Pay incentive to take the vaccine


Tribune Chief Reporter


BAHA Mar has strongly encouraged its employees to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, offering staff members who receive two doses of the shot a half day’s base pay. 

However, the resort has said a vaccination will not be a mandatory requirement. 

A letter from Baha Mar President Graeme Davis sent to Baha Mar associates, and obtained by The Tribune, urged employees to get the vaccine, saying vaccinations “are a vital step to attempt to safeguard the health of our associates, their families, our guests and the community.”

“The COVID-19 vaccine will be a critical tool in our effort to return to normalcy,” Mr Davis wrote in the April 7 letter. “Here at Baha Mar, we attempt to provide and maintain a workplace that is free of known hazards, and to minimise the risk of infectious disease in our workplace. We strongly encourage all associates to receive this vaccination to minimise this risk. In making this decision, the executive leadership team has reviewed recommendations from organisations such as the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices and the Bahamian government.

“. . .We look forward to having as many of you vaccinated as possible so that we can do our best to attempt to create a safe environment, as well as build confidence with our guests that we are one of the safest resort destinations in the industry. Our business level will certainly increase if we can advertise to our guests that our resort team are fully vaccinated. This would be our ultimate goal.

“An increase in business levels is beneficial for all employees of Baha Mar,” Mr Davis continued. “As we move into a new phase of the pandemic, we are increasing our investment to not only recognise your contributions, but also encourage you to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as it becomes available. With this in mind, Baha Mar will pay all directors and below half a day’s base pay for all associates who present adequate confirmation of having received the recommended two dose COVID-19 vaccine.”

Yesterday, an official at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island responded to Baha Mar’s vaccine incentive for its workers, with the former saying it does not have to force resort staff to “do the right thing.” 

“At Atlantis, we are not compelled to pay our associates to do the right thing,” the Atlantis official said. “It is in our DNA, part of our core values and who we are as Atlantis team members. It comes natural to us and is never forced or coerced.”

On Wednesday, the government’s National Vaccine Consultative Committee expanded the vaccine programme to include hospitality workers.

This means that hotel and resort employees, public transportation workers, staff at Lynden Pindling International Airport, Nassau Airport Development Company, Nassau Cruise Port, the Straw Market, port and beach vendors and tour operators can now make appointments to receive the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot.

Teachers, students and athletes studying or competing abroad, coaches and other support along with homebound physically disabled people are also eligible.

“The health and well-being of our associates, guests and the whole Bahamian community is Baha Mar’s utmost priority and at the core of every decision we make,” Baha Mar said in a separate statement to The Tribune yesterday.

“As a responsible employer, it is our duty to utilise all means available to us to offer protection to our associates. We are grateful to the government of the Bahamas for including the hospitality industry as a priority group to help move an integral part of the economy forward.

“Baha Mar’s executive leadership team has extensively reviewed recommendations from organisations such as the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, including the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices and the Bahamian government and strongly encourages all associates to receive this vaccination as another progressive step towards stopping the spread of COVID 19 in the workplace and our community.

“While we believe that the vaccine is an important tool on the road to recovery for the tourism industry and the entire Bahamian economy, and we highly recommend for all of our associates to receive the vaccine, being vaccinated will not be a mandatory for Baha Mar employees.”

Local infectious disease expert Dr Nikkiah Forbes has said the benefits of taking the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine still far outweigh the risks associated with the jab.

Her comment during a Ministry of Health press conference on Wednesday came after the United Kingdom announced that it will offer AstraZeneca alternatives to adults under 30 after European regulators identified a possible link to rare blood clots.

Meanwhile, Chief Medical Officer Dr Pearl McMillan has said a small number of people—69—who have been vaccinated in the country have reported “non-serious and mild” side effects.

Beginning today, hospitality workers can get their shots at Baha Mar in Cable Beach or the Atlantis resort. The bridge toll will be waived for those receiving the vaccine at Atlantis, however proof of appointment will be required. To make an appointment for the vaccine, visit vax.gov.bs.


tribanon 3 years, 5 months ago

No matter what Baha Mar may say, this is outright illegal discrimination of the worst possible kind in the workplace. This is so typical of a Communist China controlled enterprise which has little respect for the laws of our land that are intended to guard against such abuses of the civil rights and liberties of every individual in our country. Yes indeed, we certainly do have a new Communist China ambassador in town - her presence and devious mission is immediately being felt everywhere.

Proguing 3 years, 5 months ago

I wonder why the Chinese vaccine is not being distributed here (it's being distributed in over 60 countries)?

tribanon 3 years, 5 months ago

Count that as one of our few blessings.

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 5 months ago

Um. However the resort will not make it mandatory.

Is english your first language? How is it discriminatory to offer a cash incentive?

tribanon 3 years, 5 months ago

Suggest you look up the definition of 'coercion'.

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 5 months ago

One man's coercion, another man's incentive.

Just cause you're anti vaccination does not make it coercion. Its a matter of public safety so I call it incentive.

tribanon 3 years, 5 months ago

And you'll be saying the same thing when the power juiced tell all of us we can't do this or do that until we've surrendered our right "for the greater good" to decide what goes in our own body. The mega billionaire class along with big government, big pharma and big bio-tech are seizing the moment with the help of the likes of you. And you obviously don't think their success will serve to promote the unleashing on the world of the next lab created 'gain-of-function' virus with perhaps an even more sinister objective than COVID-19.

ohdrap4 3 years, 5 months ago

offering staff members who receive two doses of the shot a half day’s base pay.

Misers!!! Half a day base pay? What is that for the line staff? 25? 50?

Not to mention that the so called mild side wffects, including fever, could keep you off work for 2 days!

It is insulting really. But I feel for those who will take that if only to get a job back.

FreeUs242 3 years, 5 months ago

Still distributing the blood clot vaccine, another man said him and his wife right here in the Bahamas almost died after taking AstraZeneca, another elderly lady suffered as well. No age should be required to take AstraZeneca. UK is just a liar for making a toxic vaccine that no age should take. Our government is the blame for any AstraZeneca deaths because they refuse to be truthful or seek further investigation before overdosing the public. Imagine three jabs of toxin when one can cause issue in the blood. Two to three can cause more blood clot that may result to death. I hope everyone who take their jabs be safe👍

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 5 months ago

Another man said hey?

Facebook rumors in full swing I see....

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 5 months ago

well the people who giving the vaccine in the US say as you widen out of the test group you can expect to see adverse conditions in persons with various conditions who weren't statistically covered by the vaccine study.

I don't know why they ever tried to say it was totally harmless. They have decades of data from other vaccines. Some obscure outliers will have adverse reactions

FreeUs242 3 years, 5 months ago

That's what they say now but it will become a necessity for employment. I doubt ppl will be hired if refusing the vaccine. White lies until you can't work without one.

GodSpeed 3 years, 5 months ago

like the Jamaican's say, Bloood clatttt.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 5 months ago

"offering staff members who receive two doses of the shot a half day’s base pay."

This is a bad idea and very unseemly. It's like asking a starving man to walk though fire to fetch a tool you dropped and promising that when he brings the tool back he'll get a sandwich. Long analogy but if fits perfectly.taking complete advantage of desperate people.

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