Resort to host gay pride event


Tribune Chief Reporter


FOUR days of pride celebrations will kick off this weekend in a bid to strengthen existing support systems for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered community.

Organisers yesterday confirmed that the “Bahamas Pride Freedom Weekend” will take place at an all-inclusive resort on eastern Grand Bahama beginning this Friday.

The event was originally scheduled for the Labour Day weekend, but was postponed.

In a recent interview with The Tribune about the event, organiser Victor Rollins underscored the critical need for outreach and empowerment within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) community.

He said he envisioned the pride weekend as an opportunity to target the marginalised community, members of which he felt were often stigmatised, manipulated or exploited.

“The Bahamas Pride Freedom Weekend will cater to the various layers that impact the lives of LGBT Bahamians,” a press statement released on the event yesterday read.

The press release continued: “This event is not the first event of its kind and leading up to Bahamas Pride Freedom Weekend, members of the now defunct Rainbow Alliance Bahamas, Bahamian Gays and Lesbians Against Discrimination and Hope Through Education and Awareness will be highlighted and given tribute for the cornerstones that they have laid for the community during their active period.”

The statement added: “The event will also have a moment of memoriam for all LGBT individuals who were victims and or lost their lives because of hate crimes or HIV.”

The weekend will feature seven themed parties, including a talent showcase and pageant; however, organisers also pointed to a Health Fair as integral part of the event. Activities highlighted include: a Great Gatsby themed all-white affair, a pyjama party, a retro party and signature beach and pool parties.

Society Against STIs and HIV (SASH) Bahamas, a nonprofit organisation, was listed as a major stakeholder in the planning of the event.

Amard Rolle, executive director SASH Bahamas, said: “The community needs a much needed boost of new energy, safe spaces and structured environments to truly be innovative.

“We agreed to be a part of this event because we at SASH Bahamas are committed to being social helpers and community builders.”

Yesterday, organisers could not confirm how many persons were expected to participate this weekend.


Cobalt 10 years ago

Seriously??? In the Bahamas???

Our forefathers must be rolling in their graves!!!

MaLambee 10 years ago

They were born that way. What is the problem? They should keep it on the down low or just not be so conspicuous?

Sickened 10 years ago

I'm sure some, but not all, were born that way.

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

with so many single mothers, i know a few who had no choice, only around sisters all the time.

PKMShack 10 years ago

Where is the noise in the market on this one. Oh we not a Christian nation now. Where are the leaders, the church? Against gambling, but this is ok? Do that in your house do not promote it.

Tommy77 10 years ago

@Blockquote Agreedhttp://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none">

daTruth 10 years ago

Great to hear such events are taking place! Congratulations to the organizers and community for supporting an important step in promoting equality for ALL Bahamians.

Sickened 10 years ago

I guess most of the PLP MP's will be in Grand Bahama this weekend. I hope that reporters are there to get pictures of the PM and Fred in their thongs, recruiting more party members.

jt 10 years ago

This is amazing. Finally some good news out of the Bahamas regarding equality for all.

Sickened 10 years ago

Good news??? Be careful, beastiality (bestiality) will be coming out of the closet soon. Ever heard the story of the MP's who had the white poodle party?

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

if you don't now the difference between an inch and a mile, i worry about allowing you to do anything. oops you may be a conditioned christian incapable of using the self control God gave us which Jesus reminded us of. looks like you already thought of it. yup insecure and un-adult, no lenience for you. ever heard Bert Simpson say , hey we have a black president now let's hear from out octopus candidate? same idiocy

whilst we're at bringing back illegal boogery ( they apparently live after anal sex) , let's also ban heterosexual deviances like oral. my conclusion is that if the anus is the other end of the mouth, then nothing should enter the mouth either.

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years ago

The collection plates / tithing envelopes received from congregation members by the leadership of the Bahamas Christian Council and other church groups will rightfully be bare for all time to come if church leaders do not insist that the following fifth (5th) question and bill be added to the proposed constitutional amendments: "The institution of marriage as a long established, traditional and sacred Christian institution shall only be defined, recognised and exist as a union between a man and women and shall by definition exclude any form of same-sex union between a man and a man or a woman and a woman or any combination of man and animal or woman and animal." If our church leaders cannot persuade the PLP to add this question and bill to the proposed referendum, then we will all know exactly where evil Christie and his equally evil cabinet ministers and evil PLP stalwart councillors stand on the issue of same-sex (gay) marriage!

mangogirl01 10 years ago

Yes, they definitely need to amend question 4 as you stated, remember, Fred Mitchell said he wants to 'put some things in place before I retire' and coming from him we know what he meant!

Altalk 10 years ago

your right all of them is one in the same.....I voting independent

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years ago

WELL WORTH REPEATING: What Mitchell, Christie, Butler, McWeeney and McCartney are not telling the Bahamian public is that they are all under incredible pressure from Atlantis, Baha Mar and all the other significant hotel players in our country today, as well as the U.S. airline carriers flying into the Bahamas, to amend our Constitution through the upcoming referendum in such a way that future discrimination against gays will not be possible notwithstanding the Christian beliefs of the vast majority of indigenous Bahamians who are (and will forever be) God fearing individuals opposed to the lifestyle of the likes of Mitchell and his "friends". There is a whole helluvalot of "gay" money at stake for the hotel convention centers in Nassau, the hotels in the family islands and the U.S. airlines that fly to the Bahamas; accordingly, the PLP are hell bent on carefully wording whatever changes are necessary to our Constitution so that gays may flock to the Bahamas in massive numbers to line the pocket books of the hoteliers, the airlines and our corrupt politicians who know no bounds when it comes to their willingness to stoop to evil endeavours. Christian Bahamians who have read the Bible (Leviticus Chapter 20 Verse 13) know full well that they will forever be barred from finding salvation if they support the changes to our Constitution now being proposed by the PLP which are in substance no different than those that were previously proposed by the FNM in a similar referendum that led to the ouster of the FNM at the polls by an overwhelming landslide. More and more we see that the party leadership of the PLP, FNM and DNA are really no different from each other. The corrupt alternating two party system we have had to date is really why Christie and Ingraham remain the best of friends much to the detriment of our society and financial well being of our country. VOTE NO TO ALL OF THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO OUR CONSTITUTION AND DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY CANDIDATES PUT FORWARD BY THE PLP, FNM OR DNA IN THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION. VOTE FOR THE RIGHT INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE WHO CARRIES NO KNOWN POLITICAL BAGGAGE OR PROPENSITY TO ENGAGE IN CORRUPT POLITICAL ACTIVITIES. DO THE RIGHT THING IN AN EFFORT TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY FOR THE SAKE OF OURSELVES AND OUR CHILDREN AND THEIR CHILDREN!!

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

you're retarded, no hotel wants that. have you ever heard of black propaganda genius? It's when one side releases something making it look like it came from the other. Look up the history of Sandals. They excluded gays because no one wants to turn into Cony Island NY which would kill most of their income from hetero couples and families dumbass, follow the actual money. If you had any logic, you'd realize that all your doing is making a case for them where as no lgbt groups abroad would have otherwise taken recognition. now they're definitely going to make noise.

abacogrouper 10 years ago

As a people, our standards and morals have deteriorated to the lowest levels. The almighty dollar is now our God!

Publius 10 years ago

Why is this a lead story with everything that is happening in the country to Bahamians at the hands of other Bahamians and their Bahamian government?

Bahamas_2014 10 years ago

With all of the ongoing issues that we now have in the Bahamas, such as:

1) Impending destruction of the middle class by implentation of VAT, 2) Annihilation of our young men under the age of 30 by the almost daily killings, 3) Poorly educated youth , with a "D" average at best, 4) Raping of the public coffers by politicians, right in the front of our eyes, 5) Crime levels of ridiculous proportions for a microstate of less than 350,000 people, 6) Record levels of unemployments never before seen, 7) Destruction of the family unit with single family homes being the norm, 8) Record levels mortgage foreclosures, 9) Inadequate public health care system, etc., etc. etc.,

I would think we would have bigger problems to worry about than what a few select adults decide to do in the confines of a private resort ??


If you not in agreement with their actions, then mind ya business and stay away.

Everyone has to account to The Almighty God for his or her actions.>> worry about yourself !

Regardless 10 years ago

That resort will need to close for major sanitary cleaning after that deranged orgy has finished.

Frank 10 years ago

Marriage between a man and a woman doesn't seem so 'natural' either. Why do so many married people carry on sexual relations outside, and why do so many end in divorce? Humans are promiscuous, and marriage is a false social edifice, even for heteros. I suggest it be abolished, or limited to five year terms, renewable, of course.

Also why are the public so concerned about what consenting adults might do in their bedrooms, and not by men raping women, or having sex with young girls. That is far more damaging.

For the Christians, Levitcus 18 says, inter alia, that is is against God's law to have sex with any relative, a woman and her daughter, a menstruating woman, a man as one does with a woman, your neighbour's wife, etc., Nearly every man is quilty of one of these abominations. And nothing about women having sex with whoever they want!

All the fuss about LBGT demonstrates gross hypocrisy and ignorance.

Reader 10 years ago

Leviticus 18 was given to the children of Israel under the dispensation of The Law... For the Christian now, we under the dispensation of Grace and hence one single passage from the New Testament will suffice to reveal the mind of God on Homosexuality; Romans 1: [24] Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: [26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [32] Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

Paul said it's better to be unmarried. Not sure why gays would ever want it anyway.

voltairehumor 10 years ago

economy is in the dump...embrace the income

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

i hate tourist altogether right now, what's the point if government can't manage the income to keep us tax free. and then the environment gets destroyed for some cheap hotel that'll run about ten years , suck all the energy , make the settlement dependent and then it's unprepared close kills the island causing locals to leave and more illegals to come in.

no different from bringing back the springbreakers who literally break everything up and cost too much to keep inviting as a campaign.

change the trash can to a recycle bin. typical black ignorance. financial illiteracy don't know how to grow money. don't even care to demand transparency so we could see where it goes. but gin sit and get vatted by a damn international crook who's screwed over every place it's been to. 4 months to sudden destruction.

Hotelier 10 years ago

You want to eliminate gay sex? Let them get married!

JustMiche 10 years ago

Frankly, I don't give a damn.

TalRussell 10 years ago

Comrade Reader the scriptures makes for a unreliable defense witness in court. You must know the Bible is full of many contradictions? If you think Romans 1: 24 and Leviticus 18 will mess with your head, try figuring out the big book's scientific inaccuracies? Every time I reads, I run across something or another to get me more confused than i was before. It was too taxing on me brain to even begin to understand, so you know what I decided to do about 10 years back? I decided the simplest way for me, not o be tempted to travel down the road to hell and damnation, was to try my very best to live by the Ten Commandments ... cause I believed Jesus, when he spoke; "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. Comrade reader you might want reread John 14:21. I call them - Life's Big Ten C's. A must live-by manual, authored by Jesus!

God Bless You Always!

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

well the ten commandments put mothers and fathers as equal so our constitution is really fuckin off by not honoring it that way..

Altalk 10 years ago

this is why our beloved country is in the dumps....but hey this is freeport right?..These aabominations was going on from the developers of freeport reach ..along with idol worship.and human sacrifice.....but I pray that the fire of The Lord God of Elijah fall from heaven on that private function....enough is enough

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

Don't categorize Freeport. Freeport is much more conservative and educated than Nassau. Which is exactly why PLP always despises them and would love to taint it with something Bahamians fear, gay.

Altalk 10 years ago

And Im not suprise that bro.victor rollins name is called.....I remember he wanted to open up a christian disco club in nassau.......

jackbnimble 10 years ago

Actually I was shocked to hear his name. Did he "backslide"? I thought he was professing Christianity and testifying that he had been delivered from a "homosexual spirit". My God, what happened??

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

lol. facepalm moment. but again, see why this is nonsense, gay pastors and no one cared.

Altalk 10 years ago

of course he did....but obviously he never got delivered ...because as a christian one should not..be advocating for no christian discotech .......but now he is more worst of than he was before!!!!

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

if everyone who goes to church is seeking the Lord, why can't gays seek the Lord. maybe need gay church. maybe healing in other areas will help them determine whether they're really gay or whether it's another coping mechanism no different from religion. being a single mother doesn't demonize anyone but if they dealt with other issues they might be less avoidant or disagreeable and might could get another man to be complete. do yourself a favor and be true to yourself, that's different from accepting what life made you out to be like. some might be androgynous due to hormones but were pushed to that side instead of being allowed to determine openly whether they believe that's how they were intended to turn out. on the other hand everyone makes drastic changes to themself that they didn't expect

Jonahbay 10 years ago

As a person who loves the Bahamas very much it pains me to read of people saying vote no to Gender equality because that will give gays rights. If you believe in equal rights meaning that men and women should be equal how can you in good conscience vote no to that? Just because we have always done something one way, doesn't make it right and just because you beat your drum the loudest, that doesn't make you right either. I applaud the people who are organising this Pride function because whether you like it or not, gay people have been around since the beginning of humanity and they will continue to be around for the rest of our time in the universe. If you don't like it, close your eyes and continue to walk blindly.But be honest, and if you believe in the Bible so much believe that loving your neighbour as yourself is the key. Leave the hate for the devil.

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

the homophobia card is all they had to stop something so obviously needed. PLP would never win again should women voters wake up and if away bahamians with their sensible foreign husbands or democratic experience were to be invited back that's why. Yet in the last election PLP visited every US campus ensuring students voted whilst fnm slept. Not sure why the FNM isn't seeing this a great benefit to them. both oppositions are more concerned with proving mistrust of the PLP to deny legacy even though everyone knows it's against PLP's desire. missing the long lasting political points by sitting idly by and finger pointing when they should be moving it along, allowing PLP to score the bloc instead. the women's children and the economy suffers as a result.

John 10 years ago

Now you know who is driving the roller coaster that is taking this country straight (straight?) to hell,

bahamasownedbychina 10 years ago

you people are a pathetic joke. you will be the first to cry discrimination while discriminating. stop throwing around the bible to support your baseless claims. take a look at yourselves and the children you have out of wedlock and your own divorce rates. then maybe people would take you seriously. the bahamas has been in a rapid state of decline for decades especially after independence, because the country is run by ignorant, entitled morons. how many public beaches remain? the country has sold out to china. and your alleged moral values are ancient. stop hating on others, look at yourself in the mirror. the Bahamas is a banana republic and pretty soon the bananas will be coming from china. in the not distant future your flag will be the color red, not because of aids but because you will be owned by the Chinese. good luck with that. oh by the way, bahamar is going to be a giant sink hole because the site can not support the weight of what has been constructed there, but i digress.

DreamerX 10 years ago

Purported Christians like the idea of hating the LGBTQ communities because it reminds them that in their faith system they can at least follow one of the rules set forth in their texts. As they get belligerent, horde money, sex before marriage, cheat on their husbands/wives, spread dishonesty for disproportionate gain, and revel in their ignorance, at least they know that these LGBTQ persons are the true sinners.

Western Black people, claimant as the most widely intellectually raped people, seek some revenge for their mistreatment. Forced to worship the God's that smiled upon their forced slavery, and shamed to believe in the God that ordained such treatment. To talk about roots and values but to have lost all values beyond a few hundred years of thousands of years of culture by their lineage.

The homophobia of this country is saddening most, in my opinion, in that it shows how ignorance and hate can mar any people, not just the old "White Man", and his whip. Such a people with a history of baseless discrimination and unjust prejudice that seeks to replicate in part, such ideas against another group of people is a cycle I must say that seems endless. While I don't believe Social Justice shall ever be victorious in any major regard before more problems come about, I do forget from time to time, realistic goals and dream of a world, a country, or even a network of people who can let go of this disease.

jusscoolin 10 years ago

We as a Christian Nation should embrace them . What do I mean? One hundred members from each church marching to that function, not with hatred in their hearts, but with the whole armor of God. Shirts on their backs representing their churches and Bible in tow. On arrival witness to every L-G-B-T there. At the count of ten every Christian there start an hour prayer loudly as possible. Satan's back has to be broken . We can't allow darkness to overshadow the light of what Grand Bahama is all about. Is the Christian Counsel gonna just sit back on their pulpits and allow this opportunity to just go by. What would God do if he physically walked this earth. BAHAMAS STAY TUNNNED!...........Here's an article that makes u wanna say SHiiiiT ( http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/2011…) . Is the last name familiar .

Altalk 10 years ago

and yet only same sex relationships you mention is an abomination unto The most High God!!!

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

pleas don't. that ought to just land you guys in the ward. ( omg a-holes keep christians up at night)

Bahamianpride 10 years ago

84 murders, corruption on every level & especially the church, pastor cannot stop having sex with congregation, husbands have multiple kids outside of marriage, wives sleeping around, unemployed young men every where, piss poor education, overcrowded jails in horrible condition, citizens are hostages to crime, debt increasing exponentially, VAT, illegal immigrants taking over, Bahamian's barely scrapping by economically, Country sold to foreigners. Yet we have time to worry about peaceful gay pride event.. Our priorities are messed up. Those gay individuals will return home to their jobs and peaceful communities after this, Our people will be left living in fear of crime or trying to survive another 4 hour BEC power outage.

Altalk 10 years ago

and what "hate crimes"?..there is no hate crimes against these ppl with gay tendencies,they suffer crime from there own kind gay on gay crime..even to the murders they either got "there things" by there lovers or there clients.

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

"lost their lives because of hate crimes" this has to come to light if so

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

Everyone needs protection against hate crimes, or perhaps wrong is just wrong period and should be enforced equally.

I'd like to hear about this gay on gay crime . http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archi… http://winteryknight.wordpress.com/2013…

where's a law that says if you have aids and have sex with someone , you committed attempted murder, as is in the states.

major health hazards for homosexual men: Aids, cancer, chemical abuse ( I guess that's who put the pepper in the vaseline. sad), and same-sex battery. Gay men also reported a 40 percent prevalence rate of sexual violence toward them.

jusscoolin 10 years ago

Society Against STIs and HIV (SASH) Bahamas, a nonprofit organisation, was listed as a major stakeholder in the planning of the event. SASH ,what is it's real intentions on our society .(http://www.msmgf.org/files/msmgf/Caribbean/Sash_bahamas_2009_2011_Report%20%5B1%5D.pdf) SASH continues to grow ....makes u think!

Altalk 10 years ago

Hey, You calling the Great Prophet Rolle.."gay"...you best watch your mout..touch not God`s anointed do his prophets no harm..with words thoughts or deeds.......repent.

killemwitdakno 10 years ago

No such thing has ever been advertised in the news, someone is really trying to create fear around the women's referendum.

There's been gay pageants, weddings (not legally recognized), clubs, private retreats whilst you slept easy, that gay reverend who sang "murder murder" at the PLP election rally , politician Fred Mitchell apparently and NO ONE REALLY CARES except when we need a reason to blackmail another party. Did y'all care about Peter Nygard's hidden stem cell bill that could give gays children?

Homosexuals don't make criminals, two emotional men just have really bad arguments. Pedophiles would be pedophiles regardless, boys were just easier to steal. How is this more outrageous than rape, sex trafficking and other things we refuse to look at? You're so appalled by tow consenting individuals in private but NO ONE EVER ADDRESSES THE INMATE RAPE OF OUR MEN WHO HAPPEN TO BE MIXED IN WITH HARDENED CRIMINALS!!!!!!!! but those of you against women's right supposedly care so much about men.

Altalk 10 years ago

there lifestyle is an abomination and it brings curses on our nation..and plz leave the singing prophet alone.....or judgement will fall on you and your family..."Touch not my annointed and do my prophets no harm.

Altalk 10 years ago

these ppl chose this lifestyle ,choose to be transgendered gayed,bisexual,chose to be pedophiles ..now they talking abt rights and same sex marriages.

concernedcitizen 10 years ago

I,m straight ,just the way i was born . Just like religion depends on where you were born ,if you are born in the middle east you think you would probably follow Islam ,in China you may think Budha is god ..Does your scripture tell you 140 species of animal practices some form of homosexuality ..IF MY COUNTRY VOTES AGAINST EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN OR ANYONE I THINK THE CREATOR WILL FROWN ..

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