moncurcool 4 years, 3 months ago on Donald and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19
Donald and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19
guess you need to think again. parents always said what goes around comes around. interesting how he can test positive for a virus he called fake.
John 4 years, 3 months ago on Donald and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19
Donald and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19
Many said he looked heated and even sweaty during the debate. The man that called the virus a hoax and at one point refused to wear a mask
John 4 years, 3 months ago on Donald and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19
Donald and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19
And his intention was to expose some of Joe Biden's health issues... Karma? Hopefully it will temper him from feeling invincible.
themessenger 4 years, 3 months ago on Donald and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19
Donald and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19
Poetic justice for the Cheif White Supremacist................
Honestman 4 years, 3 months ago on Donald and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19
Donald and Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19
I would imagine that more than 200,000 American families have little sympathy with the President at this moment. Trump has acted in callous disregard for the health of his citizens.
proudloudandfnm 4 years, 3 months ago on Trump greets supporters following new details of his illness
Trump greets supporters following new details of his illness
Either this whole infected thing is just a scam or he is the dumbest president of all time.
Poor secret service agents, they protect trump, nobody protects them from a moron president...
OMG 4 years, 3 months ago on Trump greets supporters following new details of his illness
Trump greets supporters following new details of his illness
Not a scam just one ignorant self serving narcissist who only cares about retaining office and treats this like his own reality show. Don't wish him to die but he needs to suffer the ventilator and the extreme discomfort that goes with it to see what those unable to get or afford his special treatment go through and maybe, just maybe start to take this disease seriously. He already has started the PR spin about learning what its like and gullible supportets lap up this bullshit.
Porcupine 4 years, 3 months ago on How can we drill for oil?
How can we drill for oil?
Thank you BNT. However, I disagree with the statement. “If, as the Minister of Environment (Romauld Ferreira) states, The Bahamas’ hands are legally tied and that this first well must proceed, the BNT urges extreme caution." Courts regularly revisit cases when new evidence is presented. Are our hands tied in allowing cigarettes to be sold to minors? Same thing. Times changed and now we know better. We need to quit voting in and hiring people who are compromised, or unable to intellectually grasp the consequences of their words and actions. Sometimes, circumstances change. We now know, as stated in this article that drilling threatens our fisheries, our economy, our very existence as a country. No, The Bahamas hands are not tied. This is merely an excuse that should have Romauld fired and replaced with someone with a backbone. Someone able to stand up for justice and tell the Prime Minister to quit being a "science" hypocrite. We are too intellectually and morally slack in this country. It really is beyond belief.
Please read the following again. This should be grasped by any well-educated 5th grader.
“The Bahamas is known to be one of the most vulnerable nations on the planet to the impending impacts of climate change. It is now recognized as an existential threat to The Bahamas. The country, its people and their way of life could disappear if it is not successful as a global community in reversing the factors of a changing climate. Climate-charged Hurricane Dorian and the recent unprecedented number of concurrent named tropical storms and systems are clear indicators of climatic change.
“It is patently clear that The Bahamas’ livelihood and survival depends not only on minimizing but reversing the impacts of climate change. Consequently, policies and regulations must reflect the global and national efforts to combat the impact of climate change.
So, the realization that our entire country's existence is threatened by the burning of fossil fuels would have no bearing on a court of law? No wonder our country is in such dire condition.
Porcupine 4 years, 3 months ago on Dive operator 'begs' Gov't for oil exploration rethink
Dive operator 'begs' Gov't for oil exploration rethink
Neal Watson thank you for speaking out. You are right. To Ms. Quant. "It is difficult to get someone to understand something, when their salary depends upon them not understanding it." The science of 2020 suggests that we move rapidly away from fossil fuels. We all managed after finding out cigarettes were harmful. We can do the same with oil. Your salary obviously affects your needed objectivity. Mr. Hartnell, how much time do you spend studying what is going on environmentally in The Bahamas? I am available to help bring you up to speed. Business exists by virtue of the environment. Not the other way around.
Porcupine 4 years, 2 months ago on ‘Sermons can’t be censored’
‘Sermons can’t be censored’
I believe that organized religion holds us back as a species. This is as evident here, as it is anywhere in the world.
ONEDAYATATIME 4 years, 2 months ago on Acting Financial Secretary Johnson: I’m an atheist
Acting Financial Secretary Johnson: I’m an atheist
I like your Christ I do not like your christians They are so unlike your Christ Ghandi
Porcupine 4 years, 2 months ago on FRONT PORCH: Religious leaders would do well to remember what their real role is in our society
FRONT PORCH: Religious leaders would do well to remember what their real role is in our society
Firstly, we need to value education and the idea of scholarship and critical thinking. These ministers talk like they are stupid. But, they are not. They are just abjectly ignorant. Ignorance can be overcome by open minded study. The bible is a human created document that has been translated many, many times over. If you are illiterate, or worse, alliterate, than the chances of finding any truth in a written document is indeed quite small. The pastors here in The Bahamas are allowed their perch because their followers are even less educated than they, if that can be imagined? Advanced study and scholarship can be recognized by those who share similar levels of awareness. We too often confuse superstition with spirituality. And, yes, there is a difference. The bottom line is this. Education allows humanity to gain insight into the inner workings of life in general, including insights into the mystical and spiritual worlds. Foregoing education and intense scholarship, and then asking people to take you seriously as a moral leader is downright ridiculous. One only has to listen to these self professed pastors to realize that learning, true learning and critical thinking and a true concern for the wellbeing of others is not high on their list of things that are important. Though, as a country we continue to say we value education as a way to achieve our dreams and to improve our country, we, in many ways, vote to fail on this matter over and over again. Education requires hard work, humility, open-mindedness and a lifelong commitment. Perhaps we have the reason right there that many of us feel that our pastors have no clout in a modern, decent society.
proudloudandfnm 4 years, 2 months ago on ‘It’s their world, not ours, Mr Turnquest’
‘It’s their world, not ours, Mr Turnquest’
Turnquest's comments were down right childish. Insane. What is he thinking????
Dawes 4 years, 2 months ago on ‘It’s their world, not ours, Mr Turnquest’
‘It’s their world, not ours, Mr Turnquest’
They do that with the constrictors as they are an invasive species.
Porcupine 4 years, 2 months ago on UPDATED: PM offers congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden
UPDATED: PM offers congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden
Or, by treating people with an iota of respect?
BONEFISH 4 years, 2 months ago on UPDATED: PM offers congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden
UPDATED: PM offers congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden
Congrats to the President -Elect Joe Biden. The third time is a charm.
Congrats to Vice-President -Elect Kamala Harris. She represents something that has aided and driven development in the United States, immigration. A father who is an economist from Jamaica and a mother who was a researcher from India. The browning of America. Also a white JJewish husband.
Mr.Trump please concede defeat and leave office with some grace. Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush did it.
Amused 4 years, 2 months ago on UPDATED: PM offers congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden
UPDATED: PM offers congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden
The Bahamas just simply needs to step its game up plain and simple. What else the governments sell besides sun, sand, and sea? Many other places offer it as well ad have attractions and things to do, and if Cuba opens up like under the Obama administration then the government of the Bahamas/bahamas in general has no one else to blame but themselves. The tourism sector isn't only for the Bahamas, we just failed to diversify and keep relying on same old same old. What has the tourism product offered here as in something to do for the tourists staying on new providence in let's say 5-10 years?
Newgate 4 years, 2 months ago on UPDATED: PM offers congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden
UPDATED: PM offers congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden
This is exactly what i was saying for years. The bahamas really only has a convenient location going for it. There are MANY other places that provide what we do and more. I always railed on our government for not doing more to beef up our tourism. Every island in this country has something to call its own, some have ssports fishing, others have bird watching, some have beautiful reefs or blue holes to explore. Yet the focus is always nassua, a place where tourists, upon leaving Paradise Island quickly see a drop in beauty depending on the direction they go. Cuba opening will either end us or push us to be better and for the sake of everyone, we better hope its the latter
milesair 4 years, 2 months ago on UPDATED: PM offers congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden
UPDATED: PM offers congratulations to President-Elect Joe Biden
Victory at last! The fascist wanna be dictator has got his due. The PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!! As for renewing relations with Cuba, it is about time. They are our next door neighbor and the 60 year old embargo HAS NOT WORKED! Better to get the people of Cuba on your side in order to get a change in the government than to continue a policy that is obviously futile! The only thing that the embargo has done is hurt the Cuban people and not the Cuban government! Where or where is the soothsayer JoeBlow? He predicted Trump would win. Glad that didn't happen! And now for a victory drink! Maybe two! This win for which I worked my tail off has to be savoured!
Porcupine 4 years, 8 months ago on WORLD VIEW – The US and Cuba: Caribbean chooses cooperation, not confrontation
WORLD VIEW – The US and Cuba: Caribbean chooses cooperation, not confrontation
Great comments, Steve.