Leslie Miller

Leslie Miller


Tribune Staff Reporter


TALL Pines MP Leslie Miller yesterday vowed the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) will rebound from recent criticism levelled against the party based on allegations in Supreme Court documents alleging a Peter Nygard ‘murder for hire’ plot, just as it did from ‘nation for sale’ corruption claims in the 1980s.

During his mid-year budget contribution in the House of Assembly, Mr Miller lashed out at opposition members and civic groups that he insisted were behind a plot to “destabilise the government and bring the country to its knees”.

Pinpointing members of the Free National Movement and the Save the Bays environmental group, Mr Miller contended that those spearheading the egregious attack would “see the law take its course” once all the facts have been laid out.

“We have travelled down this road before,” Mr Miller said, referring to the 1982 Pindling administration that battled corruption claims throughout its term.

“I believe what is happening now, Mr Speaker, is a repeat of the tactics that were used before in the attempted destabilisation of the then Sir Lynden Pindling administration which was elected in 1982 to carry out the works of the Bahamian people,” he stated.

“After that article appeared in the papers, Mr Speaker, there was continued onslaught by the international press, as well as, what one may call the collusion with the local press to see to it that the demise of that government was imminent.”

“As time went by, before the 1987 election, Mr Speaker, the temperature became hotter and hotter; and more scurrilous remarks were made on a daily basis.”

Mr Miller went on to recount how the then Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling dealt with the ordeal.

“I will never forget, Mr Speaker, the heat of the election in 1987. As January came around the campaign heated up. Those of us that were candidates at the time were pretty much on the run because of the scurrilous remarks in the newspapers that were coming out every single day in the United States and our country,” he said.

“Even Great Britain, Mr Speaker, The Times and other newspapers were going after (us) all. It was a concerted effort to get rid of the Progressive Liberal Party at that time.”

Mr Miller also recalled how the then opposition, led by Sir Kendal Isaacs, attempted to jumpstart that party’s campaign by attacking the Pindling administration.

He said the opposition called a rally, one that was attended by thousands.

Addressing the aftermath of that “mega rally” Mr Miller said: “(The next day Mr Pindling) called a meeting with all of us down at headquarters around 9am. We were sort of taken aback, we were scared - at least I was, being a rookie for the first time running. I thought our end had come.

“One of the reporters asked him how he felt about what had transpired that night and he said to them, ‘It really didn’t bother me that much because half of those who were there were my supporters, I sent them there’.”

Mr Miller said during that very same meeting, Sir Lynden stated that the party would hold a rally of its own to respond to the FNM.

“So everybody prepared themselves and low and behold that Saturday night we had about 10,000 people more than what the opposition had. Of course, Monday morning the press went after (Pindling) again and asked him how was it that (he) was able to lure more people (to the PLP rally) than the opposition had done when (everyone) thought it was over.

“He said: ‘If you see the bear and me fighting, help the bear.’ We won that election (in 1987). I was amazed.”

Mr Miller further stressed that the PLP was the party that looked out for the livelihood of the everyday Bahamian.

“I think what is happening now, Mr Speaker, is a repeat and it bothers me as a Bahamian because what it brings in (question) is the leadership of people of colour in our country, that certain people who live among us – money people – for their own selfish reasons would try to take you out with all the power and might that they have.

“If you have been looking at the newspapers as I have, in the last few weeks you would see some of the headings – it goes on and on and on – from one newspaper to the next. ‘PM must speak’, ‘PM promised land to Nygard’, ‘PM defends government’, ‘Police quiz PM over Nygard’ and it goes on and on and on, Mr Speaker. “

Nonetheless, Mr Miller said the work done by both the opposition and private groups will not succeed, adding that the truth was clear - political factions were creating political mischief.

“I am told, Mr Speaker, that one of the wealthy ones in Lyford Cay is in fact funding this Save the Bays in the fight between these two giants that has a lot of money to spend.

“Unfortunately, the government is in the middle of this situation and I suppose it is going to continue to go on as long as there is money to be spent.”

Last Thursday, The Tribune first reported on details of a 400-page affidavit by John Joseph DiPaolo, a Florida investigator hired by Save The Bays to investigate Mr Nygard’s alleged involvement in harassment campaigns against members of the organisation.

Mr DiPaolo alleged that Mr Nygard paid “gang members” Livingston “Toggie” Bullard and Wisler “Bobo” Davilma to commit criminal acts in a two-and-a-half-year campaign of fear and violence to “kill or scare off” activists he saw as opponents to development plans for his Lyford Cay property.

That affidavit has since become the centre of a lawsuit filed against Mr Nygard and his lawyer Keod Smith by four Save The Bays directors - Joseph Darville, Romauld Ferreira, Fred Smith and Louis Bacon - and Rev C B Moss.

References were frequently made to Prime Minister Perry Christie and Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis in a series of secret recordings made by Bullard and Davilma of their conversations with Mr Nygard, which are part of the court filings.


sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

According to Joe DiMaggio ............ deja vu all over again .......... shame, shame!!!!!!!!!!!

Economist 8 years, 10 months ago

The 1987 election victory was, at best suspicious.

Let's see, reports of full ballot boxes left over from the previous election. The Yellow Elder door being blocked by a bus for the elderly who were made to vote with "special" assistance.

There were insufficient ballots in one or more of the Harbour Island, Spanish Wells polling stations. Insufficient Ballots in the North Andros Berry Island constituency.

The polls for those constituencies were held open for the following day (which is correct under the law) but then ZNS gave out results (which it should not have done as all the polls were not closed).

May have won 1987 but it is debatable that the elections were fair.

Is Mr. Miller suggesting that is what is going to happen in 2017?

ThisIsOurs 8 years, 10 months ago

"We have travelled down this road before,” Mr Miller said, referring to the 1982 Pindling administration that battled corruption claims throughout its term."

Sad, how anyone could dismiss the corruption of the eighties under the glaring spotlight of historical context is simply unbelievable, utterly disgraceful

GrassRoot 8 years, 10 months ago

miller is old guard. time to retire (and get a real job).

My2cents 8 years, 10 months ago

All it is is a "row"? I guess they already know nothing will come of it. Even the outspoken QC is treading lightly. Seems they all have something to lose...what a shame!

Cainn 8 years, 10 months ago

Thought i was the only one that saw that... The "Outspoken" QC is tippy toeing his way out... what a joke, smh.

Realdeal77 8 years, 10 months ago

You see that ay? The way I see it, if you gon' expose the dirt be prepared for come what may. Stand behind what you say and be prepared to stick it through. This back tracking foolishness is unbecoming of the QC. Ya can't get scared nah. The people ain' ga respect you then.

GrassRoot 8 years, 10 months ago

no one wants to see the PLP go down. everybody wants to see the old guard take a hike.

Honestman 8 years, 10 months ago

The Old Guard is the PLP!

Voltaire 8 years, 10 months ago

Muddo... if 1987 is the reference then the PLP are definitely in deep doo doo. They won that election by the skin of their teeth, by hook AND by crook and the conductor of that particular symphony of swindle was none other than the notorious but undoubtedly very talented Lynden Pindling. These fools are not fit to tie LOP's shoes, much less pull off a 1987-style coup again. Game over.

EasternGate 8 years, 10 months ago

One illiterate, corrupt a..hole! Leslie

John 8 years, 10 months ago

Can anyone say why the book 'The Murder of Sir Harry Oakes" was banned? Or if it was indeed banned?

BigSlick 8 years, 10 months ago

Conspiracy of Crowns was the book i believe

Economist 8 years, 10 months ago

Are you sure you don't mean "Syndicate Abroad"?

truetruebahamian 8 years, 10 months ago

I do believe hat a civil uprising could be somewhat an exciting game changer - it can't get much worse if left alone. This is something that I could support as none of the front runners - or the alternates are government worthy.

themessenger 8 years, 10 months ago

Civil Uprising?? As if we don't suffer enough now from destruction of property and person. Bernard Nottage and Keith Bell probably salivating at the thought of trying out some of their new Chinese military hardware on folks like you.

Required 8 years, 10 months ago

Translation: "We have proven for more than 30 years that we can hoodwink voters and ignore even the most egregious improprieties." #AllForMeBaby

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

Perry and Brave are not SLOP ............... this is a different generation who do not put politicians on pedestals like back in the 1960s ......... their asses is like grass (dried and burnt)

sealice 8 years, 10 months ago

what he is saying is we rob you all blind in the 80's and we been doin it ever since....what chu tink u gu do about hit now?

SP 8 years, 10 months ago

..... Times have changed, circumstances were different and electorate more ignorant ...

Mr. Miller conveniently discounts there was no obvious Haitian invasion, Bahamians first broken promise, internet, Baha Mar' disaster, 30% youth unemployment, gambling Referendum, Cabbage Beach 10, burning dumpsite, and 40,0000 blue collar expat workers in the country in 1987!

Extenuating circumstances and mitigating factors at play today were vastly different in 1987 and most of all the electorate were secure and comfortable in their skins.....Not so today!

Notwithstanding the present Nygard debacle, the electorate were already fed up with the PLP after giving them another chance, only to be blatantly betrayed more than any time in Bahamian history.

The internet and social media alone is one of the largest major factors negatively affecting the PLP today that was not available in 1987!

Go to the polls Mr. Miller and prove me wrong!

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