islandgirly15 12 years ago on Contractor told he 'should've known better'
Contractor told he 'should've known better'
This is a racist witch hunt. First off this man needs a new lawyer and secondly, this judge clearly does not deserve the title of judge. This man should be out on bail, especially if countless murderers are granted bail. A fitting punishment for this SENIOR CITIZEN would be to put him under house arrest for a period of time and make him pay restitution to BEC.
If he belongs in jail, then so do the hundreds or thousands of persons in shanty towns living illegally on Bahamian soil and stealing power from BEC. This is all a public show for some ignorant judge whose "judgement" clearly needs to be questioned.
btw I say all of this as a black Bahamian student away from home and seriously questioning my return, if common sense is not brought to the political and justice systems. Our country is dire straits and it seems to be getting worse each day. This is a racist attack.
CookieCutter 12 years ago on Contractor told he 'should've known better'
Contractor told he 'should've known better'
All persons who will have a trial in front of this Magistrate should instruct their lawyers to prepare well in advance to appeal his decisions...Clearly this man is looking for his nemesis and is hacking away at the judicial principles he would have learned from ......wait a minute........ do they even have a training program for these individuals who take the oath and hold the gavel? There is clearly a mad man on the loose in Nassau St.
Ill put my money on the fact that when this victim of a sloppy and negligent judgement is successful in his appeal, he will make a move to take legal action against the police force and BEC....Open those leather dripped wallets.... "cause yinna fellas gonna pay some doe."
jt 12 years ago on Contractor told he 'should've known better'
Contractor told he 'should've known better'
He did nothing wrong. He was the manager, not the owner, of that building. The stolen electricity was for an office he had nothing to do with. He is an upstanding, hard working man. This is outrageous.
C_MonMan 11 years, 9 months ago on Police block off beach amid row
Police block off beach amid row
Wow! Has Keod Smith lost his mind? He needs to educate me on the distinction between a public beach and a beach owned by Black Bahamians. Obviously there is not much going on at the law practice for him and his goons to be out there every day. Then on the other hand who would hire him other than the likes of Nygard.
Collin 11 years, 9 months ago on Police block off beach amid row
Police block off beach amid row
Why does it seem like the country and its governance is rapidly losing control? Could it be that we have a government of special interest? Such special interest that once the PLP comes to power many of their agents seem to act with no regard for the law. Why does it seem like so many of their special interest are trying to grab as much as they can?
Does anyone here believes that anything will come of Koed's behaviour. We all know who he acts on behalf of, we know that individual is very well connected and will quickly bring out the marketing machinery. Demonstrating where he has given some athlete or group a couple of dollars (which is good). However, it appears that he believes such payments give him right to destroy the environment with impunity. To request the government to make him so powerful that all...
I will leave that for now.
knowles 11 years, 9 months ago on Police block off beach amid row
Police block off beach amid row
Mr. Keod Smith believe that educated Bahamians can't see what is agenda is really about. But Bahamians are smarter than he thinks. I will list a few of his hidden agendas. Firstly Mr. Peter Nygard Smith's employer expand his property by dredging the sea bed and it was uncover by the Bahamian people and Nygard was instructed to restore his property to the original size, he than fought against that instructions and lost. secondly he expand his house on the expanded land thirdly none of this was done by government approval. to move attention away from what he has done he levered an attack on his neighbor accusing him of trying to take the Clifton Heritage Park from Bahamians. Keod is allowing Nygard to use him to rage war to Mr. Bacon to move the negative attention away from him for what he has done SHAME ON YOU Keod.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago on Police block off beach amid row
Police block off beach amid row
yes Koed this is black people land ,however if you and the PLP keep up your anti foriegn campaign , i hope you can find 5 million black tourist a year so we can all eat ..
positiveinput 11 years, 9 months ago on No charges after two killed when hit by car
No charges after two killed when hit by car
What about the "rumour" that the driver was a young male, whom was operating a relative vehicle, fatally struck the two individuals, and left the scene of an accident? That sure has grounds for someone to be charged, if not, then with other incidents, why ask the public for assistance in solving crime? Come like with nobody cares, look at all the evidence there is with the mob that attack the lawyer on the beach, yet no charges were filed.
sansoucireader 11 years, 9 months ago on No charges after two killed when hit by car
No charges after two killed when hit by car
I find this entire thing sickening! Could not believe when I heard Kirk Smith report this on COOL 96's 8am newscast this morning. How can someone mow down two people and just walk away?! Who is the driver? Does he have a driver's licence/insurance? Leaving the scene of a accident should be the first charge of many. I would like Inspector Harry Williams to tell the Gandzas' son that "we do not expect any charges to be pressed". The Bahamas must look like the most backwards country on the planet to this young man and the people of Canada. This cannot be over just like this (and they wonder why we have no faith in the police/judicial system).
jackflash 11 years, 9 months ago on No charges after two killed when hit by car
No charges after two killed when hit by car
Sounds like he has realitives in high places....
islander242 11 years, 9 months ago on Bahamians march on parliament
Bahamians march on parliament
This epidemic of loud mouth, ignorant, old fashion, biggity Bahamians needs to stop it is ruining us.
PKMShack 11 years, 8 months ago on Uproar over decision to cancel graduation
Uproar over decision to cancel graduation
Stand firm Bishop, hold them accountable, a step in the right direction. Good place to start with getting our country back on track. Start with the youth since THEY say we have to reach them. Good job. The government could take lessons a man with a back bone,,,(,if they don't fold under pressure from parents and others). Their fellow students should blame their peers for the outcome.
Collin 11 years, 7 months ago on Nygard claims target Bacon
Nygard claims target Bacon
Nygard really believes we are stupid. Google his name and see what you find; then tell me where in the world does he have a good reputation. Name one place...smt.
The disturbing thing about this entire affair is listening to the dialogue between he and CB Moss. It is clear that he feels he has bought us and we owe him.
He also claimed not get involved in politics here but again listen to the recording with him and CB Moss. This man clearly has a problem with the truth.
Far to many of us have become beggars always asking for a slow dis or dat, it has become deeply ingrained in our culture. He has been here long enough to know that and figures he throws a couple dollars here and there; invite us to one of his sordid parties then he has his minions controlled and bowing to their god.
marrcus 11 years, 7 months ago on Nygard claims target Bacon
Nygard claims target Bacon
smoke and mirrors. Every time the heat gets turned up on Nygard, he deflects attention to Bacon. This man is a hot mess. An old bahamian saying. "If you lie down with dog, you catch fleas."
Bahamianpride 11 years, 7 months ago on FNM Ministers ‘were warned’ to stay away from Nygard
FNM Ministers ‘were warned’ to stay away from Nygard
This is a load of nonsense...People like Nygard are here because they can be king.. That means they can rule PLP/FNM no matter who, they are both for sale.. We need to create the same conditions here that made Peter Nygard rich, free market capitalism, then the multiple Bahamian born billionaires would shut him up...
banker 11 years, 7 months ago on PM says he ‘can’t wait’ for stem cell debate
PM says he ‘can’t wait’ for stem cell debate
Quote Christie: "I want them to tell me about all those FNM politicians who does be down at Nygard house."
This is our Prime Minister? How embarrassing. He is illiterate!
thomas 11 years, 7 months ago on FNM threatens legal action against Nygard
FNM threatens legal action against Nygard
Let's take our country back.
BiminiHomeowner 11 years, 7 months ago on Christie: I can't reveal who donated to election campaign
Christie: I can't reveal who donated to election campaign
PM Christie's relationship with Genting & RAV Bahamas here in Bimini should be met with as much scrutiny as his relationship with Mr Nygard over in New Providence.
This Government has given ZERO credit or consideration to any other of the resorts or businesses in Bimini, and has ignored repeated requests from every other resort to finalize the Marine Reserve on the North island.
The Bahamas looks weak and desperate when their leaders are so quick to roll over for anyone waving money around.
TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago on Nygard admits backing PLP in sworn affidavit
Nygard admits backing PLP in sworn affidavit
There you have what PM Christie says he cannot reveal. Many a supporter for the PM's return to office in 2012, are just about ready to cash-in their chips on the PM and walk away. If one thing Hubert learned it was that you can only get away with playing the fool for so long with natives, before they deliver an non reversible political slap to ya head. Maybe there is good reason the two made such excellent law partners for so many years. I ain't all that ready yet but this PLP administration is already an embarrassment to many. Can the PM turn it around. We shall see? If he has nine cat lives, I;d be generous and maybe give the PM a year to turn his image around, but that's it. For the record, is the PM and Mr. Nygard now prepared to reveal, exactly how many natives he presently has registered as National insurance contributors? Why? I'd like to compare his "real contributions" to Bahamaland, not by his crown land grant application or surrounding himself with known PLP operatives and one's "personal love offerings" to his selected Preacherman's and political parties, but lt;s be fair and compare his record to Sol Kerzner's over a billion dollars investment to bring tourism life back into Paradise island, while going on to presently employ some 8000 thankful natives. Comrades some things makes sense and many things simply don't. Neither the PM or Nygard is making much sense.
abacjoe 12 years ago on No bail for Wrinkle
No bail for Wrinkle
It seems that in our court system it is O.K. to allow persons charged with murder but not so in the case of Mr. Wrinkle and the Ms. Farah to be allowed out on bail.
Shame on our Bahamas!