Security firm calls for more protection after two guards shot in armed robbery


Tribune Staff Reporter


PEOPLE who work for security firms have differing views on what the daylight armed robbery in Palmdale on Tuesday means about the adequacy of their protocols and procedures.

Some believe the incident was an outlier that should not raise alarms. Others argue for more protection for security guards.

Two officers from a private firm were preparing to deposit two bags of money in a bank when a gunman emerged from a car and demanded cash from them on Tuesday. One of the officers was robbed of a bag containing an undisclosed amount of money.

Wemco Security general manager Jewel Fulford believes the attack was an isolated incident.

She noted that most businesses use armoured car services to facilitate such transactions.

Those who don’t, she said, “understand the risk involved”.

“Professionals, security companies understand that you know, they will expose their employees to such risk,” she said.

“Now, some people did it for ease of convenience, to save money, or for whatever reason. We don’t even encourage persons, business, or customers to do it on their own.

“The armoured car way is always the best way, you know, because monies aren’t insured. When you decide to take it upon yourself, that’s a risk. You know, the armoured car way is always safe, in our view, as a security service provider.”

Security professional Arlene Moss does not believe the attack was isolated.

She argued that the attack was planned and coordinated, with the suspects aware of the movements of the victims.

She said security officers and companies should be able to get firearm licences for their security guards, especially those who frequent banks.

Ms Moss said security guards should be trained to use weapons.

She is concerned that there will be more incidents like the one on Tuesday.

“The way that these young fellas are trending, they look like they don’t have regard for the different armed forces, whether it be police, security guards, defence, immigration, customs,” she said. “Once they want something, they look like they going after it.”


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