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Alex_Charles 9 years, 10 months ago on AUDIO: PM SAYS OF JOURNALISTS: 'TO HELL WITH THEM'

I was there in that classroom this story took everything out of context. this is why media here sucks so bad. The little respect I had for the Tribune is now gone. first you fk up a headline by putting a picture of chief keef that you ripped off of facebook, now this sh*t.

I am in no way shape or form a PGC supporter nor do i think he's competent, but play the entire speech Tribune and give context instead of warping a message to fit your political allegiance.

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Emac 9 years, 2 months ago on UPDATE: Three men die in separate shooting and stabbing incidents

Tal, Tal the PLPs pal

Doesn't know what side she belongs.

Sometimes she’s confused

By things in the news

Even Tho’ she knows rights from wrongs.

She lives her life comfy in a bubble

Tho' she knows quite well, the PLP’s trouble.

Tal takes delight in twisting truths

For PG Christie, who rewards her with loots.

Now she's content with her split personality

But everyone else knows that in reality

That her beloved PLP spells calamity!

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Emac 9 years, 2 months ago on Gov’t ‘won’t compromise’ on Baha Mar contractors

Yeah and while we're at it let's tell America go to hell right? Cause we don't need the influence of the "white" tourist, or any other "white" policies out there. We could also give a shovel to every black man living in this country and have him dig along the Western Esplanade to find that gold Christopher Columbus buried, that he stole from Africa years ago. Oh...and if that fails we could always hire some "black" leprechauns to help us find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, in Clifton. Failing that, we could bring in some "black" Africans to show us how to toil the soil to produce a healthy harvest to feed ourselves. Worst case scenario, we could all grow and sell peanuts for a living.

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themessenger 9 years, 2 months ago on Gov’t ‘won’t compromise’ on Baha Mar contractors

Every time I think that the level of ignorance displayed by our people can get no lower they always manage to surprise me. They won't let you down, they won't disappoint you.

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Emac 9 years, 2 months ago on ‘Things are good with Baha Mar’ says Christie

Perry Gladstone, sits on his throne

While fooling the Bahamian masses.

Nothing truthful comes from his lips

Tho’ his words are as sweet as molasses.

Now Perry will do or say anything just to get your vote

But when he gets in power, he treats you like a goat.

Perry and his cronies are like modern day pirates

They wheel and deal and even steal from those who got them hired.

Now this whole deal with Bahamar, they think that they have won

But they have underestimated one Izmirlian.

Izzy did not know that this government was like sleaze

They trapped Izzy in a corner and slept with the Chinese.

Perry and his minions will go down in history

As tyrants who pushed relentlessly to make investors flee.

Perry and his inept crew love to play blame games

Like Nero, PG fiddles, as the country goes up in flames.

Now Nero Christie doesn’t know, the secret going ‘round

He thinks that people love him, but they see him as a clown.

Even his closest friends, will no longer defend

‘Cause they know come next election, Perry’s reign will end.

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SP 9 years ago on Mass demonstration threat over Cable price increase

....................................... Shock & Awe ..............................................

John Pinder's misplaced priorities confirms he's in somebody's back pocket!

The country has gone to hell in a hand basket, people suffering all over the place and Pinder focus's on Cable Bahamas rate increase?

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Tease photo

Minnis launches campaign at 'Roc Wit Doc' event

EVEN as his sympathisers lambasted his political opponents in the upper ranks of the Free National Movement as “betrayers,” Dr Hubert Minnis made a plea for party unity during a rally at Christie Park on Wednesday night.

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Honestman 8 years, 5 months ago on Rollins says government is scrambling to fool the people

It's time for a new style of politics in The Bahamas. The PLP and the FNM between them have shafted Bahamians for over 40 years. Both parties need to be abolished. Unfortunately changing the mindset of an electorate that still believes these jokers are there to represent their best interests is the biggest stumbling block to change. It really is time for these parties and their useless leaders and ministers to just go away. I agree with Rollins that this whole NHI scheme is nothing more than a carrot to dangle in front of an uneducated PLP voting block. Catastrophic cover is what is really needed. Unfortunately the only sector that can pay for that is the private sector who are being taxed into oblivion. You cannot get blood out of a stone but these idiots in government will promise that you can in order to get re-elected and the chance to steal the remaining crumbs from the Nation's cookie jar.

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themessenger 8 years, 5 months ago on Hamilton accuses the FNM of being misogynistic

“What I find ironic is that the member’s statement came soon after the gender equality referendum in the Bahamas,” she said. What I find ironic is that she can complain about inequality after women overwhelmingly rejected for the second time the opportunity to make themselves equal.Seems to me that the majority of Bahamian women already consider themselves inferior and are obviously content to remain that way.

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arussell 8 years, 5 months ago on Archdeacon slams Lightbourn and calls for family planning

The cost of living have increase tremendously. Gone are the days of having more than 2-3 kids married or single. Your being tax of every dollar you make, any woman in their right mind will think twice before having a bunch of kids in this day and time. To be honest Bahamian woman are not having more than 2 kids nowadays most of these woman who having a bunch of kids are Haitians or of Haitian descent go to any public clinics on prenatal day and you will see. As a Bahamian woman I choose to attend private clinics to avoid the length of wait time and the over flock of Haitians at these clinics.

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Economist 8 years, 5 months ago on Archdeacon slams Lightbourn and calls for family planning

A good economy breads better education and higher living standards. Those combined go a long way to reducing a teenage having multiple children.

I agree, immigration has very little to do with it. Why do some of us refuse to take responsibility by trying to blame it on some foreigner, pathetic.

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theplpsucks 8 years, 5 months ago on A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Object lessons in how to be a political leader

Sorry but no one should have to answer to Bradley Roberts until he comes clean. Forgiveness can and should be given to Mrs Butler Turner in order for the party to unite. After all its not like she raped anybody.

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ThisIsOurs 8 years, 5 months ago on UPDATED: Gibson blasts Sandals as 600 lose their jobs

I don't understand why Mr Gibson is blaming anyone. He's the minister of labour, the person responsible for ensuring the labour laws are sufficient to protect Bahamians. This signing to receive severance and waiving rights to litigation seems pretty standard to me, I've gone through two of these mass separations over my career, I don't know where he's been.

That said, I don't know what would have been different. 600 persons would still be out of a job. You can't get mad at a business for failing financially or for trying to reduce costs, you're the one who agreed to increased business license fees, VAT and now NHI. Those things have consequences on the bottom line.

These union leaders who have no qualifications other than a loud mouth, are leading employees down the wrong path.

We really need competent people in these leadership posts, their behinds will always be exposed when crises pop up. Imagine the PM asking for complicated labour relations advice from someone who doesn't even know that he can't use NIB registration numbers to calculate job creation numbers. Teachable moment, smt.

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SP 8 years, 5 months ago on Break-in suspect shot by police dies in hospital

........................................... Best News Report Of The Month! ......................................

One less scumbag, low life parasite on our streets. Excellent job RBPF!

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URD 8 years, 5 months ago on Miller backs resort and tells union to ‘carry their ass’

Leslie needs to "carry his ass". Tell him go pay BEC, BOB and all the other entities that he owes. He makes me sick!

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DillyTree 8 years, 5 months ago on Miller backs resort and tells union to ‘carry their ass’

I think Leslie Miller is a horrible excuse for a human being most of the time, but I actually agree with him on this one!

Unions have become corrupt and greedy and do not do their members any favours with their big mouths, ignorant manners and thuggish tactics. They have no one to blame but themselves. While the union is running to court while running its mouth, perhaps the laid off employees might consider going to court and suing the union for putting them in this mess.

And while we're talking smack about "foreigners" running our country, let's take a good hard look at ourselves. How many jobs do Bahamians provide for Bahamians? Soon there will be no foreign businesses left to blame as we make it increasingly hostile to conduct business in the Bahamas just so we can be big shot entitled Bahamians. Then what will we have? Nothing. Not a damn thing.

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Regardless 8 years, 5 months ago on Neko Grant confirms he will not seek re-election

No Pindling or Ingraham to look after him any longer. Pindling created the seat for him in 1992 and Ingraham insured he got the nomination. His existence in the FNM was simply to appease Tiger Finlayson after Sir Arli retired. Tiger had Bradley Roberts from Bethell Robertson in the PLP and needed Neko Grant from Bahamas Blenders in the FNM. He will go down in history as being the minister in charge of the road improvements debacle which caused the FNM to lose the last election. He can now go now manage softball teams in Freeport - his true forte!