vinceP 11 years, 9 months ago on JUST IN: Bahamians ready themselves for "equality" march
JUST IN: Bahamians ready themselves for "equality" march
@ Tal Russell, for sometime now i've read the comments that you post, and frankly it appears that you are nothing more than a bitter, negative jackass. You seriously need to get a life! Just go! Get lost! Walk out your home one day and never return....
ohdrap4 11 years, 2 months ago on Wilchcombe: We are making dent in crime
Wilchcombe: We are making dent in crime
For my fashionable friends of the Tribune, i am selling that lipstick at a discounted price.
Ruby Woo by Mac.
It is unisex.
ohdrap4 10 years, 11 months ago on 400 jobs may go, warns store owner
400 jobs may go, warns store owner
White or green, even with higher prices, I will buy from him. He always gives chances to disabled employees, young people who through no fault of their own were born in this country but cannot get pass port till the age of 21, and he educates them in customer service.
I said before, white or black, I will not buy from any plp unless there is a published list of firms which are vat compliant.
If there is no such list, I will find out through the grapevine.
asiseeit 10 years, 5 months ago on Minnis demands audit of BAMSI
Minnis demands audit of BAMSI
BAMSI= SLUSH FUND! If the FNM has the fortitude to follow the money BAMSI will bring this government down and should put people in jail. How in the hell can they have spent 50 MILLION dollars on that crap? No way, someone is getting rich off of money The Bahamas does NOT have. We are broke right? BAMSI is rotten, you can smell the stink from Nassau! The "All for Me" crew is in full force, they just can't help themselves' it is in their makeup to steal from the Bahamian people. Follow the money and do not let up! We need INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS to get on this I.E> The Fleecing of The Bahamas, do a series, there is plenty of material!
Hogfish 10 years, 4 months ago on ‘Frenzy’ over changes to immigration policy
‘Frenzy’ over changes to immigration policy
a Bahamian goes to the USA illegally and gets caught they throw his ass back home and he is barred from the States for many years and forget about him trying to become a US citizen.
I have zero respect for Mitchel, i think he's one of the worst of that bunch but I found the message pretty clear and for once he's talking sense. No where did he say that only haitians are targeted. ANY ILLEGAL and that inlcudes white, red, yella, and black is not welcome and if caught will never be considered for citizenship. That's a good move! , just i have zero confidence of it being enforced. Of course the haitians make up the VAST majority of illegals so it will of course have the biggest effect on them. Then you get this loupy Joenser crying discrimination. Which by logic he is then admitting that most of the illegals here are his countrymen and breaking the law!
lucaya 10 years, 1 month ago on Deputy PM 'does not know' if BEC bribe probe will be launched
Deputy PM 'does not know' if BEC bribe probe will be launched
The Freedom of Information Act is needed desperately.
Publius 9 years, 11 months ago on Pilot told alert to ‘shut up’: Warning system switched off in Munroe crash
Pilot told alert to ‘shut up’: Warning system switched off in Munroe crash
Forgot to say they should get the FDR information as well. But since I don't expect our media to do any of this, nor do I expect them to publish information they may have or could obtain that might paint Mr. Munroe in a negative light, I imagine the public will have to await the CVR and FDR records as part of court proceedings for the DeSantiago family lawsuit.
Emac 9 years, 5 months ago on Dr Duane Sands slams govt plans for NHI scheme
Dr Duane Sands slams govt plans for NHI scheme
The red council members don't seem to know what the people want.
GrassRoot 9 years, 1 month ago on Roberts mocks FNM candidates
Roberts mocks FNM candidates
its time to make him an OBE as well.
GrassRoot 9 years, 1 month ago on As NHI looms, doctors say: NO
As NHI looms, doctors say: NO
ok which part of TalRussell wrote this? Jekyll or Hide?
John 8 years, 6 months ago on Minnis: I'll support Loretta as Long Island candidate
Minnis: I'll support Loretta as Long Island candidate
If Loretta was a man Minnis would have just cut off her most precious organs. All of it. But knowing Mrs. Butler-Turner it is just a matter of time before she restores herself and her fighting spirit. Be it a good thing or bad.

PM: I will meet protest leaders
AMIDST a defence of his government’s performance this term, Prime Minister Perry Christie yesterday told organisers of today’s “We March Bahamas” protest that he was “painfully aware” that the country has suffered tremendous setbacks.
Gotoutintime 7 years, 11 months ago on UPDATED: Boys, 13 and 15, found executed
UPDATED: Boys, 13 and 15, found executed
On the whole "Conchie Joe" Mothers do the best that they can to prevent their offspring from running wild in the bush---It's a shame all Mothers don't.
yari 7 years, 6 months ago on BPL fraud: More staff face sack
BPL fraud: More staff face sack
“There were 44 cheques cut fraudulently for 16 different companies,”. Someone had to receive and cash these cheques for fraud to occur and money to be missing. The paper trail should lead to arrests and prosecutions. I can't wait to see who the players are.
ohdrap4 6 years, 6 months ago on 'Reverse changes to school uniform support'
'Reverse changes to school uniform support'
nonsense. it is cheaper to dress in uniform, as you only need two sets.
furthermore, without uniforms, the children will show up to school dressed as walmart people, and you will see the same nonsense you see in the news in the US.
mandela 5 years, 5 months ago on How The Mudd and Pigeon Peas were lost
How The Mudd and Pigeon Peas were lost
It's so, so sad, but the FNM was trying to get them moved and relocated over a year ago but Fred Smith and the other rights group fought the FNM and Dr. Minnis and put a stop thru the courts on the relocation exercise, but had they moved then they would not be in this predicament, perhaps then was their gift from God thru the FNM and Dr. Minnis, Fred Smith, and the other rights group thanks, the FNM saw how those areas were a disaster within/on its own just waiting to happen, maybe by fire, maybe by disease from unsanitary living, but sadly it came with the name Dorian and did exactly what the FNM and Dr. Minnis were trying to avoid for those areas the Mudd, and Peas, the used to shanty towns of Marsh Habour.
DDK 4 years, 10 months ago on Ward infection ‘massive blow’ to health teams
Ward infection ‘massive blow’ to health teams
Just another damned excuse to keep control of The People's lives and dig us into such a deep financial pit we will never be able to climb out ! Do this Minnis and Sands tag team really believe someone will come to our Country's rescue when we are totally destroyed and say "Here are another hundred million dollars for you to squander"?
bogart 3 years, 11 months ago on PM says affordable land and housing plans are part of manifesto
PM says affordable land and housing plans are part of manifesto
Given the Covid crisis and the sacrifices of brave warriors, particularly our Nurses and others in this huge crisis, that these affordable discounted Crown Lands be first offered to our front line Nurses and other warriors.
Our front line warriors have complained of protective equipment going into battle, have worked and recently not been fully compensated for work done and traumitized by having to protest in streets in front of govt offices, deserves first chance of acquiring discounted Crown land.
Our brave Nurses after being at the frontline of battle from before no vaccine on the battleground, caring for suffering, dying people, known massive shortages of nurses, known dedication to caring for people, knowningly working 16 hour shifts SHOULD be at the forefront of having first opportunity of having discounted Crown Land in gratitude of the entire nation.
exuma1959 12 years, 4 months ago on Minister admits: ‘We’ve got cruise numbers, not spend’
Minister admits: ‘We’ve got cruise numbers, not spend’
This is nothing new......... It is just that nobody wanted to listen to the small business person..... The Government has made it next to impossible for the Small business person to operate.. The Rents on Bay street is ridiculous... The tourist are stuck in the BAY STREET QUADRANT.....and there is nothing for them to spend their money on. Those who do visit, choose not to disembark of the ship.... then you have the ships who get in around 11am and leave at 5pm The newer ones arrive at 6am and leave at 2pm.... The Passengers never have enough time to shop or spend any money..... The BUSES take them to Atlantis and various day attractions (which is prepaid for on the ship) and there they spend three to five hours.. and they return them back to the Ships So it is not a shopping trip for our tourist and to add insult to injury ,those who do venture out , Are instructed to stay clear away from places like the Straw Market............ If they need incidentals ,they buy it on the ship. "THE POINT IS .WE AS A COUNTRY IS NOT "SHOPPER FRIENDLY" ANYMORE Studies show that TOURIST spend more money at night between the hours of 5pm to 1am At five pm in the Bahamas , the entire town is shut down...... At six pm in the Bahamas ,the Harbor is empty........
Mr Minister of Tourism we are getting the ca ca end of the stick............ the facts are there , we don't need a rocket to scientist to figure this one out.....