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By George, stadium shows we've got it!

EDITOR, The Tribune. My friend, Bishop Neil Ellis told me: "There comes a time, which when it comes, will define your life for the rest of your life." Could it be that time came for the Bahamas on February 25, 2012 at the opening of the Thomas A Robinso

By George, stadium shows we've got it!

EDITOR, The Tribune. My friend, Bishop Neil Ellis told me: "There comes a time, which when it comes, will define your life for the rest of your life." Could it be that time came for the Bahamas on February 25, 2012 at the opening of the Thomas A Robinso

Antique Auto Club announces its new officers for 2012/2013

THE Antique Auto Club of the Bahamas has announced the election of new officers and directors for 2012/13. The new president is Brendan Foulkes and the new vice-president is Dwain Wallace. Murray Forde and Wayne Aranha were returned to the positions of se

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