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DreamerX 10 years, 4 months ago on Resort to host gay pride event

Purported Christians like the idea of hating the LGBTQ communities because it reminds them that in their faith system they can at least follow one of the rules set forth in their texts. As they get belligerent, horde money, sex before marriage, cheat on their husbands/wives, spread dishonesty for disproportionate gain, and revel in their ignorance, at least they know that these LGBTQ persons are the true sinners.

Western Black people, claimant as the most widely intellectually raped people, seek some revenge for their mistreatment. Forced to worship the God's that smiled upon their forced slavery, and shamed to believe in the God that ordained such treatment. To talk about roots and values but to have lost all values beyond a few hundred years of thousands of years of culture by their lineage.

The homophobia of this country is saddening most, in my opinion, in that it shows how ignorance and hate can mar any people, not just the old "White Man", and his whip. Such a people with a history of baseless discrimination and unjust prejudice that seeks to replicate in part, such ideas against another group of people is a cycle I must say that seems endless. While I don't believe Social Justice shall ever be victorious in any major regard before more problems come about, I do forget from time to time, realistic goals and dream of a world, a country, or even a network of people who can let go of this disease.

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Bahamianpride 10 years, 4 months ago on Activist: Laws blocking same sex marriage are discriminatory

She is right legally.. My thing is let them suffer like the rest of us with child support, alimony, over weight spouses we don't like no more, stress, complacency, & general annoyance. Marriage is hard work & it fails 50 percent of the time. Why are we fighting to stop the m from sharing the torture they been skipping out on for so many years. Come get some of this torture gay people u been partying to long

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Bahamianpride 10 years, 4 months ago on Activist: Laws blocking same sex marriage are discriminatory

Who cares... when u go to sleep at night do u worry about gay this or gay that or some robber, murderer, rapist, breaking into your home and killing you. People are hostages to crime in this country, the probability of being robbed or killed is high, Ms. Green or some gay person getting married should be the last thing on our mind.

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Bahamianpride 10 years, 4 months ago on Activist: Laws blocking same sex marriage are discriminatory

John, come on man, driving on the wrong side of the road is illegal. Consenting adult marrying or sleeping together is not your or my business. I'm not gay but I don't force my religion or personal faith on others. Until I can walk around with some feeling of safety in this lawless land we call home the last thing i'm worried about is gay people getting married. Lastly its the ones who are straight or religious that are breaking all the laws of God & Man & destroying this country. Hypocrisy. Have u ever seen a car full of gay or trans gender individual riding around Nassau Robbing or killing people. Even when i'm in the U.S the gay communities are affluent, peaceful, beautiful & in the high crime areas a church is on every block.

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Bahamianpride 10 years, 4 months ago on Pastor: God doesn't make same-sex marriage a right

Salem witch trails, inquisition, Jihadist, mid east conflict, september 11, conflict in Ireland, slavery, etc etc I can go on forever about the hertrosities committed or justified in the name God. Using scriptures considering the murderous history of religion y'all cannot be serious. How many millions have died as a result of religious wars, persecution. Religion was used to justify slavery.

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TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'

I wouldn't go as far as the Tribune's headlines to say that Comrade "Preacherman's" Myles is "hitting" out at gays. Misguided, yes. Just maybe, Myles may have decided, what the hell he needed to take a short vacation away from his demanding that the PM fire his Crown Minister Freddy? So, what do you do when you're on a Freddy vacation? You release one of your Monday morning pulpit's lengthy and obviously dismantling of the facts -as seen by the LGBT community - press statements - smacking down the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, or "them people" as he seems to signal out as?. Apparently, the new occupation for a growing number of members of the cloth may have switched their focus from speaking out against the growing poverty reeking hungry across our Bahamaland, to act like it's the "Christian" way to speak out against a lifestyle with which they want the world to know, there is no way in hell they are ever going to be open to tolerating the rights sought by the LGBT community. Oh yeah, they will preach how they does love "them people" but not they sexual ways? Like thinking about getting hitched and having sex is the only things "them people" does thinks about and does all day? For a good Comrade who has traveled so far, he sets a poor example of what Jesus may have said - differently - had he written the press release for Comrade Myles? The Jesus I is knows is all about love, true love.


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Bahamianpride 10 years, 4 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'

Agreed with Tal, Jesus=love. On another note why is he not as passionate about the dysfuntions going on in the church and our general society. The Pastors sleeping around, pimps in the pulpits or the general hypocracy u get from religious people these days. Considering his status on the world stage, u would think he would consistantly express outraged about the 84 murders, hundreds of robberries, burglaries, assualts, sex crimes, thefts and the list goes on. How about the poverty and the multitude of kids born out of wedlock to some deadbeat dad or married man. You see the problem is Christians or religious people cannot throw stones at these people because our house is not even made out of glass, its made out of toilet paper. At the end of the day he can say whatever he wants because he will always be living good, eating steak and drinking wine, while the rest of us are worried about eating, paying bills & not being a crime victim. He lives under top level security and can live in beautiful enviroments anywhere in the world so he does not have to deal with the struggles and suffering of many Bahamians. What all the problems we have in this country this event does not even show up on my radar..I don't have the luxury of worrying about this non threatening event, I'm to focused on protecting my family, staying alive and providing financially. Lastly i have never walked in Grants, Bain town or any area worried about some gay or transgender individual robbing, assualting or killing me.

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jt 10 years, 4 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'

Hypocrites like this make the Bahamas too frustrating a place for educated people to live in. No wonder all of our college educated youth live abroad. The Bahamas has a chance to be a beacon of progression for the rest of the Caribbean region and we choose to backslide and place our name among countries with unequal rights for women and the LGBT community. I guess some Bahamians are supposed to be more deserving of equality than others. What a moron.

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concernedcitizen 10 years, 4 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'

This crap is a real laugh riot ,the churches have some of the highest %of gay people ..Equal rights for all !!!!!!!!!!!!!! We been here for 4 million years ,doing human sacrifices to satisfy a sky god for 1/2 million years ,you mean it took until 2000 years ago to get the blood the sky god real wanted ..Jesus would be appalled at the way the church has used his words and edited the bible to promote hatred and fear ...Only morons continue to fall for an us against them dogma so they can be bleed every sunday ,usually by some money hungry womanizer/manizer sweet talking freak ..


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concernedcitizen 10 years, 4 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'


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concernedcitizen 10 years, 4 months ago on Pastor: God doesn't make same-sex marriage a right

Well Mudda as the highest form of animal on the planet we have killed more people to prove who has the real sky god ,then both world wars combined ..The muslims got aways to go to catch up w/ the christians ,,,We have been here 4 million years and have made human sacrifices to the gods for at least 1/2 a million ,but in your mind 2000 yrs ago finally god got the blood he needed ..

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TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago on Pastor: God doesn't make same-sex marriage a right

Comrades if there is sexual revolution evolving in we Bahamaland, I can more picture some transgender with they flapping angel wings. Can't you?

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jt 10 years, 4 months ago on Pastor: God doesn't make same-sex marriage a right

@tiger B when Columbus got to the Bahamas there was no marriage. Many Native American (or First Nations for Canadians) tribes recognised gay people as "two spirit" people and held them in high regard. Maybe, just for fun, read a book sometime.

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TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'

Comrades if we didn't know better, couldn't we think it sounds like Myles must have returned come back home from one his foreigner outreach speaking engagements and low and behold, his fruit cake was missing from cupboard - so who else would thieves a fruit cake but one "them peoples?' Now, don't go confusing Comrade brother Myles with that other globe hoping fellow Freddy? Oh yeah, some stuff I just totally make up, more to illustrate than point an accusing finger.

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HarryWyckoff 10 years, 4 months ago on LGBT attack 'is hate speech'

There will be, but like everything that (slowly) advances The Bahamas towards becoming something close to a civilised nation, it will be at least 10 years after the rest of the entire world has done away with insidious, ancient prejudice, hate and bigotry such as that spouted by this 'man of god'.

The rest of the world is pretty much there... we can only hope this nation will be one day too.

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TalRussell 10 years, 4 months ago on LGBT attack 'is hate speech'

Obliviously, misguided but I wouldn't go as far as to agree with the comment, if it means branding Comrade "Preacherman's" recent statement on the LGBT community, as an intentional “hate speech” that may incite violence against law-abiding citizens who are gay or transgender. I don't believe it has anything to do with hate in his own heart but he is more than intelligent enough to recognize that all one had to have done over past days is to have read the many hateful comments on the Tribune's and other blog pages or have tuned-in to the various talk shows to appreciate his comments attracts the most angry and hateful responses from those who will jump to the defense of his position. What I think Comrade Erin is saying is, why would such a prominent ranking member of the clergy want to run the risk of encouraging the Gay-Basher's and crazies among them.