Reality_Check 10 years, 11 months ago on Webshop gaming 'to be regularised by July 1'
Webshop gaming 'to be regularised by July 1'
To the Honestman commentator above: YOU FAIL TO REALISE THE THE DISASTEROUS IMPLICATIONS OF MAKING IT LEGAL FOR THE FNM AND PLP ALIKE TO OBTAIN FUNDING FROM THE CRIMINAL ENTERPRISES RUN BY THE NUMBERS BOSSES! THE FNM AND PLP PARTIES HAVE BROKEN JUST ABOUT EVERY ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING LAW THAT THEY THEMSELVES HAVE PUT IN PLACE AS A RESULT OF THEIR PROPENSITY TO ACCEPT THE WELL KNOWN PROCEEDS OF CRIME ASSOCIATED WITH THE NUMBERS BOSSES. Hubert, Christie and their cohorts need to be held accountable by the Bahamian people for their crimes and not given a free pass that will evidence to the world the decay and destruction of our now very fragile democracy. It's really all as simple as that!
TheMadHatter 10 years, 7 months ago on Plea for patience amid delays for passports
Plea for patience amid delays for passports
Why would anyone apply for a Bahamian passport anyway? Haitian passports are much more valuable. They come with a free building permit.
SP 10 years, 7 months ago on Plea for patience amid delays for passports
Plea for patience amid delays for passports
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE......Anyone in need of a Bahamian passport need only contact the Haitian Embassy with the requisite right amount of cash.
Birth certificates, voters cards, work permits, college degrees, marriage licenses, citizenship documents, local and international drivers licenses and NASA I.D. cards also available.
Please allow 24 to 36 hours turn around time....(cash only)
sheeprunner12 10 years, 11 months ago on ‘More than half of MPs owe property tax’
‘More than half of MPs owe property tax’
How many persons qualify to pay RPT in New Providence as compared to properties valued at over $250,000 throughout the country?????????????? The latter should be the true threshold for paying RPT. That alone would cover VAT
B_I_D___ 10 years, 11 months ago on ‘More than half of MPs owe property tax’
‘More than half of MPs owe property tax’
Apparently...I guess I made the mistake of getting a good education, being honest and forthright, and paying my dang property taxes...along with all the other bills like an idiotic responsible citizen...guess I should have just got my D average at a government school and just ignore paying a thing and dodging at every turn...silly me...what was I thinking. Trust me...ain't gonna pay property tax until they hunt me down and shoot me!!
Purcell 10 years, 11 months ago on ‘More than half of MPs owe property tax’
‘More than half of MPs owe property tax’
Any Bahamian paying property tax is a blithering idiot.
generalcrazy 10 years, 10 months ago on BEC workers 'held hostage' at home they were disconnecting
BEC workers 'held hostage' at home they were disconnecting
BEC disconnects most Bahamians 2-3 times a day, and reconnects them usually within 30 mins to 2 hours. BEC is full of nanny.
Cornel 10 years, 10 months ago on 15-year-old girl shot dead
15-year-old girl shot dead
Don't blame the bar when you let a 15 year old stay out all night.
KRS1 10 years, 8 months ago on Man claims new evidence over police shooting
Man claims new evidence over police shooting
Maybe now he can send them over to ballistics and get the results back after the next commercial break. Then after that he can get tire thread samples and match them to the type of tires the RBPF uses. Who is this guy kidding anything short of a video tape will get him nowhere. The police force literally gets away with murder in this country. What makes him think they would investigate themselves and show how incompetent and out of control they are.
242orgetslu 10 years, 7 months ago on Lady Pindling's tax bill paid in full
Lady Pindling's tax bill paid in full
Fuck dis bullshit, because the news come she just remember to pay smt......cant fool me! I wish someone would get rid of every last politician. What dis old ass woman supposed to do for the country ah? Dese bunch of old ass fuck shots gat the country like dis na an all dey doing is appointing more old fucks! What happen to young people? AH? dis woman bout 1000 years old, she ga be dead b4 ya kno it, what has she ever done for the Bahamas for her to be anything other than a regular ass Bahamian woman. SMT!
banker 10 years, 7 months ago on Lady Pindling's tax bill paid in full
Lady Pindling's tax bill paid in full
She and her husband are and were both crooks. It brings shame and disrepute to the Bahamas. Every civilised country knows about the Pindling drug running, and yet the government here pretends that it didn't happen. It makes us look so bush, so open to ridicule and enables them to marginalise us as a corrupt banana republic because of these actions of our mentally-deficient prime minister.
Regardless 10 years, 7 months ago on Blackout had 'serious effects' for Atlantis
Blackout had 'serious effects' for Atlantis
The mismanagement of this key utility by a government monopoly disrupting the lives of over 100,000 Bahamians is one thing but threatening our number one industry at the nation's number one destination resort at the same time is beyond forgiving. This is a total disgrace. First rate example of Banana Republic mentality.
Tarzan 10 years, 7 months ago on Blackout had 'serious effects' for Atlantis
Blackout had 'serious effects' for Atlantis
How long until every single Bahamian understands that privatization and competition are the only way you get low prices and good service. Governments cannot run businesses. The Soviet empire, the Chinese Communist Empire both gave up on it, despite their near religious belief in it. It does not work!!!
banker 10 years, 7 months ago on Lady Pindling vows to unite the nation
Lady Pindling vows to unite the nation
Another reason to be ashamed of the Bahamas. The wife of the chief drug runner is now a Governor General, and she is tax deadbeat to boot. Have the PLP no shame? We really look like a banana republic to the rest of the world, and Fred Mitchell doesn't help. I honestly don't know how the PLP can look in the mirror every morning and wonder what is real. Are they all that much of Kool Aid drinkers?
This latest moves cheapens the office. We have truly lost our moral compass as a nation.
CANDACESCOTT 10 years, 7 months ago on Lady Pindling vows to unite the nation
Lady Pindling vows to unite the nation
says the woman from the most divisive family and party in our country's history!
asiseeit 10 years, 7 months ago on Consultants to give BEC advice by end of week
Consultants to give BEC advice by end of week
The only way to really fix BEC is to get the GOVERNMENT out of the equation. I am not saying PLP mind you, I mean all GOVERNMENT. Anything the Government (PLP/FNM) touches turns to NANNY, that's a fact jack! #FAILURES
whybahamas 10 years, 7 months ago on Consultants to give BEC advice by end of week
Consultants to give BEC advice by end of week
It's 100% incompetence from everyone involved with BEC. Sure there are some good employees that do the best they can under difficult circumstances, but the whole company is a giant cluster !@#$.
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 7 months ago on Consultants to give BEC advice by end of week
Consultants to give BEC advice by end of week
The problem today is Christie and his fellow corrupt cronies both inside and outside parliament; yesterday it was Ingraham and his corrupt cronies both inside and outside parliament. They have succeeded in robbing generations of Bahamians of a quality public education through successive failed policies on education and illegal immigration. But this was done more by design rather than incompetence; our corrupt politicians have always been fearful of a well educated Bahamian electorate and therefore they have done their best in recent decades to create an enormous class of dumbed-down poor voters. Many of these poor illiterate and undiscerning voters arrived in the Bahamas illegally and have since been regularized by our corrupt two-party political apparatus in exchange for their vote come general election time. Those who can afford private high school and university/college educations for their lucky children find more often than not that their children do not return to the Bahamas, especially those who have earned degrees in the more technical fields like the engineering and computer sciences. We all know about the brain drain our country has been experiencing for decades now under both PLP and FNM governments. It's now coming home to roost with a vengeance as shown by our declining ability to maintain BEC, Water & Sewerage, Bahamasair, and so on. Just ask yourself: "Why would any of our best and brightest Bahamians who are well educated and skilled in highly specialized areas of engineering want to subject themselves to the indignity of working with or under a daft dimwitted corrupt politician like Leslie Miller?!" Yet it's corrupt baffoons like Miller that Christie today and Ingraham of yesterday have planted throughout our government departments, agencies and corporations. As a result of this type of wide spread corrupt political interference inflicted on us, we must now hire expensive foreign consultants and experts who can get away with just about anything because government lacks the ability to monitor what these foreign consultants and experts are actually doing for us. In fact government now frequently finds it must also hire additional expensive foreign consultants and experts to oversee and monitor other expensive foreign consultants and experts that it has engaged....and around and around we go! All of this nonsense at a time when our country can least afford it. Yes, the brain drain consequence of our brain dead corrupt politicians does indeed have serious repercussions for the current and future well being of our standard of living and quality of life. Little comfort is gained in knowing that history will ensure those most responsible for our country's brain drain (Christie, Ingraham, etc., including one QC McWeeney who stuck it to foreign teachers with his apple many years ago) will bear this as their disgraceful legacy!
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 7 months ago on Consultants to give BEC advice by end of week
Consultants to give BEC advice by end of week
OMG Their prices are competitive and we are still in discussions, they have only been here one day so cost has not come up yet
How would you know their prices are competitive if you haven't discussed cost? The lack of any kind of basic planning, budgeting and negotiation skills among our leaders is literally scary. These investors must go back band have the time if their lives laughing at the Bahamas and the fools we elect to represent us.
Reality_Check 10 years, 11 months ago on Webshop gaming 'to be regularised by July 1'
Webshop gaming 'to be regularised by July 1'
Both Hubert and Perry sold their souls to the Numbers' Bosses during the last three or four general elections and it is these criminal thugs who are now running the country. Wake up Bahamians to the reality that neither the FNM nor PLP represents the interests of the average Bahamian or the interests of the Bahamas at large. Get ready you poor suckers that keep voting either PLP or FNM to chow down on some serious tax increases like VAT that will undoubtedly drive your cost of living through the roof but not affect in any way the unjustly rich quality of life enjoyed by the criminal political elite of the FNM and PLP and their unscrupulous equally criminal and greedy business cronies.