
1 Vote

USAhelp 9 years, 4 months ago on Union chief criticises failure to tackle mould infestation

Dont forget the lazy people that work there and the free ride they expect. Not the police most of them do the best they can even with wide spread corruption.

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proudloudandfnm 9 years, 4 months ago on Rubis scandal ‘unacceptable’

Rollins just begging to be thrown out of that party. Why not just quit? Do it publically and tell us all exactly why you quit?

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killemwitdakno 9 years, 4 months ago on CARNIVAL FEVER: Organisers hail a 'cultural revolution'

The road parade was not as vulgar because people discovered for themselves what a disgrace it could be and voiced those better expectations. Not like carnival was trying to let anyone know that it was the road wuk up style.

5 Vote

banker 9 years, 4 months ago on Attorney General refuses to comment on missing files

Sigh ... another nail in the corruption coffin of Allyson Maynard Gibson. This PLP government is giving 's monitoring a real boost to the corruption index in the Bahamas. Shameful !!

1 Vote

duppyVAT 9 years, 4 months ago on Applicants for Belonger's Permit to be contacted

Will the government make this list available for the public to know who they are ..... like when foreigners apply to get citizenship or name change????????????

4 Vote

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 4 months ago on PAC blocked by Speaker

Can we now get a long overdue legal opinion from the AG's Office on whether sitting members of parliament who have not submitted their personal financial statement declarations, as required by law, should be held in contempt of parliament with all of the attendant consequences properly flowing therefrom?

4 Vote

EnoughIsEnough 9 years, 4 months ago on BREA ‘emergency’ on ex-minister’s legal win

This man is arrogant and the judgement absolutely shameful!! I am a real estate agent and every year at least one month prior to 31 December we receive a notice that our dues must be paid for the following year. And then again in June a notice is sent (6 months later, note) saying that you have until end of June to make your payments otherwise, per the law: In accordance with the Real Estate Brokers & Salesman Act, 1995 Part III Section 16, ‘The Board shall caused to be published in the Gazette’ (b)(ii) ‘after the first day of July a list containing the name and address of every real estate broker or real estate salesman who ceased to be registered between the 1st and of January and such 1st day of July but dates being exclusive’. George Smith and others have 6 months to pay and they are too arrogant to do so. And bear in mind that for those 6 months they are operating illegally, without a valid license. And after 1 July, to reapply, the paperwork is not that difficult. A few documents and 10 minutes. That's it! But I understand he said "Do you know who I am?" as if that should exempt him from the laws. Too many clients get swindled by people who are not legal agents and BREA is completely within their right to inform the public of who they should and should not be using as representation. This judge should be disbarred and George Smith banned from real estate. The legal process is crumbling even further to the ground and BREA money is being wasted on these court cases due to the arrogance of this man. Pathetic.

8 Vote

John 9 years, 4 months ago on Wilson: Ingraham responsible for Sth. Eleuthera’s ‘demise’

This man has to be the most chronic and fanatical liar in the history of Bahamaian politics. Everyone knows the demise of not only South Eleuthera, but the entire island of Eleuthera came under the PLP government under the leadership of L O Pindling. They bought out the Hatchet Bay farms that used to supply the entire country with milk, eggs and icecream and closed it down. and they forced many of the investors and second home owners on Eleuthera,South Eleuthera especially,to leave the country. Those were the days when Pindling and the PLP would plant lamp poles and run miles and miles of electrical wire promising the people electricity. Then when they didn't get the votes they would refuse to connect the supply. They did the same thing with water pipes and telephone lines. This was done not just in Eleuthera but a number of Family Islands It was Hubert Ingraham who eventually electrified the family islands. Pindling use to send heavy equipment to some islands making the people believe the roads were going to be fixed just before elections. But as soon as the votes were in the equipment would be packed up and brought back to Nassau. Franky Wilson cannot rewrite history with his lies. Everyone in South Eleuthera knows about Pindling and the PLP curse on that island. Eleuthera people teach their children history. Even when Perry Christie was prime minister the last time he did nothing for South Eleuthera. And Franky Wilson knows that his welcome to that island is not a warm ones do his shameless lies does not make him any more welcome.

4 Vote

asiseeit 9 years, 4 months ago on Carnival vendors may get payout

This is a joke, right? Is this man serious, is he doing drugs? So now they are using PUBLIC FUNDS, our money to pay vendors because they did not make money at BJC. Who is putting crack in this mans food? This is beyond ridiculous and tells me that for all the hype BJC was indeed a failure if the vendors need to be paid at the end of the day. How they can say that BJC created all this economic activity and then say the vendors did so bad they have to be given back their stall fee's AND given a money for their losses. This stinks to high heaven. What a waste of money The Bahamas DOES NOT HAVE!

3 Vote

MartGM 9 years, 4 months ago on 200 jobs to go in BEC shake-up

People still trust the words that leave the PM's mouth? On another note, BEC could probably afford to loose 16.7% of their staff. Many of our government agencies could benefit from 20% less staff. I never want persons to loose their jobs but when you earned a job based on your political affiliations and not the quality of your resume and qualifications, a serious problem ensues.

1 Vote

TalRussell 9 years, 3 months ago on Miller denies running own BEC bid process

From how much this stuff he buys, Pot cake must own shares in da Liquid Correction Paper company? Comrades I hopes ya is writing these remarks down for recollection, cuz da Pot cake doesn't likes being pinned down for much more than say 72-hours on what he didn't meant say when it ruff clear out he talkative mouth. Good Lord Almighty, asks da PM cuz, he too knows this be true only too well. how Pot cake will comes back and says, if only he had known then what he now knows more well about the matter, he wouldn't have said what he said about da matter. How he was in no ways intent on undermining the respect he holds for his two bossman's, da'a honourables PM and DPM?

3 Vote

realfreethinker 9 years, 3 months ago on $14m allocated for unspecified capital works at BAMSI

Here we go again. When will the theft end. $21m with no stipulation on how it is to be spent ? WOW

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GrassRoot 9 years, 3 months ago on Bahamas banker collected $250k FIFA bribe cheque

makes me wonder what the Bahamian FIFA cronies were able to get on the FIFA auction for votes.

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banker 9 years, 3 months ago on LIFE OF CRIME: Mental disorder and killing

When I see amoral, depraved and criminal behaviour, I tend to give more and more credence to explanations of human actions that lie in the purview of sociobiology.… .

Humans have built up societal structures and morals and laws have arisen to support those societal structures. They are the framework for achievement, enlightenment and the transcendence of ourselves from mere animals to something far more significant -- a being capable of intelligence, altruism, and a higher order of existence and action.

Those members who are incapable of conforming to those societal norms and hence incapable of achieving the enlightenment, advancement and transcendence of intellectual and moral development really must be dealt with efficiently in a society.

Some sociobiologists contends that the removal of deviant genes from society is the most efficient way of solving societal problems, and as I get older, I find myself agreeing more and more with that stance. Just to be perfectly clear, I am referring to removal with extreme prejudice. Hence the death penalty for egregious crimes against other humans, is perhaps the highest form of enlightenment if the premises of the sociobiologists are correct. This is a contrarian view, but perhaps a correct one.

2 Vote

lkalikl 9 years, 3 months ago on Miller says insurance providers ‘don’t give a damn’ if everyone dies

How can this man be an MP in the Bahamas? Bahamians need to stop falling for these clowns. His reckless and irresponsible statements and pathetic track record with BEC's management would mean - in any other country - that he would be ousted from office, publicly shamed and never voted back in, but, in the Bahamas, we worship and celebrate the kleptocrats of stupidity. We need to wake up as a nation.