Overwhelming hypocrisy

EDITOR, The Tribune

Statistically around 1 1/2% to 2% of the world’s population is homosexual and/or bisexual.

Homosexuality has been around for thousands of years. In one of the first great civilisation the Greeks (way before Christ) it was accepted and not frowned upon or criminalised. In essence it ain’t going away.

What then is to be done with it for civilised societies? Do you sweep it under the carpet and treat these small minorities as societal lepers? Is that fair of Christian or civilised? It’s the differences in our societies that make humankind so interesting. How appalling/boring it would be if we did not have diversity and everyone of us was identical. So the LGBT community want a Pride march, they are part of this society, we exercise free speech, freedom of expression I think? Who cares about a march, and, if they do, why?

Predictably the Christian Council is sermonising about this “abomination”. In my opinion, half the preachers in the Bahamas are money grabbing charlatans whose only connection to Christ is to use his name for personal enrichment whilst driving Bentley/Lexus and the likes all whilst taking tithes of their invariably impoverished congregations. The hypocrisy is overwhelming.

Sell your fancy cars/jets and go help the poor and needy as Christ preached and stop picking on largely law-abiding minorities.

Christian Council needs to put a UN before its title.



October 23, 2019


Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 5 months ago

It's actually less than 0.53% worldwide, as calculated rather generously by some of the more reliable sources. However the gay global community would have us believe it's a much higher percentage by throwing into the mix everyone else they can think of who would not be considered "straight". It's frankly amazing that so few of them can collectively have such a loud mouth. But much of what they shout at the rest of society today has become just annoying background noise for many of us.


milesair 4 years, 5 months ago

I am sure that you counted everyone off them so you know the real numbers. Now hear this. No one makes the choice of being gay anymore than you chose to be either right handed or left handed. Get real. For a person who claims to be a "good Christian" you sure do spew hatred all over the place. Maybe you ought to read your Bible, you know the part about "judge not lest you be judged." Or maybe "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." You might just feel better about yourself instead of all of your negativity!


joeblow 4 years, 5 months ago

… what about that part about a man not lying with a man as he does with a woman or are we just cherry picking here? A person is not judging when stating what God has already judged.

ALL sexual activity or the lack thereof is by choice, celibacy, monogamy, polyamorous, bisexual etc. No one can claim a defense of not being able to control themselves. which is why rape is a criminal offense! And no one has to act on compulsive thoughts or feelings, to do so is to exercise a CHOICE!!


joeblow 4 years, 5 months ago

"Homosexuality has been around for thousands of years. In one of the first great civilisation the Greeks (way before Christ) it was accepted and not frowned upon or criminalised. In essence it ain’t going away."

It was around long before that from the time of Sodom, but does that make it right considering slavery, pedophilia and public orgies were also prominent in ancient Greek society?

The real question is, based on the fact that all of our social ills stem from dysfunctional homes where moral and character training are absent, will homosexuality or any aspect of the LGBT agenda add anything to improve our sad social state? I would wager a bet in the negative!


milesair 4 years, 5 months ago

The fact is, there have always been gay people and there always will be gay people. Get over it already. You don't have to like gay people but they are here in whatever numbers that they happen to be and they deserve their human rights. The Bible says lots of things. Among them are its apparent approval of slavery as in "slave owners should not mistreat their slaves." Another words owning slaves is O.K. Just don;t mistreat them. No reasonable person can condone this. Do you? People haxe practiced anal sex since they figured out where babies come from. If it's between a man and woman is that OK with you? Sex between consenting adults is no ones business and certainly not yours! Life goes on and homophobia is everywhere especially among Bible thumpers!


joeblow 4 years, 5 months ago

… you reason like a child! It is obvious that people can do what they want, but actions have consequences and that affects society as a whole and it has nothing to do with liking or not liking. Freedom is a RESPONSIBILITY to do as we OUGHT, not as we WANT, for the COMMON GOOD! When the right's of one minority group infringes upon the rights of other majority members of society, then those members do have a say. We still do live in a democracy mein fuhrer!


milesair 4 years, 5 months ago

How are LGBT equal rights infringing on anyone else? Explain that if you can but I bet you can't. I believe in equal rights for ALL humans not just the Christian perverts like yourself! This is a more Christian way of thinking than your stone-age beliefs. We can agree one one thing and that is we totally disagree. As far as acting like a child is concerned you are acting like a fascist Nazi pig because you believe that only certain people who believe in your religious B.S. can have equal rights. NONSENSE!!


joeblow 4 years, 5 months ago

Reproduction is essential to the continued existence of humans. When at least 50% of same sex relationships can produce children, they should have equal rights of heterosexuals! Its not a religious thing--- its a common sense thing!


milesair 4 years, 5 months ago

There are over 7.5 billion people on this planet. The straight world has done an outstanding job of reproduction to the point where the planet is suffering from a major reduction in natural resources (fresh water, forests for lumber, etc.) People can adopt children or use surrogate mothers. The idea that only people who reproduce are entitled to have basic human rights puts YOU right up there with Adolph Hitler. What about heterosexusl couples who, for what ever reason can not reproduce? Your logic equates that they are not entitled to basic human rights as well? You are flat out out of your mind! I'll bet you don't believe that women are equal to men because that's in you Bible as well. You sir, are the ultimate Knuckle-dragging neanderthal! There is a letter to editor in a competing publication from a gay man (Bahamian) who can NOT even get justice from the Bahamian police. So much for equal rights in the Bahamas. I have forwarded this article to at least two U.S. publications to warn people that basic human rights do not exist in the Bahamas. Perhaps if only one tourist is disuaided from visiting the Bahamas, I will have accomplished my goal. LGBT people are NOT safe in the Bahamas!


sheeprunner12 4 years, 5 months ago

Chinese make up 25% of the world population, but 100 white men make most of the important decisions on the planet ............ we are just actors on a stage that is crumbling beneath our feet.


Sickened 4 years, 5 months ago

Great point! White boys still do hold the power. From my understanding it's really only a handful of white boys (hint the Rothchild's maybe??) that still run things. They appoint the decision makers and the decision makers pick the stooges/faces of nations (Trump, Johnson etc.).


hrysippus 4 years, 4 months ago

hey Sheetrunner; congratulations, you have managed to make this a race issue even though race is totally irrelevant. The mentality that creates racists is exactly the same mentality that would deny equal rights to the LGBT community. Bigotry and intolerance is alive and doing well in this country of ours. Thank you again for your contribution to strengthening those two national attributes.


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