Question of insurance

EDITOR, The Tribune

Are vehicles and equipment of the RBPF and RBDF insured?

Minister Dames advised the House last week that the combined group had a loss of numerous patrol vehicles and I believe fire trucks as a result of hurricane Dorian.

Fire trucks are diesel vehicles even if flooded can without too much trouble be returned in good measure to operate well......

Patrol cars are an issue if the computer system was flooded maybe the cost to replace them might be too high but... all vehicles that drive on public roads are required to be insured at least Third party by the Road Traffic Act.

The Minister needs to confirm that the vehicles involved and suggested are a write-off were insured and that all endeavours will be taken to obtain insurance satisfaction for their repair.

Write-off, sorry, Minister No..... can he further confirm with which Insurance agency are the Police and Defence vehicles insured?



October 14, 2019


thephoenix562 4 years, 5 months ago

No insurance company provides Third party flood insurance on vehicles buddy.Unless something has changed Insurance companies won't provide comprehensive insurance on police vehicles.Too much exposure.They break them up fast as they get them.


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