Tribune Staff Reporter
RELIGIOUS leader Dr Myles Munroe has fiercely condemned homosexuality in the wake of a recent gay pride celebration in Grand Bahama, referring to it as a “massive deception…dismantling the very core of the natural existence of humanity.”
In a lengthy press statement released on Saturday, the prominent author and pastor of Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) suggested that forces are deceptively working to convince people that homosexuality is normal.
His statement came days after The Tribune reported that four-day gay pride celebrations kicked off on Friday at an all-inclusive resort on eastern Grand Bahama. His denouncement of the events marked the first public criticism of the celebrations from a major public figure.
As for the event in east Grand Bahama, Dr Munroe said the issue must be addressed from a position that goes beyond religion. He questioned what role government and tourism officials may have had in furthering the event and noted that the celebrations attracted the international press.
“In the guise of ‘civil rights’ and ‘human rights’ the LGBT minority community have decided to ‘celebrate’ the civility of their very uniquely chosen lifestyle and sexual preference publicly,” he said. “I am not sure what their mission or goals are in this effort but obviously they have received enough incentive and motivation to attempt something that 90 per cent of the Bahamas and Bahamians consider unacceptable and violates their collective convictions, moral standing and values.
“I am not sure what role is being played by government, the Ministry of Tourism, or other parties that may have provided, if any, the incentive for this defiant social act, but I believe this must be addressed from the perspective not from any religious position, but rather from the concern for our very small fragile social fabric being held together by values and moral standards that provide the framework for a healthy Bahamian society.”
Frequently dismissing homosexuality as unnatural, Mr Munroe warned that gay activists are appropriating the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s to advance their agenda. He said any comparison of the oppression gays face to the racism blacks faced before the Civil Rights Era is “illogical” and “dishonest.”
“I have with great disappointment stood on the balcony of history and watched with horror and shock the highjacking and raping of what we have come to know as the Civil Rights Movements,” he said. “What made it more distressing was to see many individuals who were actively involved in these historic resistance movements abandoning the sacrifice of many who died for the noble causes of human dignity for the majority who were being abused, to use their blood to cover the demands of minority sectors of society to justify and civilise their selfish and unnatural preferences.
“I myself tasted the negative impact of civil oppression by a regime that devalued my humanity, but this was not because of a lifestyle I chose, or a behaviour that was by orientation, or a disposition preferred, but rather a reality that was ‘natural.’ I was a victim of my inherent pigmentation. I was born black and had no choice in the matter. In the Bahamas I and my family along with the majority of the Bahamian population were discriminated against, devalued as humans, disfranchised, and oppressed by a minority regime.
“I have with all my logic sought to understand but still cannot equate the philosophy, ideology or purpose for the Civil Rights Movements with the agenda of the homosexual LGBT community. I think the attempt to equate the historical Civil Rights Movements with the demands for the right to dignify, glorify and accept as normal the practice of a lifestyle that could render the human race for which they sacrificed extinct is illogical, dishonest, and is the abuse of the blood and imprisonment of many. It’s a highjacking of the gains paid for by the blood of honourable men and women for an unnatural human-destroying behaviour.”
In a recent interview with The Tribune about the event, organiser Victor Rollins underscored the critical need for outreach and empowerment within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) community.
He said he envisioned the pride weekend as an opportunity to target the marginalized community, members of which he felt were often stigmatised, manipulated or exploited.
In his statement Dr Munroe also accused the media, both nationally and internationally, of favouring stories that glorify homosexuality.
Cobalt 10 years, 5 months ago
I'm not the biggest supporter of Dr Miles Monroe; but in this case he is 100% correct. The crafted manner in which the gay community has tried to piggy-back their agenda on that of the Civil Rights Movement is horrifyingly wicked..... not to mention infuriating! This attempt by the FAG community to exploit and initiate compassion by painting themselves as a disenfranchised, marginalized, oppressed people is not going to work! This is nothing more than a convoluted, dishonest, unscrupulous, shameless act used to justifying a decadent, sickening, nasty, repugnant lifestyle! This is a tactic that these faggots here in the Bahamas learned from our North American neighbors within the United States who themselves are nothing more than a culture of homosexuals! But as these lesbos and queers in the Bahamas are about to learn... this is not the U.S. No one can choose what race or color they are. But one can choose to put the carnal, lustful, unnatural, sac religions, sexual deviant, perverted acts of the flesh under subjection!! No faggot coalition or consortium will ever establish homosexual rights in this country!! And the very attempt will result in their own demise!!!
Honestman 10 years, 5 months ago
Regardless of whether you believe homosexuality is biologically or choice driven, no one can deny that it is unnatural. Whenever people live their lives in an unnatural state, there is a price to pay. This is God's law or, if you are not religious, the law of the universe. Man was not made to live in homosexual union - no one can deny that. And so people who find themselves living this way, either through choice or inherent compulsion, do pay a price. That price could be related to their happiness, sense of self worth, or oftentimes their health. If Jesus was alive today in The Bahamas, He would surely embrace the gay community in love but would then say "go my brothers and sisters and live the way I intended you to live" He would not say "go and celebrate your dysfunction"
DreamerX 10 years, 5 months ago
People must not remember the google search bar. Google homosexuality in 'nature', since people believe humans which are products of nature are not animals or included in 'nature'.
BiminiHomeowner 10 years, 5 months ago
Homosexuality has been documented in more than 450 different species. To say that it is "unnatural" is factually incorrect, unless you think all of these animals species have the same cognitive abilities that humans do.
LLFFBB 10 years, 5 months ago
Yes... and some animals fertilize thier own eggs and give birth to them with no partner... so withtin the human species it is unnatural... smart a$$.
LLFFBB 10 years, 5 months ago
Its just wrong if everyone decided.tobe gay today thier would be no humans in a few years.
killemwitdakno 10 years, 5 months ago
Munroe's "extinct" agenda would last 2 minutes in a High court. You do know that nuns never have sex , so is that not natural?
proudloudandfnm 10 years, 5 months ago
What a moron....
Cobalt 10 years, 5 months ago
How is he a moron??? He's a religious leader speaking out in rigid defiance of a sac religious practice!! More of our religious leaders need to follow his lead! At least as it pertains to gay rights!!
DreamerX 10 years, 5 months ago
You know when you Uganda took this approach they were shunned for all the right reasons and quickly backtracked several of the religious leaders 'think tank' anti-gay agendas to maintain their 'religiousness'. If you want to take the country back to dark age myth and ignorance, go for it, but call it as it is.
Cobalt 10 years, 5 months ago
Whatever dreamer! Keep dreaming.
TalRussell 10 years, 5 months ago
I wouldn't go as far as the Tribune's headlines to say that Comrade "Preacherman's" Myles is "hitting" out at gays. Misguided, yes. Just maybe, Myles may have decided, what the hell he needed to take a short vacation away from his demanding that the PM fire his Crown Minister Freddy? So, what do you do when you're on a Freddy vacation? You release one of your Monday morning pulpit's lengthy and obviously dismantling of the facts -as seen by the LGBT community - press statements - smacking down the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, or "them people" as he seems to signal out as?. Apparently, the new occupation for a growing number of members of the cloth may have switched their focus from speaking out against the growing poverty reeking hungry across our Bahamaland, to act like it's the "Christian" way to speak out against a lifestyle with which they want the world to know, there is no way in hell they are ever going to be open to tolerating the rights sought by the LGBT community. Oh yeah, they will preach how they does love "them people" but not they sexual ways? Like thinking about getting hitched and having sex is the only things "them people" does thinks about and does all day? For a good Comrade who has traveled so far, he sets a poor example of what Jesus may have said - differently - had he written the press release for Comrade Myles? The Jesus I is knows is all about love, true love.
Reader 10 years, 5 months ago
“The Jesus I is knows is all about love, true love”
Once again Tal you have expressed your ignorance in the things of scripture. And although you cannot tell my tone from the words on the page I say this humbly and in love. That perhaps you will hear what scripture has to say. But, I will always righteously and jealously guard against anyone that would bring into question the moral ways of my Lord and Saviour. Yes, The Lord Jesus loves the sinner with a love that is unmeasured, unbounded and beyond comprehension. A love which led Him to die on the cross and in those three hours of darkness bore the sins of every believer in His own body on the tree, (1Peter 2:24) Which same verse say’s that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness. But never ever, ever, ever would that one who was holy, harmless and undefiled, (Hebrews 7:26) and in whom was no sin, (I John 3:5) and who knew no sin, (2 Cor 5:21) and who did no sin, (1 Peter 2:22) condone sin in any form or fashion. The Lord Jesus Christ would never act contrary to His HOLY word.
Homosexuality is a sin… it is condemned from the very beginning of scripture in Genesis right through to Revelation and in numerous places. God condemns it in His holy word of which word He says through the Psalmist He has magnified above His own name, (Psalm 138:2)
God’s order for marriage is clearly set out from the very second chapter of the Bible, Therefore shall a MAN leave his Father and his Mother and shall cleave unto his WIFE, and they shall be one flesh, (Genesis 2:24) Yet in Romans 1:26,27 God utterly condemns the relationship between a man and a man or a woman and a woman.
Man in the flesh confuses God’s character… He is either a God of love that will condone all our sins that we ‘practice’ or He is that holy and terrible God who brings famines and earthquakes on the world and allows all manner of evil. They confuse what sin has brought into the world and it’s results and blame God for it. Yes, God is a God of love and loves the sinner, (John 3:16) but remember He judged His very own Son, the darling of His bosom for our sins, Jesus died unto them so that taking our judgment upon Him, we would never have to face that judgment. All we have to do is accept and believe. But then scripture say’s “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound. God forbid.” (Romans 6:1,2)
Whether you believe Homosexuality is nature or nurture it is condemned in scripture, but thanks be to God, if any man or woman be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away. Behold all things are become new, (2 Corinthians 5:17) There is now power to turn from evil and do that which pleases God.
Altalk 10 years, 5 months ago
obviously your a fag or fag loving closet fag....talrussell....repent or burn in hell.
Bahamianpride 10 years, 5 months ago
Agreed with Tal, Jesus=love. On another note why is he not as passionate about the dysfuntions going on in the church and our general society. The Pastors sleeping around, pimps in the pulpits or the general hypocracy u get from religious people these days. Considering his status on the world stage, u would think he would consistantly express outraged about the 84 murders, hundreds of robberries, burglaries, assualts, sex crimes, thefts and the list goes on. How about the poverty and the multitude of kids born out of wedlock to some deadbeat dad or married man. You see the problem is Christians or religious people cannot throw stones at these people because our house is not even made out of glass, its made out of toilet paper. At the end of the day he can say whatever he wants because he will always be living good, eating steak and drinking wine, while the rest of us are worried about eating, paying bills & not being a crime victim. He lives under top level security and can live in beautiful enviroments anywhere in the world so he does not have to deal with the struggles and suffering of many Bahamians. What all the problems we have in this country this event does not even show up on my radar..I don't have the luxury of worrying about this non threatening event, I'm to focused on protecting my family, staying alive and providing financially. Lastly i have never walked in Grants, Bain town or any area worried about some gay or transgender individual robbing, assualting or killing me.
jt 10 years, 5 months ago
Hypocrites like this make the Bahamas too frustrating a place for educated people to live in. No wonder all of our college educated youth live abroad. The Bahamas has a chance to be a beacon of progression for the rest of the Caribbean region and we choose to backslide and place our name among countries with unequal rights for women and the LGBT community. I guess some Bahamians are supposed to be more deserving of equality than others. What a moron.
TalRussell 10 years, 5 months ago
Comrades if we didn't know better, couldn't we think it sounds like Myles must have returned come back home from one his foreigner outreach speaking engagements and low and behold, his fruit cake was missing from cupboard - so who else would thieves a fruit cake but one "them peoples?' Now, don't go confusing Comrade brother Myles with that other globe hoping fellow Freddy? Oh yeah, some stuff I just totally make up, more to illustrate than point an accusing finger.
Emac 10 years, 5 months ago
Lol... You too crazy.
jackbnimble 10 years, 5 months ago
DR. MUNROE (not "Myles") I support you 100%. At least there is a watchman on the wall where so many others have jumped off (Bishop Ellis among them).
Cobalt 10 years, 5 months ago
That's because most of these pastors in the Bahamas like riding-ass and buggery themselves! (Bishop Ellis among them).
SP 10 years, 5 months ago
Bishop Ellis doesn't ride....He carries...LOL
concernedcitizen 10 years, 5 months ago
This crap is a real laugh riot ,the churches have some of the highest %of gay people ..Equal rights for all !!!!!!!!!!!!!! We been here for 4 million years ,doing human sacrifices to satisfy a sky god for 1/2 million years ,you mean it took until 2000 years ago to get the blood the sky god real wanted ..Jesus would be appalled at the way the church has used his words and edited the bible to promote hatred and fear ...Only morons continue to fall for an us against them dogma so they can be bleed every sunday ,usually by some money hungry womanizer/manizer sweet talking freak ..
Cobalt 10 years, 5 months ago
No no no no no!!! Don't try and shift the blame towards the church!!! Don't try to use past the atrocities of ancient civilizations to simultaneously justify a gay agenda while discrediting the sovereignty of the Church!!! It's an exhausted, jaded tactic that's not going to work!!! No matter what history dictates, homosexuality is wrong wrong wrong!!!! NO GAY RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!
Sickened 10 years, 5 months ago
I don't understand these LGBT people. If you want to live with the person you love the do it, you have that right now. If you want have a joint bank account with that person and share all the expenses, then do it. If you want your partner to be the beneficiary of your life insurance policy and be entitled to all of your assets when you die then put his/her name in a Will. If you want to have a wedding ceremony then book a hall, invite your friends and declare your love and devotion for each other in front of all of them. If you want to adopt a child then one of you register to adopt a child (i'm sure there's no law saying a single person can't adopt a child). WTF is the problem!! Why do you want to be like rest of us when you acknowledge that you are not like the rest of us? You all are like annoying little children begging for attention. GROW UP!!!
Laurell 10 years, 5 months ago
OMG! Thank you, Sickened. I totally agree.
Altalk 10 years, 5 months ago
Agreed except the adopt the kids part.
Laurell 10 years, 5 months ago
I'm sorry but I don't see the hypocrisy by Dr Munroe's statement. He is 100% correct and I commend him for speaking out. To compare 'gay rights' to 'civil rights' is indeed illogical and ridiculous. Also, I don't think Dr. Munroe, or anyone who supports these views, has any interest in removing the "rights" of gays. Any adult has the right to their sexuality. Gays have the same right as anyone to work, to live, to function in this country.
Homosexuality (the practise of, not the attraction to), fornication, adultery, stealing, murder, corruption - these are all wrong, and they are all rampant in our society. We should speak out against all whenever they impact our community. While I believe we all have the right to choose our behaviour and lifestyle, I don't believe we should impose our lifestyle on others when they are dysfunctional.
If a group of gays want to have a celebration, a party, an event, no one has a right to stop them, I don't see why anyone would want to. But personally, I have a problem with the word "Bahamas" being included in the name of this event. This culture and lifestyle does not represent the Bahamas and it should not have received endorsement from any of our Ministries.
Nothing a person does in the privacy of their bedroom(s) should ever remove the right they have to function in a society. However, what we do in the privacy of our bedroom(s) should also not be imposed on an entire society - especially a society that does not deem it normal.
concernedcitizen 10 years, 5 months ago
We don,t do well here b/c of any christian nonsense ,we do well b/c were close to a large market and have beaches ,no special blessing ,if we give service and smile,and hump ,gamble ,cheat on are wifes the rest of the time like we do we still do alright ..Our gravey train ends when we start chopping off yankees heads and then the US would just take us over ,, our real blessing was the europeans taking us out of that war torn tribal waste land called africa
concernedcitizen 10 years, 5 months ago
CuriousAbaconian 10 years, 5 months ago
Equal rights for all. Simple. Not surprised that most of the bigotry posted is done so in the name of god, the biggest bigot of all.
EasternGate 10 years, 5 months ago
Dr. Munroe you have my full support
birdiestrachan 10 years, 5 months ago
Facts: more than 50% of the children in the Bahamas are born out of wedlock . it is called fornication. About 95 % of married Bahamians on both sides Men and Women keep sweet hearts . it is called adultery. Will the Ministers of the gospel and those Bahamians who will tell you what the bible says when it please them, say what is the difference with the GAY people. The Bible says a sexual sin is against the body. The Bible also says "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" let us all pray for each other so that the righteousness of our Country will cause God to exalt our nation once again. The truth is Peter is no better than Paul.
concernedcitizen 10 years, 5 months ago
@BIRDIE ,Fact 75% of babies here are born out of wedlock,fact 80% of sex btw young people is transactional ,,meaning "what you ga give me " If we were blessed b/c of actions we would be eating sand .Our good fortune come from proximity to the US and the Embargo on Cuba ,plus we would not be here if the white man didn,t bring us from that war torn tribal wasteland ,,
DEDDIE 10 years, 5 months ago
What I find insane is that the minutes someone criticize the homosexual lifestyle you are label as ignorant, backwards, bigot ,hypocrite and any other hateful name.That something is wrong if you follow natures protocol. Nature has rebel against the homosexual lifestyle. The CDC website states that, Although men who have sex with men represent 7% of the male population in the US, they account for 78% of new HIV infection. From a medical perspective the homosexual lifestyle is inherently reckless. From an economic perspective the result of the homosexual lifestle(HIV) is expensive to treat. There is good reason why the blood banks don't want blood from homosexuals.I guess those who support it would label that as discrimination.
dehavmoss 10 years, 5 months ago
"Acceptance of prevailing standards often mean we have no standards of our own", Jean Toomer. Not because some parts of America and some parts of the world say it is right mean that it is right. Our stance on this issue must not be drawn in the sand, but it must be chiseled in concrete. Dr.Munroe is on point and I am glad he called out the government.
concernedcitizen 10 years, 5 months ago
@dehavmoss ,then why when we turn on our news at night are there so many gay people from the poliitcians to the newscasters, you mean we will still get blessing from the shy god if we just play its not so ,like voting no for numbers when you know you play numbers ,,lmao
abacogrouper 10 years, 5 months ago
Sit down and really think about it (you don't have to be religious); homosexuality is biologically incorrect and filthy. It doesn't add up for all the wrong reasons. It boggles my mind that so called intelligent, educated people can't see or admit this. It is an extinctive process.
JustMiche 10 years, 5 months ago
I don't care what he thinks. Just as I don't care what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. If people think the gays are going anywhere, they need to think again. If something makes me uncomfortable, I look the other way. Fact is, it's not illegal, and there's not a d*mn thing we can do about it.
Bahamianpride 10 years, 5 months ago
People waste to much time hating on gay people its not your ass getting plowed. If consenting adults want to be gay its non of my business. If they want to get married who am I to force my beliefs on consenting adults not breaking any laws with all the criminal and corrupt behaviour we have in this country. Who can judge them not a multimillionaire pulpit pimp like Monroe. U want to stop pride parade's & celebrations allow gays same marital rights as straight couples. Let them deal with all the legalities of divorce, alimony, child support & the misery that marriage can bring. Let them suffer like the rest of us. After watching kids, working, arguing with spouse they wont have nothing left for pride events. Let that divorce court judge hit them with that alimony & child support. People act like marriage is chocolate cake, give them all the rights to experience all of lifes joys and miseries.
pablojay 10 years, 5 months ago
I will make my comments brief ,because i, like many others, this can go on for a very long time concerning this abomination and Dr. Munroe is spot on with this subject.For all of you who say homosexuality is a sin just like any other, you are probably right, but the DISTINCT DIFFERENCE,between it and any other sin is the sinners' response.Almost any other sinner in a quiet moment says "LORD PLEASE FORGIVE ME" The homosexual in his quiet moment says,"LORD OPEN THEIR EYES SO THEY CAN SEE THAT THERE IS NOTHING WITH MY LIFESTYLE".
abacogrouper 10 years, 5 months ago
Yes, birdiestrachan, we all have sinned. Peter may not be better than Paul - but the difference is that Peter seeks forgiveness for his foolishness.
pablojay 10 years, 5 months ago
I will make my comments brief,because i, like many others,can go on for a very long time concerning this abomination and Dr, Munroe is spot on with this subject. For all of you who say homosexuality is a sin just like any other,you are probably right, but the DISTINCT DIFFERENCE, between it and any other sin ,is the sinners' response. Almost any other sinner in a quiet moment says "LORD PLEASE FORGIVE ME". The homosexual in his quiet moment says"LORD OPEN THEIR EYES SO THEY CAN SEE THAT THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MY LIFESTYLE".
John 10 years, 5 months ago
The LGBT community is nothing more than another GANG that recruits its members or forces them to join their community by trickery or deception and keeps them as members by telling them that if they ever leave, the big bad wolves, (Miles Munroe, The Christian Council, gay bashers and others ) are out there to get them. There are many young people who are struggling with their sexuality. Psychologists say there is a period young men, especially, go through when they have a strong attraction to another guy (best friend) who will become their life long best friend) This is a natural male to male relationship (non sexual) and usually the young men grow out of it and into hetrosexual males. However sometimes young men become confused because they hear from church leaders and their peers that if a guy is attracted to another male he is a homosexual. And so guys closet their feelings to bond with other males and eventually their feelings become sexual in nature. Because of the insecurities of many church leaders, they do not offer proper counseling for individuals who may be going through a sexual identity struggle, and usually all most will hear is that homosexuality is a sin and those who practice it will burn in hell forever. Then there are gays who satan, himself plants in the church, to make it seem like God approves of this lifestyle. Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. (Mat 24:11)Then comes the LGBT community and they tell the young people, "you is one of us". Don't mind what 'them crazy church people" say God made you the way you is (are). And so the real gays and homosexuals use the confused persons to advance their cause. When satan came to Eve in the garden and told her to eat of the forbidden fruit, She said no God says If I eat of the tree I will surely die. But satan beguiled the woman and she eat of the forbidden fruit. He told he she will not surly die but become like a god. Our Creator, God says homosexuality is a sin and the wages of sin is death. The LGBT community says being gay is not a sin, it is an alternative lifestyle (to Nature?). Christ says,"When they sin against you--for there is no one who does not sin--and you become angry with them and give them over to their enemies, who take them captive to their own lands, far away or near; (1 kings 8:46) 8If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. It is Gods will that NONE should Perish and ALL should have everlasting life.
John 10 years, 5 months ago
John 1:7 7but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 Homosexuality may be a life long battle for many and while the church must speak out against the lifestyle and stand up against those who want to advance the gay agenda, salvation is offered to them as long as Jusus Christ sits on the mercy seat. In the book of Revelations Christ says:19'Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. 20'Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. 21'He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.…
John 10 years, 5 months ago
When the thief was being crucified and repented and asked for forgiveness did Christ rebuke him and condemn him to hell? NO, he said words all of us want to hear some day,"TODAY SHALT THOU BE WITH ME IN PARADISE Luke 23:43
empathy 10 years, 5 months ago
One day my children, grandchildren or great grandchildren will live in a Bahamaland governed by the principles of Democracy, not theocracy; where the 97% Literacy will mean well read, educated and capable of free, curious and problem solving intellectual capacity. A people imaginative, proud, but tolerant! I live in hope ;-)
concernedcitizen 10 years, 5 months ago
jusscoolin 10 years, 5 months ago
The posting of a lot of ignorant people tells the toll of where our future as a country is headed. Our fathers and mothers of future past have stood their grounds with evil for centuries . Leaving your doors open was the thing of the past. Now you close your doors at night and someone kicks it in. Getting spanked from your neighbor when you step outta line . Now our children shoots the neighbor and our parents says he's a good boy . Carrying our behinds to church every Sunday . Now we carry our behinds to the gambling house. A lot of our people don't believe in God This generation have done a terrible job in carrying on what our fore fathers have done for us as a people ,and its showing. As a nation we are divided and we are just standing on one foot right now! Every person has a choice in life to do what he or she wants. But there is a result of our choice. We must never forget what The Commandments of 10 tells us even though lots wont live by it . We must always keep our children and grandchildren on track because the road right now is becoming too dark and dusty!
Altalk 10 years, 5 months ago
I voting against this homosexual lifestyle loving government come 2017...obviously they could shut down this parade they diddnt...I know obie and fred them was close by.....
John 10 years, 5 months ago
IS HOMOSEXUALITY/GAY/LESBINISM learnt behavior or are some people "born that way?" Imagine a young man or woman struggling to find his/her sexual identity and they turn on the radio one day and hears someone preaching, "homosexuality is a judgment from God. God has judged that man or woman and has cursed him with the wrath of homosexuality or her with lesbianism!" So then what option would that person have save to join a group like the LGBT and live the lifestyle? A few years ago there was a famous restaurant that was known for hiring lesbian staff. If a straight female was employed, she was recruited into the lifestyle or she was forced to quit her job. A similar situation existed with a female sports team. Once young girls travelled abroad with this team, they came back indulging in the lesbianism lifestyle, or so disgusted with what she experienced on the trip she quit the team as soon as the plane touched down at the airport. Even in professional sports today many athletes are announcing openly that they are gay and 'have been battling with the situation for years'. Statistics show that in the US, homosexuality among black males grew from 1 in 100 in the 1960's to 1 in 5 in 2000. Is that because the US is more tolerant of the lifestyle? What about girls who grew up as "Tom boys' but changed their behavior in their late teens got married and became mothers? or guys who grew up as straight, normal males but went off to college and came back "that way"? This lifestyle not only can destroy the individual but it pulls families apart, especially when parents start to blame each other for they way a child turned out.
concernedcitizen 10 years, 5 months ago
@JOHN ,,you need to read more ,
Tommy77 10 years, 5 months ago
It never ends.…" style="display:none">
TheMadHatter 10 years, 5 months ago
He says "...rather from the concern for our very small fragile social fabric being held together by values and moral standards that provide the framework for a healthy Bahamian society.”
Really??????????? Our social fabric is being held together????????
There is a healthy Bahamian society currently???????????????
When was his last eye doctor appointment????????
The_Oracle 10 years, 5 months ago
Like the spandex seen desperately trying to hold the cellulite together, the Morals within the Bahamas are stretched beyond recognition! The LGBT movement is but a symptom of society in decline, Like the symptoms so evident at every turn on the street. Historically speaking, we are on the same track as every other civilization that has gone before, the defining word being gone. Erosion from the bottom through ignorance, from the top through greed and avarice. While we have collectively abandoned our youth, we complain about what they have become?
DMoe 10 years, 5 months ago
Can you imagine how much better this country would be if we would be if we put all of this energy towards the bad governance that we have saddled with over these many long years. SMH.
SP 10 years, 5 months ago
You've made the single most important comment on this blog.
The country has gone to the pirates and Haitians & these bunch of clowns arguing about something that only JEHOVAH GOD himself will sort out in his own time!
pablojay 10 years, 5 months ago
Dr. Munroe is even spot on in assessment on gays hijacking the civil rights movement and i, like him cannot understand the views of straight people who think that he is wrong,because one thing gays always had,which is behind their strong push,is MONEY! If we blacks had had money, white people would have been offended by us calling them the "N" word.
pat242 10 years, 5 months ago
I totally endorse Mr. Monroes view on the freakish lgbt movement. They pretend as if they are second class citizens. When in fact gays and lesbians has every right under the sun in this country as any other citizen. This has to be a recruitment drive. At this rate the R.B.P.F and R.B.D.F needs to recruit outside this country for officers. Which leads to my next point. Any person who really believe in the future of The Bahamas and Bahamians moving forward cannot support homosexuality. We already have a small population with a large immigrant population. If Bahamians reduce populating The Bahamas then the foreigners will literally out populate us and we will be the second class citizens in our country. The real question is whence came this freakish behavior or this deviation. Every thing in the universe is made to follow a set of laws. It's is under the law of the creator that male and female organs create more of whatever they are trying to pro create. So yes homosexual and lesbians are commuting and unnatural act because it's goes against the law that is used to create life. Malcolm X and Marten Luther King had to be rolling in their graves.
concernedcitizen 10 years, 5 months ago
Get some books ,use google ,read some more ,10% of people have always been gay ,born that way ..if our blessing here came from behavior , that you bible thumpers find wrong we would be eating sand .Since Independence ,and probably before,there have been gay people very high up in the government .What is really going to effect our standard of living is the same as the rest of the region , making babies faster then our GDP can absorb them ,then we are Haiti ,Jamaica ..The crime rate is a direct result of out of control heterosexual baby making ,when single mother of 6 for 4 dead beat dads is the norm crime skyrockets .The down fall here is when we can,t tax enough to use the civil service to absorb our baby making or Cuba opens ,,
GrassRoot 10 years, 5 months ago
I wish someone were to speak out this emotionally and forcefully against corruption in this country. I believe LGBT etc are tiny tiny issues compared to the big elephant in the room. Why is corruption not so much emotionally charged? It drags us down, puts us 100 years behind any reasonable development, destroys the dreams of our kids, and young people,
proudloudandfnm 10 years, 5 months ago
What an ass. And a moron...
kairosmatt 10 years, 5 months ago
Its ironic that a "religious leader" can use the words "massive deception" to attack something else.
Pot meet kettle.
Altalk 10 years, 5 months ago
No one is born gay.. It's a choice..
Jonahbay 10 years, 5 months ago
Here you are misguided. If Science means anything to you, you may want to do a little research before you showcase your ignorance. I have educated hundreds of young children in my career and I will tell you that you are born gay based on what I've seen. You may not like that, but you better get used to it because it is everywhere and it's probably going to hit you in a way you won't like when you least expect it.
Altalk 10 years, 5 months ago
Now Dave da ruffkneck pastors(who also is a youtppastor at BFM daughter teneel"ta ya " burrows.. Came out the closet to oppose Dr. Miles on his views.
Jonahbay 10 years, 5 months ago
So what that she is gay? That's her business, just like her saying that she is a member of the gay community is her business. People are going to talk about you whether you doing bad or good. I applaud Terneille Burrows for having the guts to speak up when so many choose to be silent. I can't believe that we are still fighting for equal rights before the law in 2014. Forget gay rights. We are talking about HUMAN RIGHTS because gays are humans too!
concernedcitizen014 10 years, 5 months ago
Gays are human too, so are fornicators, adulterers, etc. but they are not human rights.
concernedcitizen014 10 years, 5 months ago
Gays are human too, so are fornicators, adulterers, etc. AND they are not human rights.
concernedcitizen014 10 years, 5 months ago
Spot on Dr Munroe! I have read your books and heard your sermons on YouTube since I was, at one stage of my life, searching for "purpose". While many pastors are like seeds sown in rocky ground and among thorns, not you, Dr Munroe.
The issue is not a matter of "phobia", it is a matter of principle! Sin is something that should be ashamed of, not be proud of. Do not use arrogance to justify public display of "gay pride" to lead others astray!
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