BPL Skyguard Severe Weather Alert 13th May: Nassau

STARTS: 05/13/2022 6:25 PM EDT

EXPIRES: 05/13/2022 9:45 PM EDT


Baha10 2 years, 1 month ago

Interesting that this Weather Alert expired just prior to the “real” extreme rain that lasted well into the early morning and is reckoned to be the most rainfall “ever” as evidenced by the literally hundreds of cars broken down and abandoned all over the Island … only in The Bahamas can we not even forecast the “worst ever” weather and in turn cause hundreds of thousands in avoidable vehicle damage.

Liberal 2 years, 1 month ago

Don't be too hard on the Bahamas! Germany didn't get it right last year when they had catastrophic floods! These are unprecedented times we are living in.

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