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banker 11 years, 4 months ago on Archbishop speaks out over lawsuit

Or, if you don't agree that the church has final authority over the school, then don't attend. Go somewhere else.

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Girly 11 years, 4 months ago on Archbishop speaks out over lawsuit

Well they better revise their rules and regulations before something like this happens again!

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Ironvelvet 11 years, 9 months ago on BEC union makes ‘no response’ to outages threat

There should be a conversion to a shift system (day and night workers). The shift system will allow for salaries only. And if overtime is needed there would be very, very, very little room or applicability for it as on a shift system someone is always supposed to be available.

As far as the workers threatening to turn off the electricity or failing to respond when duty calls. They should be fired for failure to comply with contract agreements. Bahamians have a poor sense of what a worker is required to do according to job description. We are a biggity people and believe that what we 'want' to do is what our job description entails. Its a job with 'predetermined' expectations.

Isn't umemployment high, I'm sure there are lots of people sitting at home right now waiting for an opportunity to do what some of these with high school certificates do when they feel like it.

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Bahamianpride 11 years, 3 months ago on Archbishop speaks out over lawsuit

Punnish the kids u damned, don't punnish the kids u damned. Ultimately life punnishes bad behavior, the school would get an apology from me if my kid was a part of this.. However the school has to return whatever refundable portion of the graduation money is left because when u book and cancel venues they sometimes hold some of deposit for late cancellations.. We have become a litigious society Welcome to the united states of the Bahamas

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jackbnimble 9 years, 11 months ago on Haitian activist backs Florida politician '1,000%'

What I find so amazing is how these activists are all living in "udder people country". Notice the outcry is NEVER against the Haitian Government who been screwing them over for years and causing them to run to other people country. I guess they only grow balls when they done find their way out. Frankly it's laughable.

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paul_vincent_zecchino 9 years, 11 months ago on Haitian activist backs Florida politician '1,000%'

Oh, playing the 'race card'? Didn't you get the memo? It's no longer valid.

This isn't about race, black, blue, white or purple. This is about illegal immigration and someone's attempt to shame Americans into not visiting.

Here's the juice: boycotting travel to the Bahamas helps no one and hurts everyone, most of all the Haitian people.

American left wing politicians just had their heads handed to them last week, so they're casting about, speaking out of turn, telling tales, in effort to rehabilitate their image.

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TalRussell 9 years, 11 months ago on Haitian activist backs Florida politician '1,000%'

Protesters Block Buses Carrying Illegal Women & Children Into "USA" California


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duppyVAT 9 years, 11 months ago on Haitian activist backs Florida politician '1,000%'

This is a problem of our own making going back 200 years ........... If you look at any society that has been infiltrated by immigrants without proper assimilation, there will be ghettoization, inequality, discrimination and social unrest.

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Stapedius 9 years, 11 months ago on Haitian activist backs Florida politician '1,000%'

Well there is law and there is enforcement. They have already broken the law by entering illegally. When ICE goes to pick up illegals in your country there is no regard for if you're at work or if you have time or not to pack your belongings. They simply pick you up and your belongings are auctioned. The reality of it is the shanty towns have become a breeding ground fro illegal activity. So, first they break the laws by entering the country illegally, second they squat on someone's land, third they hook up electricity illegally. How many laws must they break before we do something about it? It would not happen in your country so please spare us the crap.

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asiseeit 9 years, 11 months ago on POLITICOLE: Illegal immigrant sympathisers who attack Bahamas immigration law

1) Yes the are people that are breaking the laws of The Bahamas thus they are ILLEGAL aliens. 2) The 2.2 million you speak of is what we spend to RETURN these illegals to their country of origin. Now add in the money they remit to their country of origin, the cost to school their children, the cost to give them healthcare, the cost to try and stem their flow into the Bahamas, The cost to try and control their shanty towns (not to mention the environmental cost of said shanty town) and the list of cost to The Bahamas goes on, so your 2.2 million is absurd. The amount of money that the illegal Haitian remits to Haiti helps the Haitian government in many ways. It is injecting money into THEIR economy. Think before you want to berate someones post

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Emac 9 years, 11 months ago on POLITICOLE: Illegal immigrant sympathisers who attack Bahamas immigration law

Could not have said it better! Would like to hear from the so called immigrant sympathizers though. Would love to hear their rebuttal. But then again, ya can't defend what is undefendable.

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tchoosayn 9 years, 11 months ago on POLITICOLE: Illegal immigrant sympathisers who attack Bahamas immigration law

Revolutionary is clearly an idiot a$$hole. And a sympathizer. And probably is or was an illegal before someone sponsored him/ her an education.

He/she dissected EVERY line of this article and the comments of everyone who posted who he/she disagreed with??? WTF? People PETTY nah! Really? Wonder if they think this makes them look smart. When instead they actually seem like a psychopath, who is either totally in LOVE with Ms Nicole or a total HATER. Chile Ms Nicole, watch out cuz dis right here is stalker behavior. But the Tribune could track their computer in case you need to sick the police on dey a$$!

Revolutionary, you CLEARLY have waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on your hands! Go give yourself a hand job instead of typing, cuz you obviously need to get off on sumthin.

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SP 9 years, 11 months ago on Haitian activist backs Florida politician '1,000%'

Your solution of give the country to the Haitians is unacceptable.

Get rid of ALL the dam Haitian kids, focus on the "U", and give the educational system the opportunity to raise the standard of education that would afford BAHAMIAN CHILDREN their rightfully deserved chance of obtaining a proper education.

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SP 9 years, 11 months ago on Haitian group rejects boycott

Fred Smith was born a British subject in Haiti in 1956. Mr. Smith became a Bahamian citizen in 1973 upon the country’s independence. As child, he along with his parents divided their time between Haiti and The Bahamas.

Fred Smiths' "true roots" are Haitian, NOT Bahamian.

This is another shinning classic example of why it is of utmost importance for the Bahamas not issue "full citizenship" to expats and their children. These people will ALWAYS side with their country of origin.

Our country must replicate Bermudas' citizenship laws which would render a Fred Smith mute and voiceless in the affairs of Bahamians whom he cannot care about because he is "Haitian in spirit".

Read Bermudas' citizenship laws: ...........…

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Stapedius 9 years, 11 months ago on Haiti delegation to have talks

We love slackness. As soon as the Bahamian government acts then the Haitian government has seen it necessary to react. Fred Smith is an @#$. When the border patrols in Arizona and California are readily stopping and detaining Mexicans I haven't heard one word about genocide come from the human rights lips. The reason we haven't heard a word is because it is not genocide and Smith should have more sense when making public statements. He apears to have a serious hate for this country and nothing either government does is right. The reality is that the largest concentration of illegal immigrants in the country are Haitian as are Mexicans in certain areas of the US. So naturally the largest group to be detained will likely be of Haitian descent. That being said, it is my understanding that Cubans, Jamaicans and people of several other nationalities have also been detained for violation of our immigration laws. Mr. Smith always finds a way to grand stand and use the media to his benefit. Human rights is certainly important and we should all have respect for our fellow man. But, it is hard enough for the immigration officers to have to deal with the dangers of their job and on top of it be criticised for doing it. These are our young men and women going into some pretty gritty conditions and are having to sort out a whole range of social problems. Mr. Smith instead of always bashing everything the Bahamian government does I wonder if you are ever concerned about the protection and rights of our Defense Force Officers or Immigration officers. In many instances the RBDF have been fired up by Domincan fishing vessels. What about their rights?

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birdiestrachan 9 years, 11 months ago on Haiti delegation to have talks

Has Fred Smith or any of the Haitian Officials ever visited the shanty towns in Nassau or in Abaco the mud and pigeon pea . If they did they would know that it is wrong. This Tale about the children is only a smoke screen .. Something for them to hang their hats on.

The parents must do what is best for their children . and teach them about Haiti. the old story they do not know anything about Haiti will not work.. have you ever seen them on their flag day. you could fool any body by the way they carry on.

Parents must do what is best for their children. It is their responsibility, not the Government , nor the Church. The parents. that is what my Mama told me.

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SP 9 years, 11 months ago on Haiti delegation to have talks

Fred Smith was born a British subject in Haiti in 1956. Mr. Smith became a Bahamian citizen in 1973 upon the country’s independence. As child, he along with his parents divided their time between Haiti and The Bahamas.

Fred Smiths' "true roots" are Haitian, NOT Bahamian.

This is another shinning classic example of why it is of utmost importance for the Bahamas not issue "full citizenship" to expats and their children. These people will ALWAYS side with their country of origin.

Our country must replicate Bermudas' citizenship laws which would render a Fred Smith mute and voiceless in the affairs of Bahamians whom he cannot care about because he is "Haitian in spirit".

Read Bermudas' citizenship laws: ...........…

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SP 9 years, 11 months ago on Haitian group rejects boycott

Hubert Ingraham is of Haitian decent and unquestionably demonstrated support for his Haitian people over Bahamians on numerous occasions.…

The red party is hoping to garner the Haitian block vote in 2017.

Imagine what would become of the Bahamas and future generations of Bahamians if Haitians are allowed to vote and run for political office!

WE THE PEOPLE must cause a constitutional referendum change to amend Article 7 to reflect Bermudas' law on citizenship making only indigenous Bahamians eligible to vote or participate in the politics of the Bahamas......Read Bermudas' citizenship and voting laws:…

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TalRussell 9 years, 11 months ago on Haitian group rejects boycott

Comrade if you believe Bahamaland has a surplus of resources to help rebuild Haiti when we have government workers who haven't been paid in months. When we cannot even afford replace old worn out generators at BEC - then I guess you will feel comfortable on November 21, voting for a Minnis or Loretta? This was "reconfirmed" as the red shirts rebuild Haiti policy this afternoon.

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afficianado 9 years, 11 months ago on Haitian group rejects boycott

Why should they be given a 6 month extension? Mr. Smith is ludicrous! Mr.Smith what you can do is converse with president Martelly and "humanely" devise a plan where your people aren't voyaging every week to seek survival elsewhere. If they are leaving by the hundreds sounds like you need to look at the human rights in "Fish Net" Haiti. There's nothing draconian about the "round-ups" when you come to a country through the back door disrespectfully then you should be tossed out disrespectfully. Teach your people some manners!!