ayatollah 11 years, 6 months ago on Mitchell urges strength over cuban protests
Mitchell urges strength over cuban protests
Stay home and problem over
Stapedius 11 years, 6 months ago on Mitchell urges strength over cuban protests
Mitchell urges strength over cuban protests
Couldn't agree more Ayatollah. We get pushed around too much as country. What makes it worse is it is often not the official governments of these countries but some disgruntled NGOs who always seem to have a bone to pick with the Bahamas. So what we should simply let them float through our waters and sail into our ports as it pleases them? Its funny that these folks talk about rights. You don't have the right to break our laws. Adding insult to injury whoever is behind the internet antics have the audacity to produce fake images and video of the Detention Centre. All in an effort to embarrass the country. I say we should not even blink an eye at them. Its one thing to make claims and have credible proof. But to concoct a story to try an somehow blackmail and embarrass the country is unacceptable. Politics aside we Bahamians need to stand together on this. I have no issue with Cubans or Haitians but the people representing these illegal immigrants always seem to want to fight dirty. You never hear them say thank you for rescuing us from a dingy that may capsize at any moment. Or thank you for feeding us. Its always this 'take them for suckers attitude.'
Tarzan 11 years, 6 months ago on Mitchell urges strength over cuban protests
Mitchell urges strength over cuban protests
Maybe if Comrade Fred were a little more balanced in his expression of views regarding the totalitarian state of Cuba, the Cuban refugees in the U.S. would be a little less motivated to make trouble for the Bahamas.
Fred figures that there are no consequences to his paling around and always defending his fellow socialists, despite the fact that the important market for the country he was elected to serve is the U.S. and U.S. tourism.
No doubt that the country needs to stand up to inappropriate criticism and defend itself. Who would argue with that? However, that said, does the Foreign Minister deserve some "credit" for the rough nature of our relations with an important constituency in the U.S.?
You bet he does.
TalRussell 11 years, 8 months ago on Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Guns don't belong in the hands of Bahamaland's youth.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 8 months ago on Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
...the gun was not recovered...this right here is what's wrong with this country. I walk through a major supermarket in the east end and there are aisle restockers talking about what guns and ammo they are packing...hear other stories from shop owners in the south who have been confronted about being in possession of a handgun, and left with it by police...other residents in Carmichael saying they raced back to their house to get their gun so they were ready...either we legalize it and let the chips fall where they may, or we take a very hard line on it and make possession inexcusable.
positiveinput 11 years, 8 months ago on Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Its sad to hear what happen in that an individual has lost his life but isnt this the same area that was outraged when police were fighting criminal elements and had to exchange gun shots. Now its their own residents seemingly playing with a weapon in this case. Watch how you throw stones when your very own house is built of glass. Now this weapon (more than likely a hand gun) cannot be found, so this should not even be rule as an accident. Stop playing with other people lives and treat these people the way they want to be treated, as criminals. Wonder what else this weapon was used to do. By the way what ever happen to the charges that were pending referring to the animal lovers whom were mowed down?
positiveinput 11 years, 8 months ago on Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Even the newspaper cant itemize crime from just local news. Again let me stress how deeply sorry I am for the lost this family is experiencing, but when these individuals had this weapon from the get go who was crying out or fainting then. When was this community getting together to tell them why they have this gun. This should be looked at as a crime scene not accident. You dont accidently pocess a gun. Sorry to say but at least another innocent person didnt experience the fire from that pipe. Parents, guardians, loves ones and friends now see the importance of not turning a blind eye towards something that they know full well is wrong.
LexxBrown 11 years, 7 months ago on Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Sad, I hope the family be ok
Bahamianpride 11 years, 7 months ago on Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
The Firearm was not Recovered WHAT? What kind of Crime Scene investigation is going on? You must secure the Weapon.. This is a sad situation and my heart goes out to the Family, but now u have a gun floating around that is also part of a Crime Scene and everyone that was in the area of the incident knows who took it.. Playing with guns is a bad idea, and these young men are old enough to know better. But it blows my mind that a loaded weapon turns up missing from the scene and not one person is arrested for obstruction, Tampering with evidence, weapons possession, etc.. Find that gun before another idiot does something stupid or uses it to commit Crime...
sarnian1 11 years, 7 months ago on Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
It is always sad when an individual loses their life, however these two individuals were playing around with an "illegal" weapon in plain sight of everyone. Where was the outrage or grief then?? to add insult to injury someone had the presence of mind to make the weapon magically vanish before the police arrived. Yep sorry guys I have little or no sympathy for those involved. When this gun appears again it will be used to take another life & the cycle will repeat itself.
positiveinput 11 years, 7 months ago on Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Heartbreak as man, 23, dies in ‘accidental shooting’
Ahh, i agree with you. Now all have to happen is the rest of these criminal minded individuals weapons need to misfire upon them clearing a wide path for the civilise citizens to live in peace and harmony. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.
rory 11 years, 5 months ago on Woman raped by men who kidnapped her boyfriend
Woman raped by men who kidnapped her boyfriend
Why didn't she call the police instead of going there herself? Anyway, hopefully the cops did a rape kit and got DNA so they could put those animals away for life.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago on Stolen from car parked in Florida
Stolen from car parked in Florida
I Feel for the young man ,but who in this day and age walks around w/ 42 thousand dollars in gold ..He is lucky he wasn,t shot and robbed ..
sotiredoftal 11 years, 4 months ago on Police seek help in hunt for killer as murder total reaches 82
Police seek help in hunt for killer as murder total reaches 82
Tis victim succumbed to his injuries.....later... so its probaby safe to assume that the he probably told the police this prior to his death.
rory 11 years, 4 months ago on $2 MILLION DRUG BUST
What a load of bollocks - if they were really concerned about the use of weed they would ban the sale of backwood especially at gas stations and pharmacies, not to mention liquor stores and everywhere else it is sold. Or here is a thought, track everyone that buys backwood and follow them to their dealers - problem solved.
whit4120 11 years, 4 months ago on 'Thousands' of cane toads found
'Thousands' of cane toads found
I hope that if they find who was responsible for introducing these toad to the Bahamas that they introduce a taste of swift justice to that person !
jt 11 years, 4 months ago on 'Thousands' of cane toads found
'Thousands' of cane toads found
These toads rode in legally in landscaping material from S. Florida, where they are well established. Remember when we didn't have house geckos? Pestiferous millepedes? Corn snakes? All hitchhiked in with Dade County palms and trees (okay, the geckos may have been in shipping containers). Until we start propagating our own (hopefully native) trees, this will continue to happen. Up next from S. Florida: African giant snails? Guinea rats? Reticulated pythons? Think about it...
TalRussell 11 years, 3 months ago on Bran's brother shot dead
Bran's brother shot dead
Hundreds of family members have been murdered in we Bahamaland with few families receiving a personal visit from a sitt'in Prime Minister. Hundreds murdered have gone all but unnoticed by our politicians. Seldom do floods of senior policeman's appear at the murder scenes. Comrades any killing is disturbing to say the least. and of course our prayers are with Comrade Kurt's well known and highly respected Bahamaland family. Lets not be in such a hurry to call for the dreaded Hangman to be reinstated up at Her majesty's Fox Hill Prison, for across the board hangings. Over the coming days we will learn more about whom and what brought this senseless murder about.
SP 11 years, 2 months ago on Butler-Turner: 'How can someone just get a nolle?'
Butler-Turner: 'How can someone just get a nolle?'
Someone getting a nolle is very simular to one denying themselves getting another few dozen cream filled chocolate donuts with extra sprinckels and a diet coke.
Free National Movement deputy leader Loretta Butler-Turner and all the rest of the lazy politicians need to focus on the countries top problems like illegal immigration instead of wasting time talking about who is man or woman, who's fat and what variety of donuts are left.
banker 11 years, 7 months ago on Archbishop speaks out over lawsuit
Archbishop speaks out over lawsuit
I love your "Comrade Shtick". My Twitter followers think that it is hilarious. But getting on topic, the school system was never a democracy. Teachers ruled. The whole idea was learning through discipline and obedience -- something that most Bahamian youth do not have. In my day, the teacher's word was the rule, and if you disobeyed, you were punished. It was the social paradigm and it instilled law and order in the school and in the fabric of Bahamian society. Societal institutions such as the church, and the church run schools can operate in whatever way they wish, and if you don't like it, vote with your feet -- leave. Too many of our young people think that laws and rules are for other people, and the Ten Commandments are the Ten Suggestions. It's about time that these young people learned collectively that there is always a higher authority in life that must be obeyed. And our parliamentarians will eventually learn that as well.