Unfettered press is key to democracy

EDITOR, The Tribune.

One of the surest hallmarks of democracy is a free and unfettered press.

Dictatorships emerge when the press is suppressed and the civil liberties of the general public are curtailed through intimidation, and worse.

Freedom of the press in any country is a signal that the democratic principals are functioning in the best interest of its citizens. This is a thought Prime Minister the Hon Philip Davis should keep in mind when seeking to instruct the Bahamian media on the placement of murder stories in the newspapers.

Already, there is no automatic access to Freedom of Information, and the excuse being used to relegate crime news to the inside pages is, it will be damaging to the tourism economy.

Mr Prime Minister, this directive will not fly. The media will not sit idly and be told what it can and cannot do.

Anthony Capron


The Bahamas Press Club

February 14, 2024


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