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A COMIC'S VIEW: Pointless permits and chiming bells

There were a few interesting developments on the horizon this past week. Let’s begin.

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A COMIC'S VIEW: 'Twas the night before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house Not an MP was stirring, from “doer” to “louse”;

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A COMIC'S VIEW: Madness in the House of Hades

WHAT can we say about what happened in the House of Assembly this week that hasn’t already been said about conch slop? It stinks to high Heaven.

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bahamianson 3 years, 10 months ago on Cooper says the govt’s proposed housing policy ‘unfair, elitist and discriminatory’

Such an oppotunist. Stop playing politics. For 60 years we had low cost house for people whom could afford it. For one year a government implements house for middle class people and people are bitchin.listen, this country is for everyone. Everyone needs to benefit. I dont go to work and bust my farse so someone can sit under a tree and wait for government handouts hhat they taxed me for. It is about time the middle class benefited!

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DreamerX 3 years, 10 months ago on Cooper says the govt’s proposed housing policy ‘unfair, elitist and discriminatory’

It is in fact discriminatory. However, this class of professional is the brain drain that we are facing as a country. The best of the best, leave as fast as they can once the few prime positions are taken up.

This won't fully reverse brain drain because net salary gain over time is still more profitable in USA/CANADA.

Did he also go against the discriminatory nature of other programs that had a specified demographic? Or is he simply using this as a way to play class warfare?

I would also like to see his presentation on the success of the Mortgage Corp. and if he will stick his name to that performance, then so be it.

Edit: No financial statements are available on the official website and only news I've seen recently is 100m Bond that isn't able to be paid back by the organization.

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Emilio26 3 years, 10 months ago on Cooper says the govt’s proposed housing policy ‘unfair, elitist and discriminatory’

newcitizen actually government subdivisions that were built by past PLP administrations have faults and majors errors like severe flooding and dump fires.

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themessenger 3 years, 10 months ago on Cooper says the govt’s proposed housing policy ‘unfair, elitist and discriminatory’

How typical of Cooper and the PLP, provide the land, build the house and decide what furniture to install. Keep the people dependent by continuing to give them fish instead of making them independent by teaching them how to fish. Let’s not even get into the PLP housing projects of the past, the government ministers and appointed contractors who stole millions from the public purse constructing homes worth a fraction of what they charged for them.

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IAmOne 3 years, 10 months ago on Cooper says the govt’s proposed housing policy ‘unfair, elitist and discriminatory’

Mr, Cooper I usually agree with you on sensible economic issues. However, I disagree with you on his. Most of the ‘young professionals’ are first generation college graduates of ‘poor’ Bahamians. Or hard workers who have sacrificed to achieve their certifications.They have worked hard, and their parents have sacrificed plenty. Why is it so hard to understand they too deserve to benefit from government invectives and subsidies, especially when the truly rich get away with ‘murder’ in this country? Please rethink your stance. These are young, educated, hardworking Bahamians we want to keep home at stake.

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themessenger 3 years, 4 months ago on A COMIC'S VIEW: Seat at the table for polarising Fitzgerald

Bravo Naughty! As you once so quaintly put it, the PM in this case not ma homie Fitz, is indulging in some serious dumpster diving.😂🤣

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Honestman 3 years, 4 months ago on A COMIC'S VIEW: Seat at the table for polarising Fitzgerald

Spot on Naughty. This is the PLP resorting to type after only a few weeks in office. If you are a "made man" in Mafia parlance then no one can call "foul" against you. In any remotely ethical organisation, Fitzgerald would not be allowed anywhere near the corridors of power. A definite early own goal by the Davis administration.

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bahamaslovenest 3 years, 4 months ago on A COMIC'S VIEW: Seat at the table for polarising Fitzgerald

wat do u expect from a person such as Brave Davis , who during the campaign & other times, stated emphatically that , the PM should not be the Minister of Finance; I am wondering , who is the Minister of finance now ?? of course , we have 5 years of more lies , corruption , & devious misdeeds to go; hunker down , brothers & sisters.

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realfreethinker 3 years, 4 months ago on A COMIC'S VIEW: Seat at the table for polarising Fitzgerald

New day same old shit. These jokers never learn. I don't between Fitzie and Munroe which appointment is worse.