminals. The police now have their say.

John 2 years, 10 months ago

MINNIS may lose this Election and yes, it will be because of his own undoing. Many still believe Minnis and the FNM should be left in office to continue in this financial crisis and global pandemic. To change governments at this time will cost the Bahamian people. Many will lose jobs and many projects currently in progress be stopped, reviewed and cancelled. And if the PLP win, will they seek vengeance? Will they be able to find financing to carry the country as it continues to battle this pandemic and climb out of this financial crisis? But it was Minnis behavior over the last few months that turned many people off from him. After months of safety measures that worked , he abandoned them in favor of vaccines. Basically demanding people take them. Threatening to deny rights to people who didn’t want to vaccinate snd offering perks and privileges to persons, including non Bahamians who were vaccinated. D changing the guard in this situation is as bad as Minnis calling elections in the height of the pandemic. May be best to give Minnis a stronger opposition. But vote your conscience, STILL!

carltonr61 2 years, 10 months ago

He told us sweet stories before and they wew all lies, lost hope and dreams for generations of Bahamians. The most currupt government since Black Beard.

John 2 years, 10 months ago

The great big lie was telling Bahamians they responsible and have blood on their hands if they are not vaccinated and friends, family and loved ones die. But it is tge vaccinated who are super spreaders. Why didn’t he tell you the same persons who were giving AIDS patients AZT treatment and causing them to die is also involved in the development of these vaccines? Minnis and Duane Sands are doctors. They must know this.

ohdrap4 2 years, 10 months ago

John has a point. Out of his many.

When I spoke to a dyed in the wool FNM a frw months ago, he said somethins about the plp and that the vote shoukd go to FNM.

Spoke to him yesterday. He is so upset and said Minnis has to go.

But, you can avoid the super spreader. And, if you do go, cut the thumb off a rubber glovr and wear a glove.

BahamasForBahamians 2 years, 10 months ago

“An FNM government will create a National Memorial Park in the Mudd.”

LMFAO. Does he realize that we've watched him spend millions on sidewalks before giving us a proper memorial? Does he really think this last minute desperation promise will work?

whatsup 2 years, 10 months ago

I voted in Killnary yestereday. In 2017, I voted for Minnis.....yesterday, I voted for a better man....Mr. Ronald Duncombe!!

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