Do you think the PLP have chosen the right team to lead them into the next election?

Yes 29 votes


No 183 votes


212 total votes


SP 4 years, 12 months ago

If the PLP really want to be taken remotely seriously again, they desperately need, Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Perry Christie!


bahamian242 4 years, 12 months ago

Yes that can be a Big Help for THEM!

birdiestrachan 4 years, 12 months ago

It is my hope that they will nominate old and new members. The youth can learn tremendously from older people in every area of life.

I would also appreciate it very much. if there is a place for Alfred Sears. A great brain with lots and lots of Charisma..

themessenger 4 years, 12 months ago

If they want half a chance they need to be rid of Brave & Fred along with all their various baggage. I'm very surprised that Chester Cooper would want to be associated with much, if any, of what went before him. If the PLP don't reorganize behind people like Cooper & Sears and dump the Davis's, Hanna's, Mitchell's, Wilchcombes and Millers and their ass kissing sycophants like Bodie they just pissing into the wind.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 11 months ago

Doesn't really matter who they've chosen. The FNM won the last election because PLPs were fed up with Perry Christie and DNA'S didn't want to chance the PLP winning due to a split vote. Well...all of that is over and done with. PLPs are consolidated once again against the poor performance of the current administration. I mean the belief that you could cut spending enough during high unemployment and crumbling infrastructure to balance the budget in 3 years is almost unbelievable. On top of PLPs and DNAs heading back to their respective corners, many life long FNM voters are completely disillusioned. Nothing has changed. It's the same old cutting contracts, this mutton taste good game. If I were a gambling person I'd put everything on the PLP and their reinvigorated supporters. The FNM has noone to blame but themselves. Can they turn it around? Sure, switch leaders, create some economic opportunities for the people in need and stop making the prerequisite for jobs, assistance whatever, "FNM supporter". In short be the transformative for the people govt everyone (except maybe Brave) expected you to be

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