
3 Vote

proudloudandfnm 6 years, 7 months ago on VAT's 60% increase a $400m 'death wish'

Peter is wrong. You can't burden a country where the average salary is less than 300 bucks a week and expect growth.

This lazy FNM screwed us...

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GQ 11 years, 1 month ago on 'Victory for all employers'

I heard about a labor tribunal ruling that a company had to pay an employee for vacation for which an endorsed check was produced which had a note on the face of the check that stated it was for vacation. These tribunals are loaded with jackasses appointed by jackass politicians who have no idea how to run a business. My advice to any employer is pay the employee and forget about tribunals as they will only frustrate you because you have lost any decision before you go before them. Too many lawyers (liars) in parliament who have no concept on how to HONESTLY run a business.

6 Vote

Ironvelvet 11 years, 1 month ago on Christmas bonus for BEC staff deferred

First of all a bonus is exactly what that word implies, a bonus. It is not a guaranteed part of a salary or to be considered pay for services rendered. A bonus should never be an expectation. For the employees to have made plans with money they don't have is foolish. And for Mr. Greene to insinuate that employees WITH jobs will go out and rob if they don't get their bonus is preposterous!! Should the police start questioning BEC employees when there is an armed robbery? (being sarcastic and cynical here) The entitlement of the average Bahamian to have a certain lifestyle is what is wrong with the mentality of our communities that leads us to the current surge in crime.

When times are tough one must cut back and live economically and make sacrifices. Since when did having to live meagerly equate to a justification of crime? Are these the ruminations of our so called 'Christian nation'? It seems as though those at BEC who have been getting a triple salary from over time and getting paid twice with sick and NIB pay, has only added to the entitlement.

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bcitizen 11 years, 1 month ago on Christmas bonus for BEC staff deferred

A bonus is a bonus something extra given to a employee when the company has had a good year. It is not a salary or a guaranteed income. If a company has made no profit or lost money like most private companies have in the past few years Christmas bonus have not been given. It is outlandish that BEC losses money and needs tax payer subsidization on top of their already ridiculous prices to even contemplate a Christmas bonus for anyone! No private company would be doing this.

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UserOne 11 years, 1 month ago on Mitchell wrong to support gay rights

Mitchell was right to support gay rights. You cannot use your religious beliefs to discriminate against ANY group in society. Every person is entitled to equal rights.

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Thinker 11 years, 1 month ago on VAT alternatives

Yet do you believe an increase of up to 20% (just the start of this new tax regime) will make sense? Obama has been printing money like water flowing.. What do you think is happening right now? Do you think keeping us on this debt ride is smart? There are choices here.

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proudloudandfnm 9 years, 9 months ago on Same sex relationships

LOL.... I love it!! It's happening now folks. And there aint a thing you or your bible can do about it.... lol......

So much fun to watch these so called "Christians" go all Klu Klux Klan on this.... lol....

5 Vote

JackArawak 6 years, 7 months ago on VAT's 60% increase a $400m 'death wish'

They refuse to look at something like the legalization of cannabis which would increase revenue and create jobs; they're simply closed minded to that idea. Yet states in the US are scrambling to legalize now that they see the enormous tax created by it and that there is no accompanying doomsday crime wave. Never mind that The Bahamas doesn't have the infrastructure to support the necessary legislation, that's another point. The government's thinking is outdated, whether it's cannabis, women's rights or whatever, the government seems to be very much backward thinking. #sad

3 Vote

Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 7 months ago on Turnquest defends VAT hike

Only a fool tries to defend the indefensible and we now all know for sure that Turnquest is a certified fool and traitor.

Minnis, Turnquest and all the other FNM politicians opted to take the easy road of simply increasing taxes. Like past PLP and FNM governments, the Minnis-led government steadfastly refuses to take the hard road of austerity measures which would entail significant reductions in our bloated public sector head count and related payroll/benefits. They have put a lot of lip stick on the 2019/20 budget pig (or should I say 'tax hog') in an effort to try pretty it up as much as possible. But the 2019/20 budget remains just that - a tax hog! And we all know what happens to an already well-fed tax hog when you feed it even more taxes - it grows quickly and exponentially. Yes indeed, by taking the easy road of more taxes, our spendthrift Minnis-led government have effectively acknowledged they have every intention of further growing the size of our already grossly bloated and largely non-productive public sector. We are about to see the public sector hog fatten up to a humongous size, to the point where there will be no hope for sustainability much less growth in our private business sector.

Moreover, to add real insult to injury, Minnis and Turnquest were originally proposing to increase VAT to 15% but decided at the very last minute that it would be more politically prudent to do this in a phased approach way, i.e. 12% VAT now and 15% VAT next year. The need for much greater higher taxation to eventually change the colour of his annual budget suitcase from red to black is nothing but a laughable political ruse by Turnquest - he and Minnis must think we are all fools to be manipulated and taxed as they wish! And to think that both Minnis and Turnquest promised us time and time again on the FNM campaign trail that his FNM government would not introduce any new taxes but rather would focus on removing the huge amount of waste, fraud and corruption in the public sector, thereby making the size of our public sector appropriately lean and productive to much better meet the needs of the Bahamian people. It seems Minnis and Turnquest alike are now nothing but bold two-faced liars and traitors of the highest order! They are the most humongous uncaring tax hog we've ever had and we, the Bahamian people, had better go about slaughtering it before it eats us and our children and grandchildren out of house and home.

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Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 7 months ago on Turnquest defends VAT hike

And Minnis promised if he were elected PM he would stamp out waste, fraud and corruption and introduce much needed fiscal austerity measures rather than simply increasing taxes and growing the size of the public sector as previous governments had done.

1 Vote

SP 6 years, 9 months ago on 'Slap in the face' to let WTO drive our key reforms

Mr. Watchorn told Tribune Business, "There was a clear expression from the room that retailers don't really see any benefits for the retail industry from joining the WTO,"

I can go a step further with absolutely no fear of contradiction and state that NO-ONE in business sees any benefits for any industry from joining the WTO!

Not one developing country can point to a single tangible benefit since their joining the WTO. Nobody with an ounce of sense thinks the Bahamas joining the WTO makes any sense.

Why are we joining a proven failed organization that every developing country in the world is complaining of being strangled by?


Donald Trump with all his U.S. clout wants out of the WTO, why are we jumping into the WTO?


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sealice 6 years, 8 months ago on Customs drops new demand following business pushback

The only way to improve the ease of doing business in the Bahamas would be to get rid of our government....

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TheMadHatter 6 years, 7 months ago on MP: Grand Bahama 'dying a slow death'

"...why successive governments keep paying for people who can pay for themselves but are asking more of people who cannot afford more or even to pay?”

Because it would be nice if we could reduce the number of poor people. Poor people suffer from a disease called belly-swell-itis. They refuse to use preventive medicine or cure medicine for this serious ailment.

The more you help poor people - the more they refuse to improve their lifestyle. They just react by making even more poor people at PMH. If they were just barely feeding 5 children before you "helped" them, 19 months later they will be just barely feeding 7 children.

Then the govt subsidies have to grow even larger and VAT has to go up even more. It's a vicious cycle, and the churches won't allow sex education for these poor folks to learn how this happens. They are told "Babies come from God." Sorry folks, that was just that one time when Jesus was born. Hate to burst your bubble.

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Porcupine 6 years, 9 months ago on 'Slap in the face' to let WTO drive our key reforms

Mr. Watchorn brought up two important points. "There was a clear expression from the room that retailers don't really see any benefits for the retail industry from joining the WTO," Mr Watchorn told Tribune Business. So, why is it being rammed down our throats? Isn't this a democratic decision that should be made here, by the people? Two, why can't we improve on the things regarding ease of doing business for Bahamians? Why do we have to wait for foreigners to demand it, instead of us doing it for ourselves. Mr. Watchorn has some valid points.

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John 6 years, 7 months ago on 'Tough choice is best for country'

Most of the infrastructural upgrades such as airports, ports, major roadways, telecommunications and internet services are mostly to support the tourism industry. This industry is suitor generate sufficient revenue for the government to constantly upgrade these systems and maintain them. But unfortunately, government continues to ignorantly exclude this sector from its equal share of taxes. So the taxes that are collected from Bahamians that should go for roads and schools and hospitals go towards these projects. And when a foreign tourist comes here and lays up in a suite in Atlantis, or gambles in the casinos that Bahamians are banned from gambling, or even laying out on the pink sand beaches in Harbor Island, working Bahamians are helping to pay for that vacation. How long will we be the tail and not the head?

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Emac 6 years, 8 months ago on 'Financial Council' will oversee gov't finances

My goodness, you people are a pessimistic bunch! My God! At least this government is trying to implement procedures to put some safe guards in place in regards to fiscal responsibility. Assembling an independent body is the way to go. Sure we can say people who are elected are those who are pro government. But what could you do when you live in a small country??? Bring in foreigners to oversee this committee? Then you would say that the government does not think that Bahamians are qualified? No matter how you put it, our country is just too small for its citizens to be totally unbiased in their public duties. If ya ask me, countries like the Bahamas should never have become independent in the first place. It has gotten us nowhere!

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Aviator242 7 years, 5 months ago on Aviation needs a plan which will fly

Nothing Mr. Butler would want more than for the Closure of Bahamasair which is and essential service by the way. Ask Him why no other airline has a scheduled route to Inagua, Mayaguana,Acklins or Crooked Island only Bahamasair flies to these destinations, if it were left up to them the people on these islands would be up the creek.

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killemwitdakno 7 years, 5 months ago on Taxation to hit vacation home rental sector

Tax on an emerging market where Bahamians are the benificiaries doesn't sound like a tourism takeover.