The_Oracle 5 years, 4 months ago on INSIGHT: How can you help stop the climate crisis? Eat less meat
INSIGHT: How can you help stop the climate crisis? Eat less meat
Agreed, pure spoon fed unmitigated garbage, completely unsubstantiated. Besides, The world is a living orb, always changing. Ice ages, floods and draughts. Utopia is always proposed by those who would rule it. Unobtainable by any imagination.
paul_vincent_zecchino 5 years, 4 months ago on INSIGHT: How can you help stop the climate crisis? Eat less meat
INSIGHT: How can you help stop the climate crisis? Eat less meat
The liars at the UN are going all out, making their move to scare citizens into accepting global tyranny.
There are no 'rising seas.' Hurricanes have always been terrible. They're no worse today than in the past. They're more destructive because there's more homes, cars, and people in their way.
They UN's answer is to uproot people from their homes and shove them into 'compact urban areas' run by their leftist thug cronies.
Eating less meat is a good way to kick off malnutrition and then starvation, a weapon of war far more effective than nuclear tipped missiles. Just ask the people of Ukraine about the Holodmor, the holocaust in Ukraine which killed twenty million. Stalin did it deliberately to kill off his opponents.
Think before you panic.
K4C 5 years, 4 months ago on PM tells UN General Assembly: Bahamas under threat from climate change
PM tells UN General Assembly: Bahamas under threat from climate change
well lets see where to start, your country just experienced a devastating hurricane and you end up in NYC tell those elites at the UN the Bahamas is under grave threat from climate change, well here is something shocking, the UN is an elite debating society, they will study make field trips and years will pass with endless meeting and debates want proof, look south to Haiti, how can you justify this trip, my Bahama land is doomed, mother earth is 4.543 billion years a blip in time, who knows what lays ahead, but remember humans have no control over mother nature
concerned799 5 years, 4 months ago on PM tells UN General Assembly: Bahamas under threat from climate change
PM tells UN General Assembly: Bahamas under threat from climate change
If the urgency is so grave then I presume the government will cancel LNG plants, permits for new oil refineries and commit the Bahamas to 100% renewable power by 2030? (all things within the Bahamas power to do)
tetelestai 4 years, 6 months ago on 2020 'a bust' for vacation rentals
2020 'a bust' for vacation rentals
Read the case of Sweden. You too may have a difference of opinion.
thps 4 years, 5 months ago on Bahamasair chief says company’s financial state is ‘very rough’
Bahamasair chief says company’s financial state is ‘very rough’
BahamasAir Financial State Very Rough: Now I thought the Tribune was a news site.
Economist 4 years, 5 months ago on Bahamasair chief says company’s financial state is ‘very rough’
Bahamasair chief says company’s financial state is ‘very rough’
Shut it down. We need the Bahamasair money for food, health services and assistance for those out of work.
Thousands of us and a couple hundred of them. Shut it down, get real.
thps 4 years, 3 months ago on Water Corp warns on disconnection restart
Water Corp warns on disconnection restart
Money to buy hotels. No money to pay water bills.
joeblow 4 years, 3 months ago on Minnis sends congratulations to Biden on election victory
Minnis sends congratulations to Biden on election victory
Biden is the projected president elect. The president will be chosen when the official electoral college votes are presented to Congress in December!
BTW, the Bahamas always does better economically under Republican governments!
Proguing 4 years, 2 months ago on Last-ditch threat to oil exploration
Last-ditch threat to oil exploration
Just like in Venezuela, no more debt and everyone living in million dollar homes?
K4C 4 years, 2 months ago on Deportation threat over filing report
Deportation threat over filing report
Well this will enhance the Bahamian experience, not to mention the new advertising for visiting the Bahamas, come on down and spend some time in prison or better yet get deported
bahamian242 4 years, 2 months ago on Deportation threat over filing report
Deportation threat over filing report
I am so tired of hearing Fine and or Imprisonment all the time It seems like being in The Bahamas your always doing something wrong.........
The_Oracle 4 years, 2 months ago on Deportation threat over filing report
Deportation threat over filing report
As of today the website has no survey?
shonkai 4 years, 2 months ago on Deportation threat over filing report
Deportation threat over filing report
Given the state of government IT this survey website will be more down than up, and anyway, who will be checking and updating when visitor or resident leaves the islands? Oh, yes, of course, we could just give them all an ankle bracelet. One of those that dogs have, where you can give them a buzz when they haven't done their survey yet. Silly thinking again, not everything can be solved by a website or prison threats. Without having a real plan everything comes down to this kind of jerky reactions, going from one bad idea to the next.
professionalbahamian 4 years, 2 months ago on Deportation threat over filing report
Deportation threat over filing report
Idiots. No evidence or science this approach will do anything but make travellers go elsewhere and will just confuse the issue.
Protect the elderly and vulnerable with underlying conditions and let the rest of the country get on with their normal lives!
donald 6 years, 5 months ago on donald
Let's keep raising taxes and have more hotel failures and then have government purchase them. Great way to build an economy
birdiestrachan 4 years, 2 months ago on Grand Lucayan deal woe as February reopen eyed
Grand Lucayan deal woe as February reopen eyed
The FNM Government should not have bought the hotel in the first place.and pay the severance pay. Hutchinson saw them coming. and Caribbean Cruise line see who they are
It will be like taking milk from a baby. and they will be taken,
No matter how much their friends in the media try to shelter them. The true facts remain..
Proguing 4 years, 2 months ago on Grand Lucayan deal woe as February reopen eyed
Grand Lucayan deal woe as February reopen eyed
When will the government learn not to get into the hotel business?
bahamianson 4 years ago on Govt to decide Grand Lucayan return ‘shortly’
Govt to decide Grand Lucayan return ‘shortly’
OOPS, we didn't factor in that Biden was destroy our tourism. That shortly will now be a longly.
B_I_D___ 6 years, 5 months ago on Aliv: We're gaining what BTC's losing
Aliv: We're gaining what BTC's losing
BTC isn't profitable at 2/3's because it's still dealing with the dead weight of being a former government run entity with outrageous union contracts and demands.