realfreethinker 6 years, 8 months ago on BUDGET: VAT to rise from 7.5 percent to 12 percent
BUDGET: VAT to rise from 7.5 percent to 12 percent
Sheeprunner12. It's unfortunate our people don't educate themselves , therefore people like mudda will be seen as the smart ones. It's no secret that vat was going to be raised. Brave them were planning on raising it to 15% had they won. I just hope we soon get around to eliminating all duties. Our problem is not that we are over taxed,but we have governments that waste it.
aurelia025 11 years, 2 months ago on House clerk Rahming dies
House clerk Rahming dies
Condolences to the Rahming family.
Ironvelvet 11 years, 1 month ago on Christmas bonus for BEC staff deferred
Christmas bonus for BEC staff deferred
First of all a bonus is exactly what that word implies, a bonus. It is not a guaranteed part of a salary or to be considered pay for services rendered. A bonus should never be an expectation. For the employees to have made plans with money they don't have is foolish. And for Mr. Greene to insinuate that employees WITH jobs will go out and rob if they don't get their bonus is preposterous!! Should the police start questioning BEC employees when there is an armed robbery? (being sarcastic and cynical here) The entitlement of the average Bahamian to have a certain lifestyle is what is wrong with the mentality of our communities that leads us to the current surge in crime.
When times are tough one must cut back and live economically and make sacrifices. Since when did having to live meagerly equate to a justification of crime? Are these the ruminations of our so called 'Christian nation'? It seems as though those at BEC who have been getting a triple salary from over time and getting paid twice with sick and NIB pay, has only added to the entitlement.
banker 11 years, 1 month ago on Violence in Bahamas at levels close to armed conflict zones
Violence in Bahamas at levels close to armed conflict zones
I don't believe this. First there is demonstrable obsessive compulsive disorder in regards to bringing up the FNM in every conversation, and now there is denial of reality where just in today's paper, a Subway store is brazenly robbed, a baby is killed by a hit and run coward, the deputy prime minister was robbed at gunpoint, eight people were shot in a 24 hour period three weeks ago, the murder rate is in fact that of a war zone.
Let me educate you with some comparisons. Take Toronto, Canada. They have a population in the city of 2.78 million and they have had 31 homicides to this point. With that same rate, we should have three homicides every year. We have a tenth of that population and we have over 300% more homicides. Denying a problem makes you part of the problem and not part of the solution.
Bahamianpride 11 years, 1 month ago on Haiti work agreement to be resurrected
Haiti work agreement to be resurrected
10,000 fine for anyone caught hiring an illegal immigrant, 10,000 fine and 5 years in prison for anyone caught participating in the trafficking of illegal immigrants.. 10,000 fine for anyone caught housing or hiding an illegal immigrant plus minimum of 2 years in prison...Problem solved.... Lets help the people of Haiti as much as humanely possible, but no more people the boat is full & we have too many social problems to deal with at this time..Check back later when the murder number is at 0-10 for the year. When armed Robbery is down 90%. When Government corruption and incompetance is reduce drastically... Check back when any Bahamian feels comfortable walking all of East Street from end to end at 11:00 p.m. on any night. Check back when people are not terrorfied in there own homes and looking over there shoulder scared in the parking lot of the grocery store..
Why not forget this idea but instead concentrate on bringing the vehicle licensing system into the 21st century? That would be money well spent.
Honestman 11 years, 1 month ago on Police will use 'severe methods' if necessary
Police will use 'severe methods' if necessary
Catching perpetrators has never been a problem in The Bahamas. Securing murder convictions is entirely another matter. Of the 400 or so murders committed over the last four years, how many convictions have been achieved? A dozen? The vast majority of cases haven't even been heard. Therein lies the problem. Hundreds of murder cases stuck in a log jam with no prospect of an early conclusion. It would be of more comfort to hear from the Arrorney General as to what the government plans to do to improve this side of criminal justice.
booga13 11 years, 1 month ago on Moss ‘appalled’ by attitude of his colleagues
Moss ‘appalled’ by attitude of his colleagues
God willing he will remain in Politics for a long time. Its persons like him that we need in politics to take this country where it needs to be desperately. God Bless Mr. Moss!
bnewbold 11 years, 1 month ago on Moss ‘appalled’ by attitude of his colleagues
Moss ‘appalled’ by attitude of his colleagues
The PLP blame the FNM for crime, now the PLP in power they have not done squat. Speak out Mr. Moss, speak out. Leslie Miller spoke out. You PLP's hate the facts that people speak out and then make statements this Moss last term. It might be his last with the PLP, but not his last in Government
sheeprunner12 11 years, 1 month ago on Moss ‘appalled’ by attitude of his colleagues
Moss ‘appalled’ by attitude of his colleagues
Whether Gregory Moss is sincere or not is not the question. The fact that he actually voiced these words in a place as important as the House of Assembly is commendable. This is a watershed moment and hopefully ALL of the MPS will follow suit.
Most MPs are not in touch with the crime situation. They either live our "East" or West", many behind gates or with security like the White House. The average citizen cannot afford such luxuries.
I agree with his sentiments and I urge ALL MPs to please stop playing politics and govern this country for the next TWO years. You can resume your political game in 2016.
proudloudandfnm 10 years, 11 months ago on Shame tactics over tax debts
Shame tactics over tax debts
Shane. You are a moron....
Like I said. I don't care what party your with. If you wanna serve your taxes better be paid....
Lightbourn has to go, on principal alone. Not paying is reason enough to fire him. Not being able to afford $500.00 per year is also reason enough to fire him..... How you could hire someone in finance if they can't afford $500.00 a year? Can't be very good at what they do obviously....
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 11 months ago on Shame tactics over tax debts
Shame tactics over tax debts
These guys who can't pay bills but are yet in power are a bad sign. A man who was also head of a leading firm in the country is an even worse sign. How did he get in that state? What does that say about his money management? Will he end up with some financial oversight of the implemented system? Who will watch him to ensure he doesn't "fall on hard times" again?
Honestman 10 years, 11 months ago on Shame tactics over tax debts
Shame tactics over tax debts
When asked whether or not he would also reveal delinquency among his own party members, Mr Gibson said: “They can disclose ours, I’m going to disclose theirs.
Is this not the most pathetic political posturing you have ever heard? There is no hope for The Bahamas when this is the attitude of the country's political elite. Bradley Roberts and Shane Gibson would be better just saying nothing over the Ishmael Lightbourne non payment of tax disclosure. You cannot defend the indefensible but these two attempt to do just that and in the process make themselves look foolish and immature.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 11 months ago on Shame tactics over tax debts
Shame tactics over tax debts
“I myself at one point I was behind, I’m current now,” he said. “I became current some time ago but the point is, look at BEC some people can’t afford to pay their light bill, lights off at home. We’re acting as though the last 10 years were these great years where everyone was able to meet their obligations.
Every time this man speaks he frightens me. He has just advocated excellent reasons for formal vetting by an independent body of ALL political candidates.
I am sorry but persons in debt (i.e. months behind on their bills), persons with gambling problems, persons with alcohol drug or sex addictions, persons forced to resign for misappropriating funds from their employer, should NEVER be allowed to run for political office. They should never be placed in charge of huge sums of money. They have proven UNWORTHY for small things why is it that in Bahamas these people always show up as board appointees to this or that? Minister of this or that? It's completely baffling. The temptation to "take" to support their unsustainable lifestyle will be too great. These people are ruled by what they see in the Jones' yard. They are also wide open to blackmail
Further if this inability to pay existing taxes is so great how did you come up with VAT as a solution? Who will be able to afford the increased prices? People will either stay away or they will purchase less.
If ministers were taught to live within their means and stop borrowing outrageous sums of money from BOB or NIB, or taking bribes, if they lived on their salary, when they got kicked out of office for foolishness, they wouldn't have a million dollar mortgage to pay off with no job to pay it. They wouldn't have some grand failing business with no customers. They wouldn't have a bunch of sweethearts waiting on their monthly mortgage payment.
There are so many lessons to take from this statement.
Honestman 10 years, 11 months ago on Miller opposes plan for BEC
Miller opposes plan for BEC
It is utterly beyond comprehension why ANY citizen or resident of The Bahamas is allowed to run up Property tax arrears of $100,000 far less an individual appointed to be the Government's VAT enforcer. Gibson and Roberts' attempts to play down this gross moral failing on the part of Lightbourne is really shameful but is exactly what we expect from this pair. Leslie Miller's assertion today that government ministers should not have to be transparent about whether or not they are tax delinquent tells you everything about how the political elite treat the electorate with sheer contempt. If Miller doesn't like being accountable then HE SHOULD GET OUT OF POLITICS.
The_Oracle 10 years, 11 months ago on $550m owed in property tax
$550m owed in property tax
Firstly, this uncollected tax foolishness is endemic and widespread. It also shows we are living a fools dream, not paying the proper costs for that which we have, be it business license, duty, property taxes and power & water bills. Heaping VAT on top of this deplorable situation is lunacy. This is a Bahamian problem, no matter party affiliation. In fact, party affiliation is the root of the problem! Cure this issue, and all the other leakage before implementing yet another uncontrollable noncollectable tax. Government has got to break with this fools paradise of being the provider of all, and go back to being lawful and consistent, and use the courts! Also hire foreign property value assessors if it is as it seems, Bahamian assessors cannot be trusted!
Economist 8 years, 11 months ago on Why I will be voting no
Why I will be voting no
"Most Bahamians, particularly men who only have high school diplomas, were terrified by the prospect of the massive influx of university educated foreign males into The Bahamas after marrying Bahamian women. We were afraid that these educated foreigners would literally take over the country, relegating the uneducated among us to the back-burner. Most Bahamian women who have been educated abroad will most likely settle for a foreign male who has a college degree, rather than a Bahamian plumber, cab and jitney driver, waiter or construction worker, which is her God-given right."
How sad is that?
I will be voting "yes" for the Bahamian woman.
empathy 8 years, 11 months ago on Why I will be voting no
Why I will be voting no
"Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Sometimes we get a second chance to fix a glaring mistake.
As a populace we should be ever vigilant of folks who want to manipulate us for their own agendas. In part it requires us to do our homework and analyze issues more succinctly so that we can support policies that move us forward onward and upward as a country and fight against those that do not.
The changes passed in our parliament this week gives us an opportunity to do just that and I hope Bahamians will seize their opportunities.
Bahamianpride 10 years, 10 months ago on Minnis: Abuse of power for PM to intervene for Lightbourne
Minnis: Abuse of power for PM to intervene for Lightbourne
If this story is correct that's official misconduct. Furthermore, for the P.M to make personal calls to a bank using his influence on something such as friends or colleagues personal debts, its not only illegal but idiotic.
sheeprunner12 6 years, 8 months ago on John Pinder appointed acting Director of Labour
John Pinder appointed acting Director of Labour
John Pinder did nothing for the BPSU, now he is on the Govt payroll as a Director? LMAO