Tribune News Editor
A DAY after announcing a seven-day immediate lockdown for New Providence, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has reversed the harsh measures, allowing food stores, pharmacies, water depots, gas stations and hardware stores to open from 6am to 9pm beginning Wednesday.
The announcement came in a statement from the prime minister after the government was roundly criticised by residents, the opposition and non-profit organisations on the impromptu lockdown, which left many without enough food and water in their homes.
The statement from Dr Minnis said the reversal came after Cabinet was briefed by weather officials on an approaching storm and after residents raised concerns with him. Dr Minnis conceded residents and businesses need more time to prepare for such a lockdown.
“In the past few weeks there has been a disturbing rise in COVID-19 cases in New Providence,” the statement said.
“Sadly, additional deaths have been confirmed and our hospital system is stretched to capacity. In coordination with our public health team and through conversations with community stakeholders, it was made clear that the only way to beat back this deadly virus would be to extend lockdown provisions with more restrictions.
“On Monday 17 August, I made the announcement of increased restrictions for New Providence with immediate effect in order to save lives.
“My first priority is always to protect the health and safety of every Bahamian. However, after I spoke Monday night, Bahamians from all walks of life raised concerns with me.
“From these discussions two things are clear: There is broad understanding of the need to lock down New Providence in order to control and slow the spread of COVID-19; however, it is also clear that families and businesses need more time to prepare.
“I hear you. I understand you and know that in many cases we must make adjustments in the short-term to strengthen in the long run.”
He also said: “Earlier today the Cabinet was briefed by officials of the Department of Meteorology and the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) who are closely monitoring a weather system which on its current path may affect The Bahamas by Sunday.
“Given the feedback from community stakeholders and the threat of a weather system that is developing, we are making adjustments to the New Providence lockdown.
“This is to allow residents who were unable to secure sufficient food, medicine and water to access essential items, and to make the necessary preparations as we monitor the weather system.
“Starting tomorrow, Wednesday August 19, grocery stores, pharmacies, water depots, gas stations and hardware stores will be allowed to open from 6am to 9pm, until further notice. Food wholesalers and manufacturers will also be allowed to operate during this period.
“The National Insurance Board will resume cheque distributions on Wednesday 19 August at the National Stadium.
“I will provide additional details as it relates to the lockdown for New Providence when I address the nation later this week. NEMA is expected to brief the public on the weather system on Wednesday.
“Your best interests guide my decisions. These are difficult times for our country.
“As you shop for essential items and make preparations, please abide by the public health guidelines. Stay physically distant. Wear your masks. Wash or sanitize your hands regularly.
“We will beat this second wave by working together. And, as your prime minister, I will always listen and make decisions taking your needs, thoughts and feedback into consideration.”
His comments came shortly after Susan Larson, head of the National Food Distribution Task Force, said the group is hoping the abrupt decision to close food stores will be revisited.
“We are hoping the abrupt decision to close the food stores will be revisited. The task force was never designed to provide assistance on demand,” the task force chairman told The Tribune earlier Tuesday.
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Lwells91 4 years ago
Surprised? I'm not... I wish they would listen to the Bahamian people all the time.... We know what's best for us not all the time but most of these D-average Bahamians they like to put down still have good ole fashioned common sense.
ohdrap4 4 years ago
😷 what a graceful storm that could open the foodstores. Thanks.
Clamshell 4 years ago
That storm has been on the radar for days. Its path did not change between yesterday and today. If it was a concern, yesterday’s lockdown should never have happened to begin with.
ISpeakFacts 4 years ago
Well said, I brought this storm up many times in my previous comments, only an idiot would believe the PM's excuse to open up the stores, he is simply a heartless lunatic! Sadly he has many followers who take after him and defend his EVERY action, including the inhumane act of prohibiting HIS citizens to buy food and water!
Clamshell 4 years ago
There is a famous old novel about life in the islands, “Don’t Stop the Carnival.” I used to think it was a comedy. Now I see it was a prediction.
ISpeakFacts 4 years ago
Minnis MUST resign! He is somehow doing the impossible, I thought the fool couldn't make himself look even more stupid and ridiculous, but time and time again he continues to prove me wrong!
To think the only reason this arrogant, selfish, inhumane, nasty, and evil SOB even reversed HIS mighty orders is because of the protesting by the UNRULY D- average Bahamian citizens and a potential Hurricane reaching the shores of New Providence in the next few days! (The storm excuse is utter BS, experts have been tracking this tropical wave for many many days and it has always been forecasted to make way near our shores!)
The Bahamas is well on its way to dealing with 3 disasters: Chinese Virus, the peak of the VERY active Hurricane Season, and last but not least, the hurricane that has been terrorising our waters since 2017...Category 5 Hurricane Minnis!
Wisdom4 4 years ago
You're Not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. "Malcolm X" The reality PEOPLE will have to live with COVID-19 until a vaccine becomes available to the public. To reduce the spread people need practice "SELF CARE". There is no easy solutions to the problem. We have hurricane storm on the way. People need to be ready. Things are going to get worst, if we do not get a rip.
hj 4 years ago
Good , now allow people to make an honest living before money runs out. Covid 19 is not going anywhere for a while,,and continuous lockdowns won't do the trick. A sensible plan with serious enforcement may be a better idea
ISpeakFacts 4 years ago
You can throw that "Sensible Plan" right out the window! We've been dealing with this virus since March (maybe even early as Dec 2019) and its almost September, yet the only thing the idiot PM has done in these many months is "LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN!"
He has no plan, and he has no brain! The lights on this stage are too bright for Minnis, he has shown time and time again that he is not ready for prime time!
birdiestrachan 4 years ago
When Mrs; Larson speaks. doc listens.
Thank you, Ms: Larson for speaking on behalf of the poor. doc will listen to you but not poor people.
rodentos 4 years ago
we need a hurricane every week to save us from lockdowns!
tribanon 4 years ago
There isn't another leader of a country on this planet as incompetent and directionless as our yo-yo PM. Truly very sad and most embarassing for the vast majority of Bahamians.
TalRussell 4 years ago
Good on Mr. Theodore for not reverting his trademark that all who disagree with him just don't understand his authoritarian curfew and business shut up shop rules. Let's keep fingers crossed that finally 'em's will consult so as not be rushinin' the cancelation of the red party's 2017 governing mandate. Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for ....?
birdiestrachan 4 years ago
Doc can change his mind again. This is all very frightening. what will he do next?
Is doc of sound mind? who knows
He does talk of the ability to just change the constitution
TalRussell 4 years ago
And, look how casual the renewed Mr. Theodore Minnis looks now that he comes with a refreshed governing approach.
DDK 4 years ago
Approaching storms my royal Bahamian arse. The People spoke. Thank God Minnis & Co listened and avoided a potential blood bath which would most certainly have resulted in foreign intervention. Power to The People, NOT The People's representatives!! Expel The Pirates! Restore Commerce! .
TalRussell 4 years ago
Ma Comrade DDK, are you saying that you're okay with Bible Thumper Renward as acting PM?
bahamianson 4 years ago
Tribune, just so you know, the last televised speech had Dr. Minnis with no hair. This picture has hair.
Baha10 4 years ago
Reckon Minnis is relieved ... as he can now say he “tried to save the Bahamian people”, but alas the special interest groups, lobbyists, political adversaries, anarchists, inciters of the ignorant Won the Day ... so do not blame him for the Deaths that will now ensue ... indeed, he can now resign or lose the next Election with a clear conscience, knowing “he tried” ... and we can now suffer the consequences ... March on Bahamaland ... March On ...
tribanon 4 years ago
Minnis and D'Aguilar very foolishly re-opened our country's door to Covid-19 on July 1 and there's little if anything they can do now to unwind the horrific deadly consequences for many Bahamians of that most stupid decision. They both should have long ago resigned in disgrace if they had an ounce of integrity.
Proguing 4 years ago
Anarchists in the Bahamas? Who want stores to remain open?
licks2 4 years ago
As expected. . .back to acting like little drunk children in these posts on this sight!! PM MINNIS "TRUMPED" YINNA BACKSIDES. . .AGAIN AS USUAL!! He heard the cry of his peoples them in their hurt and disgust about his draconian lock down orders on Monday!!! Now I have my own "thinking" about some possibilities as to why he did so. . .but their intensity as deep as the possibility of behaviour that is in me. . .I will see the things that he may have done. . . IF HE WAS ME!!
You all had him by the "secrets" because that order was heartless and devoid of concern for basic human rights. . . one had to be a blinded political hack with zero care for honesty to not see that point!!
Thanks Mr. Doc Minnis, PM sir. . .it took a new kind of PM to take the feelings of his people into consideration. . .in this country that is something that is rarely done. I need not go into any past acts or try to convince you normally closed minded block head yard chicken thinking!! Now I would suggest to your that yinna get serious and stop yinna dumb nonsense so that we can input sane and common sense dialogue so that we can contribute valuable correspondences in our national development and keep stupidity out!!
Yinna might as well shut this nonsense if yinna gat any social understanding. . .if doc did not change that hash decision he would have had his "Perry Christie finger" moment. . .but he listened to the peoples cries for his help. . .he responded. . .now he is seen as "caring" about their plights!! Check in the 48 laws of power. . .the king who removers a heavy burden from the necks of the masses will be loved. . . even if he was the one who placed it there in the first place!! He turned social vinegar into political wine!! That reversal will buy him some heavy duty political mileage. . .
So continue to act like fools and little primary school children in how yinna reason. . .the only effect will result is hearing ya own voices in yinna own ears!!!
ThisIsOurs 4 years ago
only because you no longer feel the pain. Minnis actions are A ok as long as it's not hurting you
BONEFISH 4 years ago
What are you babbling about? That snap lock decision down was poor.It created mass hysteria and panic.You did not listen to the diabetic lady on Juan McCartney's show.'She was in tears as she disclose what would happen to her if she is unable to get her prescription of insulin.Even a member of the cabinet said that decision took him by surprise.These arbitrary decisions are creating chaos.
stillwaters 4 years ago
Man......yesterday was history making day, day with most drama, backtracking day, paddy wagon day, all working together to achieve some results. The people you would least expect, affecting change. No popcorn in the house though...........
tribanon 4 years ago
But the events of yesterday won't stop the likes of you, @Topdude, @TigerB, @bahamianson, @licks2, etc. from trying to piece back together the very broken humpty dumpty and ready him atop his wall for his next big fall.
How many more times must this incompetent and mentally unhinged oaf fall off his wall and create a great mess of things before you diehard supporters of his begin to realize he's hopelessly incapable and most dangerous to our health and well being, and to the survivability of our local businesses and the future of our country as a whole?
stillwaters 4 years ago
Who gives you the absolute authority to tell me how to think, feel, or act? I told you already that nobody crowned you king of this flipping blog!!!!!!
tribanon 4 years ago
Yet you believe Minnis was crowned King of The Bahamas with absolute authority to tell all of us how to think, feel and act. You're actually quite funny. LOL
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