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Tired of the nonsense

EDITOR, The Tribune.

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TOUGH CALL: We know the problems and they remain the same

WITH all the shock-horror at our skyrocketing crime rate, you would never believe that the causes and consequences of the country’s social slide have been copiously documented over the past 20-odd years by a slew of commissions and reports.

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PKMShack 10 years, 4 months ago on Commission considers delay for referendum

my sister should have the same rights as me, her children should have the same rights as mine. 2014 the Bahamas talking equal rights, 10th world standards

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lkalikl 9 years, 9 months ago on FNM chairman is sued by PM


Why does this country of ours put up with such pathetic leadership?

Surely the PM must see that this just makes him look even weaker and more pathetic in the eyes of the public. Only a couple of weeks after telling the media and the young professional journalists of the Bahamas 'to hell with them', he is attacking the Chairman of the official Opposition's political party with petty legalities and the fourth estate and the media. Leaders who feel the need to constantly threaten the media in a democracy, without fail globally, are always past their expiry date and should not be in higher office any more. Christie is no different. He is way past his expiration date and his dementia and paranoia is now setting in deep for all of us to see. Bahamians need to be wary, the PM is not only delusional, but is becoming petty and vindictive. We've seen this script before. It preceded the 1992 election. We can't wait until 2017 at this rate.

This corrupt PLP must be shown a vote of no confidence by the people of the Bahamas. It may be mace and hour glass time soon if we continue at this rate because this government is as bad as the Bay Street Boys of old. The colour of the skin in Parliament may have changed, but the corruption and the arrogance is the same. Those who have read George Orwell know this script all too well.

"No question now what has happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which."">Animal Farm (1945)

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GrassRoot 9 years, 9 months ago on Tourism boom continues with 11% revenue rise

of course we do. do you think we want our kids to be unemployed and gang members? or living off the bread crumbs the numbers boys leave behind or learning Chinese, so they can understand their bosses? When do people start to understand that sustained growth does not come from large enterprises such as Atlantis, Baha Mar, etc., but from entrepreneurial initiatives, ideas, hard work, good education, and perspectives. Brick by brick, step by step.

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ThisIsOurs 9 years, 9 months ago on Sex claims row at primary school - were children left unsupervised?

Both correct, I don't know what the minister is referring to. He should have been monitoring Rubis. He's always after the fact. You cannot watch kids every minute of the day, it's impossible, unless you keep them in the classroom during break and lunch and you don't let them leave at the end if the day until a parent comes for them at the classroom door. Seems like the kids spoke up after the bad touch lecture, maybe these lectures need to start at younger ages with continuous age appropriate lectures as the kids grow.

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John 9 years, 8 months ago on Business owners furious with BEC over power cuts

THE SKY IS FALLING!!! Some may remember back when 'they' claimed there was a gas shortage and so 'they' started rationing gas. Lines at the pumps stretched, sometimes, for miles in the US and it was not unusual for many stations here to close because they ran out of fuel. In fact many service stations in the US implemented an 'odd even" plan, where motorist could only buy gas on certain days depending if their license plate ended in an even or odd number. The point is there was NO gas shortage, it was something created by 'them.'' But by the time you towed the line at the service station you were so happy to get gas, you did not worry that the price jumped up from a dollar plus to eventually over $5.00 a gallon. (the US went from under $1.00 to over $4.00 a gallon). Now can you see that is the same game they are playing with us at BEC? Never mind you are paying FOUR times more for electricity than what it should be, but they make it in short supply. They make you so happy when the power stays on you forget how much they are ripping you off with the price. In fact even the previous government and this one try to make you feel guilty when you don't pay your light bill on time. They juicing you still!

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Islandgirl 9 years, 8 months ago on Wilchcombe fears crime is ruining nation’s reputation

Oh. Now you are concerned? Where was this concern when those dimwits put up all those friggin billboards in largely touristic areas, advertising the murder count? Anything to get into power right? Teach these people they have to work for a living. Help them become educated so they can make a more meaningful contribution to this nation. Set an example. All of you who go into parliament poor, come out filthy rich and are held unaccountable for not one thing while amassing this wealth in questionable fashion, are teaching them that they are entitled to everything, even when they didn't earn it, and that they are answerable to no one. This has been the order of the day for decades, and only God knows how to reverse this animalistic mentality.

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lkalikl 9 years, 8 months ago on Apologies for ‘stress’ caused by fuel spill

That's too violent. Just pump dump air and Marathon water into the House of Assembly for a year. Come back a year later and say, oh whoops, we only released the report on the water you drank and the air you were breathing a year late, we're sorry for your 'stress and concern'. What's that you say, you have asthma and chronic bronchitis now too? Oh, and a few of you suspect you have cancer now too? So sad. Who would do such a thing to their own people?

This government is a joke. The Bahamas needs to wake up. The PLP are the new 'Bay Street Boys' of old. They kicked out the UBP only to become the UBP. If you've read Animal Farm, then you know this story well. Everything has come full circle. Bahamians need to get over the colour of the skin of those who lead them and realize that people are people and colour does not influence their corruptibility, incompetence, arrogance or ignorance. Our leaders have demonstrated that they do not care for the average Bahamian by neglecting both the RUBIS spill and the dump fire. Both of which are known to be serious environmental and health issues with serious long term consequences for public health. I say, serve Marathon water in Parliament until this or a subsequent one decides to address the issues of our time. We could pump dump fire air and Marathon water right in to the House of Assembly and see how long it takes them to act then. Bahamians, get up stand up! Stand up for your rights! Tell these jokers enough is enough.

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asiseeit 9 years, 8 months ago on Apologies for ‘stress’ caused by fuel spill

Last night showed how far these morally bankrupt M.P.s will go to stay in power. That is all that matters to people like Frizgerald, staying in power. How the man could turn the town hall into a political rally is disgusting to say the least. It's all about him and the PLP, to hell with the people. Truly shameful!

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Islandgirl 9 years, 8 months ago on AG's office will NOT pursue legal action against V Alfred Gray

This woman is one big disgrace. No pretty or sophisticated diction can supersede the ugliness that she espouses and releases upon us. There have to be changes. Our country is not going to survive with this kind of 'justice', and I use that term very loosely, in play. There has to be a way to make the position of attorney general an elected one, a non-partisan one, not a position chosen by the governing party of the day. Just look at all the trash this fool has come up with and cloaks it in pretty, king sized words. All this victimization and rule by intimidation, straight out of the late 60's to the early 90's. My God. How does this woman even look at herself in the mirror or sleep well at night? I pray that people think before they vote in the next election, and that there is a coalition government instead brought about by people voting for the best qualified individual in a constituency and not the party. And when that takes place, a Commission of Inquiry with teeth should be held. Every one of these bastards should be prosecuted, jailed, and all the assets illegally accumulated during their time in power confiscated and contributed to promoting the betterment of this country. They destroyed it and they should pay for its rebuilding by not only setting an example through the loss of their freedom for those that would try to slick their way to wealth, but also by having them stripped of all their ill gotten gains. No reward for nasty and ugly behavior. We are so tired of them. The world has changed and they cannot hide any longer nor can they revise history like they have done repeatedly the last fifty years. Ring the bell.

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lkalikl 9 years, 8 months ago on AG's office will NOT pursue legal action against V Alfred Gray

Press release on Friday. Classic duck and run timing. This government is cowardly and pathetic and demonstrates nothing but contempt, time and time again, for the citizens of this country. Bahamian cirizens need to wake up and wake up fast. These dinosaur leaders are destroying the country and the rule of law and the country's citizens will pay a heavy price in the long run for its slack attitude and apathy. Venezuela doesn't happen over night. It takes time for the dictator to emerge, but when the people are lazy, ignorant, entitled, poorly informed and generally apathetic, that is precisely the soil in which the dictator's fruit can and will grow.

The Bahamas is on a slippery slope and the PLP become more and more dangerous everyday. There are at least five members of the governing party who should resign immediately, including the current AG, and they should have no future dealings with the public's funds or the public's trust, yet, our 'second chance' PM invites slackness, nonsense and corruption time and time again by doing nothing and failing to reprimand these people - for what - do they have something on him that prevents him from holding them accountable? There are MPs and cabinet members who should be prosecuted for negligence and/or outright corruption, yet nothing is done. There is absolutely no discipline in this culture of slackness and leadership cannot function without discipline. There is also no accountability and no responsibility. Meritocracy in a democracy is essential, yet, the 'who you know' culture of patron-client relations is all the dinosaur PLP know and that is why we are failing as a nation, time and time again. Deep down, we can all feel it. Deep down, we all know it. The country is slipping away and slowly degenerating and decaying. It's palpable.

If the citizens don't wake up soon, they will wake up in a country where the politicians don't even pretend to obey the rule of law. Right now, they still give it lip service while, in actuality, doing whatever they want. We are already on very dangerous ground and anyone with a brain better start fighting for what is right, because if they don't, they better pray they have a way out of this corrupt country. On the present trajectory, within 5 or 10 years, this country will be beyond redemption, if it isn't there already. So, go ahead, #jumpindaline and bury your head in the sand people, but don't say you weren't warned. Sunshine is needed. Transparency is needed. Accountability is needed. Bahamians, if you love your country, fight for your rights and demand change! No one is coming to save you and when our bad reputation becomes our reputation, tourism will contract faster than any of us can imagine. Cuba is opening, not soon, it is happening now! If we don't get our act together, our country will be in big trouble. Our leaders are dinosaurs and they live in lalaland. We are a critical moment in our history.

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ThisIsOurs 9 years, 7 months ago on Dion Foulkes declares interest to run for FNM in Yamacraw

If the FNM wants to win they better not serve up the same old faces again. These people seem to think (just like the PLP) that their family name, their title as "lawyers", because they were there with Pindling or just because they have a nice suit, that they are entitled to political office. Please send people with no taint of corruption, above average intelligence, evidence of concern for poor people outside of the run up to Election Day, no sense of entitlement, ethical, hardworking, successful in business/ and not bankrupt. Good personal relationships with women, not women abusers or serial misusers. For heavens sake send us some leaders and people worthy to be representatives. Have a trained HR person conduct a series of interviews to determine their fitness for office. Weed out all the "maniacs". Megalomaniacs, kleptomaniacs, nymphomaniacs

If they are serious have every single candidate sign onto a code of ethics and conduct. Have them publicly declare the behaviour they will not engage in, quieting property, taking money to award contracts, opening shell companies to funnel govt contracts to themselves, preying on females employed in their ministries for sexual favours, yeah declare that publicly, give favour to their friends outside of the normal procedures in any area, including but not limited to jobs, contracts or resources including crown land. Let no one be able to declare "I didn't know that was wrong" that's all we've heard for forty years.

Btw Alfred Gray is a COMPLETE disgrace.

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duppyVAT 9 years, 7 months ago on Of political parties, budgets and inadequate debate

Party politics has destroyed true democracy in this country ............ the Rollins saga last night was a perfect example of the cancer affecting the present political establishment ............ we need 38 independent MPs who are willing to caucus for causes and elect a consensus builder to be the executive ............. plus an elected President to replace the Queen

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banker 9 years, 4 months ago on Off limits: Cabbage Beach access closed to the public next month

If the crime situation deteriorates, I'm willing to bet that access to Paradise Island will be only for Bahamians who work there or have business there. That's what you get when Foreign Direct Investment is the sole engine of the economy. You have to sell the best bits off, and are lost to the natives forever.

Can anyone else see that the path that the Bahamas is on, is totally unsustainable and headed for collapse?

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Greentea 9 years, 4 months ago on Off limits: Cabbage Beach access closed to the public next month

I always pause when I hear Bahamians generalizing about Bahamians and 'their' nasty habits. Aren't you talking about yourslf? I am a Bahamian who cares for the land. I love this country and try to do what I can, but as a people we do tend to pass the buck and think somebody else some genie I guess, will always pick it up, clean it up and wipe up what we dirty and discard. Bahamians should unquestionably have a right of access to any beach in the Bahamas and they should also be held accountable for that right and supported. I think beaches need to have adequate receptacles that are routinely emptied and that beaches need to be policed to enforce some standards. Only few people will actually take the garbage they make at a beach home or to a dumpster - the others need support, enforcement and consequences if they can't uphold the rules in place that are designed to protect places open for the mutual enjoyment of all. If u think freedom means you can do whatever you like on a beach intended for mutual enjoyment of all and act that way- you need to be escorted to your car or the nearest bust stop because it (society and community)don't work like that.

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Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 2 months ago on Minister says forecasters did exemplary work

Hanna-Martin needs to be asked why is it we do not have a radar installation in the central Bahamas with a range sufficient to ensure the entire Bahamas is covered.

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ThisIsOurs 9 years, 2 months ago on Minister says forecasters did exemplary work

Working/Not working, it's all IRRELEVANT!!! Jeffrey Simmons whom I respect completely, finally put the nail in the coffin of this strawman argument today. He said simply, "the radar's range is 150 miles, the hurricane never came within ~200miles of Nassau". CASE CLOSED. The MET was not the problem, the problem lies squarely in the laps of those entrusted with the response to the severe weather warning

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DillyTree 9 years, 2 months ago on Butler-Turner angry as she is prevented from speaking

Mrs. Butler Turner had every right to expect to be able to make a contribution to the HOA on behalf of her constituents -- especially seeing as nearly 2000 of the 3000 or so persons affected by Joaquin are in her own constituency.This is yet another example of the PLP's petty vindictiveness. It also bodes badly for the state of democracy in the Bahamas. Whose voice will be silenced next? Yours?

Mrs. Butler-Turner is one of the very few politicians who actually put their feet on the ground and was able to help and assist the many people affected by Joaquin. She did not only help in Long Island, but was able to rally support and supplies for the other islands so badly affected until they were able to get other teams and support in place. Now she continues to work steadfastly for those in Long island, having gone back and forth regularly. What other politician can say the same?

I do hope she reveals what she knows -- perhaps eventually we will be able to impeach the PLP government and send them to the hell they seem to want Bahamians to live in. We deserve better. When are we going to wake up and see this?

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banker 9 years, 2 months ago on Arawak Port warns of 48% profits fall

Ahh the bellwether and the thin edge of the wedge in the start to our total economic free fall. A lot of port business is sustaining Bahamian life with food, consumer goods and the necessities of life. So when your import income drops to about half of what it was last year, you know that something is up with the economy.