Mitchell calls Munroe ‘ignorant and anti-PLP’ in LBGT rights row


Tribune Staff Reporter


MINISTER of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell yesterday accused Dr Myles Munroe of being “ignorant” and “anti-PLP” after calling for Prime Minister Perry Christie to remove him from his ministerial post.

Mr Mitchell’s comments came after Dr Munroe said in other media reports that Mr Mitchell should keep his LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender) comments to himself because they do not “represent the majority of the convictions of the Bahamian people”.

“Ignorance is a strange thing,” Mr Mitchell said. “I do not want to get into a tit for tat with him but he misinterpreted what I said and he did not understand. He has an agenda which I assume suits his purpose. I believe that a full considered statement will be made by me at some point but people are entitled to their views and that is his view.

“I do not want the press to misconstrue what I said and say it is my personal view. As a matter of fact, people do not know my personal view because I have never stated it. What I did state was a clear and existing policy that exists in this country. What he (Dr Munroe) draws from, that is his own opinion. What is interesting is that when former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham made his comments, which went far beyond anything I said, Myles Munroe was silent. This is an anti-PLP thing, that has to be what this is about and lacing it with all these nasty innuendos does not help his case either.”

Last month, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs Hubert Chipman also said Mr Mitchell should not have shared his views on LGBT rights while in Trinidad and Tobago. To that Mr Mitchell called Mr Chipman ‘homophobic”, claiming that his types of comments “unleash a torrent of abusive language in this country”.

Mr Mitchell has publicy declared his support for the gay rights cause on numerous occasions, calling it part of the ongoing fight against all forms of injustice around the world.


bookiedread 10 years, 6 months ago

Here we go again. Anyone who does not share the vision or views of any Minister of the government is anti-PLP. That is total hogwash. Fred Mitchell needs to grow up. I think the majority of Bahamians share the views of Dr. Munroe and Mr. Chipman. This PLP regime just can't seem to take criticism without them interpreting it as a personal attack on them and their clueless party.

jackbnimble 10 years, 6 months ago

You cannot say ANYTHING against Mr. Mitchell without a response! As soon as I read Dr. Munroe's comments, I just KNEW he would respond.

Frankly I agree with Dr. Munroe. Mr. Mitchell has an agenda and I am glad to see a Man of God has called him out on it. His time is obviously limited to push the agenda (as you can see from the number of gray hairs in his head) and as he is currently somewhere at the top in Government a blind man can see the agenda is now coming to the surface. Mr. Mitchell just needs to get on with it and come out of the closet!!

newcitizen 10 years, 6 months ago

If you think the majority of Bahamians share the same view as Dr. Munroe and Mr. Chipman, then you think the majority of Bahamians are bigots, and simply hiding behind their religion to judge others.

EasternGate 10 years, 6 months ago

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JohnDoes 10 years, 6 months ago

Dancing around the same subject all the time only shows what your real interest is. Bahamians are not dumb, and although this issue has come across Minister Freddy's desk time and time again from liberals, there was no reason for a press release regarding his views. He represents the people as a minister, if he wasn't a minister his views would of course be regarded as personal. A press release will cause people to read and interpret and this is not an issue for the country. Chipman was right about how Fred Mitchell should not have shared his views on LGBT rights because of the Fact that he is representing the Bahamas/Bahamians, so anything he says abroad is not looked at as him personally accepting it, it looks to others that we all accept it and that is not right or true. These PLP members are too thin skinned when their flaws are noticed and they love to blame everyone else but themselves. They forget that they were voted by the people to represent the people but seems like when they win a seat, all of that is thrown out of the window, and they focus on their personal agendas.

birdiestrachan 10 years, 6 months ago

Gay people are human beings, and they are entitled to the same rights as every body else. see them as human beings first and then go from there, They have mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers. and some of them are really nice people. God will be their Judge a Just Judge. When I see the young people who have gone astray.. I always say there goes some bodies child. And we should treat them as such

'The GREAT "Miles promised to wright the Pope because the Pope spoke truth. Did he write him? and what was his answer?. We do not have to agree with the Gay people. But we have to respect them as children of a great God.

realfreethinker 10 years, 6 months ago

they already have the rights of others. Case close.

JohnDoes 10 years, 6 months ago

Exactly they already have the rights of others, first they claim that they want to be married, marriage is technically before God in 'Holy Matrimony' that will in turn be a complete abomination. They could pretend to marry, with promise rings and everything, we wouldnt care because who can tell them that they are not physically married? But yea, they want the 'marriage benefits' that will include but not limited to, insurances etc. On the other hand most of the homosexuals that I have met seem to have a disregard/disbelief for God. These persons just need to keep whatever they do in their privacy and continue to live the life they for some reason love. There is no reason for it to be forced on us. They promote this lifestyle like a style, trend or something to be adopted. Obviously if it was naturally occuring there would be no reason for advertisements and promotions. They basically try to invade everything we do with some form of homosexual innuendos for acceptance.

concernedcitizen 10 years, 6 months ago

@johndoe ,do you know there are animals that practice homosexuality ,giraffes use it to dominate other giraffes ,,,,also is your book ,the Bible written a mere 2000 yrs ago the Divine word of god and all other teachings wrong ?? and you know this how ?What is the word of god has more to do w/ geography then proof .If you were born in the middle east you would swear the Koran is correct , if your born in Israel you would swear the messiah has not come yet , if you were born in inland China you would swear Budha is divine ,,i,m sure of one thing ,God does not like intolerance and hatred ..

JohnDoes 10 years, 6 months ago

So do you use your homosexuality to dominate another man? Possibly, but I could care less. That is not the issue. The problem is your lack of understanding for religions and how they came to be. Religions lay deep within cultures, some practices being practiced more than others, some traditions have been around longer than others. People tend to mix religion and culture. No one is saying all other teachings are wrong, Muslims due to their culture tend to follow the Quran. Israel follows the bible as well as the Torah which is their personal adaptation of the Bible that suits their practices. What matters now is who and what do you believe in, not who's book is better than the other. You say God doesnt like intolerance and hatred, but God also doesnt like abominations, which is in this case homosexuality.

concernedcitizen 10 years, 6 months ago

@johndoes ,actually i am heterosexual and i also have the ability to read differing opinions about religion and facts about animals ... So the Jews and Muslims not accepting Christ as the messiah is a cultural believe ,not a religious believe ?????????Hmmmmmmmmmmm

CuriousAbaconian 10 years, 6 months ago

This is a sadly ignorant statement in which you make generalizations with no evidence to support your claims.

"Obviously if it was naturally occuring there would be no reason for advertisements and promotions." So I suppose the 1500+ species on this planet that display homosexuality, from primates to gut worms, missed the memo?

JohnDoes 10 years, 6 months ago

There is no need to compare man to animal, that is your problem right there. Both we and animals have different purposes here on earth. Now if you are going to compare, there are animals that fly, why dont we fly? There are animals that live in water, why cant we? The point is, there can be no population of animals or humans if there weren't a male and a female. You shun down religions as a form of some fantasy that we believe, at the end of the day, I dont care what you believe in. The point is there is no procreation in homosexuality.

concernedcitizen 10 years, 6 months ago

@BIRDIEWORDY yeah and i bet my last dollar if the FNM had said it you would call gay people everything but a child of god ,,equaL rights for everyone especially women in our country who can,t even pass on their birth right ,,when are they going to have a referendum on that ,or will it be just like the numbers "poll"

spoitier 10 years, 6 months ago

Gay having rights is not the point to what Dr. Monroe said; the point is Fred Mitchell is acting as the Foreign Minister of the Bahamas, which is an appointed position. You can't get up and speak on anything that is not the consensus word of the people, he can travel on his vacation and spend his money and do this at his leisure as Fred Mitchell.

amble 10 years, 5 months ago

No one said gays, transgenders, freaks,lesbians whatever names you keep inventing for your kind is not humans. Simply keep your filth in your closet. You can not impose your perversions on others.

Altalk 10 years, 6 months ago

Sir...It is obvious that your guilty and Dr.Myles is talking what he knows..you have an agenda to push your gay agenda..this party i support is riddled/infested with ging goks..before 2017 all infestations will be removed in Jesus name!!!!!

TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago

Comrades don't ask me how he manged to pull this feat off, but Preacherman's Myles has finally found a way to actually displease even the demons.

sheeprunner12 10 years, 6 months ago

Please Fred, tell the Bahamian people in SIMPLE language what Bahamian constitutional rights (Chapter III) are denied to LGBT persons???????????????

(a) travel?????????? (b) marriage????????? (c) property?????????? (d) children??????? (e) pension??????????? (f) contracts????????? (g) arrest/detention??????????? (h) citizenship?????????


NoWord 10 years, 6 months ago

Just watch out Bahamas before this country becomes another Sodom and Gomorrah - and I mean it. Allow it and watch how this place will be!... on fire!....

Once God has revealed the truth to you, He will expect you to live by it...Any mistake, you will pay the price...

sheeprunner12 10 years, 6 months ago

Fred calls himself a good Catholic..................... hah, God forbid. He in da Lodge hey????

banker 10 years, 6 months ago

I don't care if Fweddie is gay. What I don't like about him is that he is a lying, corrupt, opportunist. He cannot tell the literal truth if his life depended on it. It always has spin. I could feel sorry for him, having to grow up gay in a homophobic society, but that has destroyed him as an ethical, truthful person. In some ways I feel sorry for him. Then when he lies or plays politics, I go back to thinking that he is another wutless PLP.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 6 months ago

How did PGC chose Fred Mitchell as our country's chief diplomat? He is in a war of words with someone every other day and then he resorts to childish name calling. He needs to go to see the Dalai Lama so he be be guided in ways to purge 30 years of bitterness out of his soul.

To call Myles Munroe ignorant is ...I dunno...I'm dumbfounded. He may have a view diametrically opposed to yours but to call him ignorant is..in don't have the word. I don't agree with all of his approaches but I've heard him speak and he talks sense most of the time.

spoitier 10 years, 6 months ago

Dr. Monroe spoke from a legal and political position on calling out Fred Mitchell. Even though as a Christian he doesn't believe in gays, His comment was legal, not spiritual. When you represent a country with an appointed position, your views shouldn't be made while on duty. So for him to call Dr. Monroe "ignorant" that is really a stretch.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 6 months ago

Just to clarify, "he speaks sense most of the time" was referring to Dr Miles Munroe, for Fred Mitchell to call him ignorant is ludicrous.

concernedcitizen 10 years, 6 months ago

@spoiter ,it is not legal or illegal to express your views while representing a country .It is exactly that ,representing your views ..If the PM or party don,t like it they can replace him or the people can vote him out , illegality and the law has nothing at all to do with it ,,,,,,,

Bahamianpride 10 years, 6 months ago

Freddie is gay period... But what i find interesting about gay people is that they are fighting for misery... Kids can be A holes, Marriage can be a pain in the ass, try paying alimony or getting totally financially destroyed in a divorce .. Come on board and suffer like the rest of us gay people.. Let the good times end, I welcome u gay people. Come get some of the marriage torture the rest of us experience... Its like they're saying hey heterosexual guy hand me that wise grip attach to your balls its my term, well u gays can have it..

Honestman 10 years, 6 months ago

The dark cannot co-exist with the light.

Bahamianpride 10 years, 6 months ago

Gays fighting for marriage in today's society is like fighting to be included in a cock and ball torture session.. They want in while many of us would love to relive the days of our young, single, carefree lives...

champion 10 years, 6 months ago

Munroe is such an idiot, he need to relax and check out his own business, churches in the Bahamas try to control everything and Bahamian will try to put they anyone else down to bring themselves up and this is insecurity…. Maybe Myles need more money for his church…Like if he doesn't have enough already! Fred try to help the poor, what Miles should do instead to drive and chill in is private jet………... leave Fred alone and let him him do his job, I am not a PLP but but religion should be mist up with the state….Take that…..

spoitier 10 years, 6 months ago

You may have your fault with religion and that is OK, but what Dr. Monroe said didn't come from a religion point of view. Christians speaking up against gays or gambling and don't back it with a legal point is just their point of view. Take this scenerio, you have a business and I'm an employee of yours, are you paying me to speak about my personal convictions while on the clock?

amble 10 years, 5 months ago

Who ever you are may God condemn you! Wait a minute I just may be speaking to a atheist idiot! You called a prophet an idiot! An idiot. Ah! You can never walk in his dirty shoes. You fool Fred is the,imbecile. Its poor cockroaches like you who make it hard for this nation. Do you know the amount of tourism his conferences brought to this nation. That same jet is responsible for spreading knowledge throughout the world. He has a right to be wealthy.Why dont you go and do something with your self and stop envying others!!!!!!!

sheeprunner12 10 years, 6 months ago

Champion......... i suppose you identify with the version of Fred's ignorance and antiPLPisms

champion 10 years, 6 months ago


Fault in religion, that is a good one…., maybe you need to revisit the new testament and you will learn a lot on charity and helping the poor, not self center…..I think your are completely confuse, but like you said it's ok….That been said politic and whatever faith it is, should not be mix. Because he said that he didn't come from a religion point of view doesn't mean that it's what he he think. He his a pastor and not a politician.Let's keep it that way, Fred has been elected, not Myles. I think your metaphore is irrelevant concerning the employee.

spoitier 10 years, 6 months ago

Fred was elected as a member of parliament, not a Foreign Minister. When he is working as a Foreign Minister, he represent the Bahamas, so speak on Foreign issues that is pertaining to the reason why you're in Triniad and not LGBT rights. Like I said earlier, he can travel on his own time and at his own expense and do that, just like how I can speak on whatever convictions I have on my heart on my time and not on the job if I was one of your employee.

nationbuilder 10 years, 6 months ago

People are always falling for Fred Mitchell's desperate, insidious grasps at headlines. Whenever he feels he is not the center of the attention, he pulls an attention grabbing stunt to make him appear as what he believes himself to be - a leader of something.

TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago

C'mon My Dear Comrade Myles, what in the devil did Freddy ever do, or not do, you? You need study your Bible and read more about how Jesus really felt about bring gay?

sheeprunner12 10 years, 6 months ago

Amen to dat...................... Fred for LGBTF President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UNOHCHR???????

birdiestrachan 10 years, 6 months ago

The Bible says " who is without sin let them cast the first stone." It also says your righteousness is as dirty rags , All of us are in the same boat. and this includes DR. Miles Munrow. We all have to cry out to God every day,'' Lamb of God have mercy on our souls."

When we get to Heaven we will be surprise to see who will be there. Be very careful , God is a forgiving and mercy full God who hates the sin but loves the sinner. Pray for persons who are gay and leave the rest to God.

concernedcitizen 10 years, 6 months ago

@birdiewordy , i,m an independant and swear alliance to no political party ,but i bet my last wrinkled dollar if an FNM said this ,what Mr Mitchell said ,you would be singing another tune ..Your bias is about as transparent as plywood,,

sheeprunner12 10 years, 6 months ago

Dats a big cop out............................... it also says righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any nation.............. dont condone sin ........ speak out like Doc Myles. Thats the job of the watchman/prophet (not phoneys)

thomas 10 years, 6 months ago

Mr. Mitchel has been an elected member for many terms. If his political career has suffered it is because his party has held him back.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 6 months ago

Nope. No one other than himself has held him back. If you could peel back his outer shell and look into his soul you would see a mean bitter vindictive man. That is what has held him back, and even the "I've been held back" statement is insightful...a friend relayed what I believe is perfect sense to me today, basically...this is a man who has held political office both as an elected member of parliament and as a cabinet minister for MANY years. He is currently not only a cabinet minister but holds one of the TOP ranking cabinet positions. He travels worldwide (frequently), first class at great expense to the Bahamian people. HOW HAS HE BEEN HELD BACK? What is it that he thinks has been held back from him? And why is he ENTITLED to it? We do not have a royal family in this country, not that I know of anyway, there's no queen to hand the crown down so that Prince Fred can ascend

TalRussell 10 years, 6 months ago

Let's get Talkie Radio Show Host Jeff Lloyd to get Myles and Freddy live- on-air for a full show schedule debate? Commode Freddy who we all would agree ain't exactly one of the most humble and hug-able politician's around Bahamaland, but if he has listen to some of you, he sure as hell deserves to become vain or bitter. Jeff can ask Myles if he could see why others would feel he comes across as being a touch vain and bitter towards minister Freddy? Thought of Darold but he'd try steal the limelight of the show by interrupting too much

nationbuilder 10 years, 6 months ago

This guy tried to get nominated on convention floor for leader at the last PLP convention and couldnt even get a seconder among all those many hundreds of delegates. The PLP cannot stand him - that is why he hasn't gotten anywhere. And since the Bahamian people wont make him the legend he thinks he should be recognized as, he seeks to try to be one with stunts like these - and people fall for it hook, line and sinker every time. When children throw tantrums for attention we either ignore them, put them on timeout or smack the **** out of them. When this 50+ year old child does it, it dominates headlines.

thomas 10 years, 6 months ago

Exactly. The next step in his career would be leader of his party, so he knows who he needs to have a conversation with. He doesn't need to be all over the Caribbean looking for an audience.

nationbuilder 10 years, 6 months ago

He can never be leader of his Party and he knows that. Since it will never happen, he now needs to make foreigners believe it's because he has been fighting for gays and is being punished for it. Fred Mitchell has never fought for a gay person's rights in his entire political career. He wont even openly admit to being gay even though everybody knows that. You are a fighter but are afraid to say who you are? He needs a reason for his failure to become prime minister, and is pinning it on this. That's all this is about.

John 10 years, 6 months ago

There are married people in this country who commit adultery..Should they be given rights to commit adultery? And protection? Should thieves be given rights to thief and murderers rights to kill? If we are a Christian nation then we should uphold the laws of God and not the sins of man. The bible says man will always be tempted but he must resist temptation. Homosexuality is not normal behavior and it will be an abomination to make marriage between two men or between two women legal in this country. We all have sinned and come short of the glory but the gay population should not try to get the entire nation to indulge in their sins or to desecrate God's holy sanctuary by joining two males or two females in matrimony. This makes mockery of the holy word. In times past when a young male showed homosexual tendencies, parents would do everything to desuade him of the behavior, going so far as even to arrange a marriage for him (to a female). And everything gay was closeted. Don't let the skeletons out now and cause a harsher judgement on this nation. If gay people are taught why their behavior is a sin and goes against nature then they may not want to indulge in it. But God gave them up to a reprobate mind. THey can no longer tell the difference between wrong and right.

jusscoolin 10 years, 6 months ago

To all people posting comments . Do any of you really have the testicular grapefruits right here right now to admit that you are Gay? Someone made a comment that gays are human, Well you dam well start acting like it. God made use to fulfill what he had started. How in the heck can we just go out and do are own thing . Yes, we must love those as Christ loves us, but we can never condone this behavior. I am not angry with gays I feel sorry because they are completely lost. Trying to create a false life that can never exist in the eyes of God.

Bahamianpride 10 years, 6 months ago

If Mitchell is such an A hole, how is it that he is representing us to the world, & whose fault is that... The church or religious people live in glass houses so casting stones not a got idea credibility is gone.. We argue like we are protecting marriage & morality but who has the moral authority these days.. Marriage is important but its not chocolate cake.. I say share the pain, let them suffer like the rest of us. My gay friends & colleagues are always on vacation & it sounds like a party in the background most conversations... Tell them all the time they're nuts, be careful what u asking for..

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 6 months ago

For myself, I have said nothing about gay people. My sole point has been "Fred Mitchell" is the person holding Fred Mitchell back. Rachel Maddow is Lesbian and I love her, you know why, because she does what she's there to do, she investigates news and she reports it. Fred Mitchell still hasn't figured out what his job function is, he is far from diplomatic and he is twisted with anger. This is not a gay straight issue, this is a Fred Mitchell clean out your soul issue . Get rid of all of that bitterness and maybe people will accept you. Unfortunately, you'll never be able to mend all relationships but you may get some. I think nationbuilder hit the nail on the head when he said this dog and pony show is simply to make outsiders believe he's not PM because he's gay. It's to raise his stature in the world and has nothing to do about our little island. Erin Greene has done more to fight for LGBT rights in one day than Fred Mitchell has done a lifetime in his closet. He's simply trying to co-opt a movement that is gaining public acceptance worldwide.

His character and attitude are his problems. If he succeeds in getting on the world stage that he is so desperately shopping around for now, they will both be magnified. The world will know who he really is. And thanks to his comment about Myles Munroe who already happens to be on the world stage and loved by millions...much of the world now knows about his stink attitude. Something for PGC to ponder. Apology time.

John 10 years, 6 months ago

America is seeking rights for the LGBT population because it is one they helped to create. There are more gay Black people in America than anywhere in the world for two basic reasons:

  1. After slavery the USA began altering the food that blacks ate, because all of a sudden they had these big, black, masculine, males entering society as free men and no one to control them. All the police were white and not big and strong as the freed black slave so they began putting female hormones and other stuff in the food to emasculate the black man. So many young, Black, American males accept the lifestyle as 'hey this is where they want me so I will just be gay and hopefuly they will leave me alone now."

  2. Homosexuality was not tolerated in African or Black societies. So persons having these tendencies, had to keep them deep in the closet and tried to live a straight and normal life.

While most people are willing to tolerate these different lifestyles today, they don't want persons to be glaring and flaming in their face about it and demanding that their lifestyle be accepted as normal. At Fred Mitchell's age his message should be to the young people to resist this lifestyle rather than promote it. Gays tend to have more sexual partners, so their chances for getting a sexual disease is greater and their life expectancy is less than a married male or a single straight male. At least 1 in 5 persons in the Bahamas have gay or alternative tendencies, but many resist the lifestyle and try to have normal lifestyles.

Bahamianpride 10 years, 6 months ago

@ThisOurs, your rational i agree with mostly, its some of the others.. Clearly Freddie has many character flaws, my point is that politicians are employees of the people that's it. Nationbuilder does make a valid point about his motives which i also agree with but how do people like Freddies make a career in politics if we know there character ( its the people).. I get so frustrated when i am home because i listen to complaints, but there is never any change because convincing a large segment of the population to select leadership base on quality vs charisma is difficult.. I am certainly not in defense of him i think he's a snake..But we have always known this, so how does he continue to get elected or appointed.. Freddie's job function should be determine by his bosses the people, & if people are unhappy with there employee freddies agenda's, Fire Him the same way u or I would get fired if we defied our boss... I personally would fire all of them and drain the swamp.. We need quality new people in leadership for the Bahamas to survive. I keep hearing about the same people over and over again from the same families, with the same ideologies.. The problem is the intelligent section of our population is far out numbered by the ignorance of the masses and people like freddie, PGC & the rest like it that way, that wins elections. That's why freddie runs his mouth, because most of the people that support him wont pick up a news paper let alone read.. What's at risk for him, he'll just make up with a christmas turkey if they find out and back to the polls to vote for him again..

Bahamianpride 10 years, 6 months ago

My message is simple to the LGBT community, come get some of this life.. There is good and bad in all things, happiness is not always what u think it is.. Right now u don't have to worry about getting sued in divorce court, paying alimony or kids.. Marriage is not all glitz and glamour it takes work, hard work and @ some point your kids get to a certain age and u aint it anymore.. U become $50.00 and a ride to the mall...Let that marriage fail, the judge and your spouses lawyer are packing and they go deep.. Right now u can cohabitat and set up wills and trust if u want to pass on possessions. Yeah there are many things heterosexual married couples benefit from in successful marriages, but the percentages of divorces are high... In terms of Rights and discrimination there should be 0 tolerance for that, but RUN From Freddie gay people, RUN..

JohnDoes 10 years, 6 months ago

They cant have kids. They are promoting artificial insemination, and they are against procreation based on their practices/way of life.

ADubbs 10 years, 6 months ago

Munroe needs to have a seat. Who does he think he is? He needs to concern himself with his church and leave governing to the government.

spoitier 10 years, 6 months ago

That is why the Bahamas is so backwards, they believe that the church shouldn't get involve in politics. In fact if the church get involve more in politics, we would have more morals. Yes, I know there is a lot of crooks in the church, but we mostly know who is who in the church already

amble 10 years, 5 months ago

You need to shut up! He is a king in this earth and a father to many you idiot! You demons always have a mouthful to say and makes no sense. Why dont you go do something about your sad life!!!!!!!!! And thank God Dr. Munroe has the gut more than any other scary pastor in nassau to speak out because this country is being governed by a bunch of mules and chipmunks!!!!!!!!

rony 10 years, 6 months ago

Sodomites are always tryin to force their way. I don't see robbers, adulterer, fornicators and killers marching or always fighting for rights to do these things. So Fred and friends should just chill with this homo thing! call a spade a spade. Sin is sin homie!

PastorTroy 10 years, 6 months ago

"Sin is a reproach to any nation" Hmmmm. So which sin is greater than the next? Is Premarital sex less than Adultery? Is drunkenness less than "smoking dope" lol I love that word 'dope'. Is homosexuality worst than gluttony? Is being one who masturbates while having impure thoughts worse that Stealing? I most certainly understand the argument from those who profess Christianity as the reason why homosexuality is wrong, I really do, Not only did I grew up in a religious home but I also chose Religious studies a semester in college to learn not about the "feel good" platitudes but it's history. Based on what I've learned is that Special interest groups, corporations, political parties etc have been using religion as a very effective tool to divide and rule the masses. Do you know that the argument FOR slavery was based on the "Holy Scriptures"? Seriously, and in countries around the world and in small towns in America TODAY this indoctrination is still being preached. Being a heterosexual man, married with kids, I honestly do not understand what's so "good" about being Gay! to me personally it makes no sense, well, hypocritically when it comes to men that is, but guess what? I also do not understand someone we consider a "white" person thinking they are better than someone of a darker race either. I also do not understand how electricity works either, to think about it, 100's of years ago, everyone lived without electricity, if the government of The Bahamas was to turn off the electricity to every 'house of worship' in the Bahamas simple because during Jesus's days there was no electricity and religion should not evolve but remain the same yesterday, today and forever what will the "religious leader" think? Now, just to clarify, I am all for house of worship evolving to having electricity instead of burning sticks, but isn't that considered scientific invention? how about the prescription pills in our pharmacies? I love my Grandmother, but as religious as she was church 7 days a week, when she died it was in a hospital seeking to get "well" from scientific methods, not religious or christian methods. Seriously, when I hear just vile and ignorant statements about fellow Bahamians lifestyles, it really make me sick to my stomach, 99% of the time coming from descendants of former slaves, its an oxymoron, seriously. Did you know that Christianity was not even in pre colonialists Africa? It was "given" to 'us' while we was STILL IN CHAINS! Now, we (blacks) own it, we are now the Judge, Jury and Executioner. Do you think slavery was outlawed based on prayer??? stop kidding yourself, it was a GAY POTUS and progressive whites and not to mention 'good ole politics!' etc.

PastorTroy 10 years, 6 months ago

In conclusion, I do not expect you to run and embrace each and every LGBT member, slavery has been outlawed for years and based on what going on in the world you would think not the North won, but the South! Discrimination is bad!!!! When racist looks at you or not look at you because to them you're nothing? It hurts to the core of your soul!! I REALLY dislike flamboyant gay men, really I do! but its not because they're gay, because I REALLY dislike flamboyant heterosexual men and shallow, insecure women too, but that's their right to live the life that makes THEM happy, not you! you can't violate their rights just because you don't like it or it conflicts with your personal or religious beliefs! We as a people need to start thinking for ourselves, like Bob Marley sang about "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but our-self can free our minds". Let's use religion for the GOOD, how can religious leaders be so mixed up in politics and 'spiritually filled' individuals lives are still crumbling because of poverty? but Blessed are the poor right? because heaven is theirs when they die? seriously? so said the pastor with a bank account filled with their money living in a gated community, while they duck gunshot in the hood? when crime and murder is skyrocketing! When pastors are convicted of sexual crimes with overwhelming evidence and the church goes BROKE defending him as a "man of god" SERIOUSLY BAHAMIANS???? this is worse that black magic in third world countries!! Can we as a people reason? even Jesus (whom many say they follow) instead of "rightfully" stoning the prostitute did what?? Seriously, even though, he said " wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise" did he not when at a wedding he evolved and made wine? was he not wise to do so? How about King Solomon Christians consider him to be the 'wisest' man that ever lived (I also happen to think so for different reasons obviously) had hundreds of wives and concubines? today he will be considered a PIMP! an Adulterer! whore monger! womanizer! etc, etc! EXTREMIST RELIGION CAUSES WAR! DIVISION, HATE, DISCRIMINATION... To you reading this, you may not agree with anything I wrote, but that is the beauty of a FREE society, I will DEFEND your right NOT to agree with me than to take away your FREEDOM just because our beliefs are different. Lets live in love and together fight CRIME for a better society for our kids!

Maynergy 10 years, 6 months ago



When the definitive history of the Bahamas is written many years from now, the chapters devoted to the 20th century will, in large measure, represent a biography of Lynden Oscar Pindling. Whether it was the struggle for majority rule; or the crusade against racial, social and economic injustice; or the victorious march to National Independence; or the massive educational programme which catapulted thousands of Bahamians to the top echelons of our society, spawning in the process a new middle class to backbone the country’s long-term stability; or the policy of Bahamianization which put Bahamians first in their own country; or the creation of a modern social security system to provide for the sick, the elderly and the indigent under the umbrella of National Insurance; or the creation of national institutions as varied as the Royal Bahamas Defence Force; The Central Bank of The Bahamas; Bahamasair; and The Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas; or the major role he played on the international scene in securing the release of Nelson Madela and in furthering the cause for freedom and majority rule in South Africa - in all of these things and scores of others, it was Lynden Pindling who led the way for the Bahamian people over a span of forty years and more. No one has had a greater and more enduring influence on the creation of the modern Bahamas.

amble 10 years, 5 months ago

The duck goes quack!The cow goes mow! The dog goes woof and The cat goes meow! What does the fox say ding ding ding ding DING DING! What does Fred say pow pow pow pow POW! Always making noise. Stop looking for spotlight and let Dr. Munroe teach you some common sense for a change. The dingy bells and their passe always like to call a wise-man a fool when it is the opposite. You all are so deprived and jealous of Dr. Munroe and then seek to batter his character. None of you ever in your lifetime will ever walk where he has walked nor speak. The Dr. Munroe is a giant of a man, a legend, a Bahamian icon. God cound not of blessed us with better! I I salute you Dr. Munroe! Many are called but few are chosen. Dr Munroe you were chosen.These small minded politicians have a private agenda and will go to any extent to shut out the voice of truth! Yes truth! Dont be scared! Just how the FNM party was done in 2012 election, that politician in Foxhill will be done to in 2017 election!!!!!!!!!!**

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