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American couple rebuild after Hurricane Dorian devastated their Guana Cay retirement home

AMERICANS Norvell and Mark Slezycki went on an emotional roller-coaster after Hurricane Dorian swept away their dream retirement home in Great Guana Cay, Abaco.

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Taureano: I’ll honour my late father’s wish - and hang up the gloves

ONE of the last words of advice professional boxer Taureano ‘Reno’ Johnson got from his father, Erwin Johnson, before he passed away yesterday was that “it’s time to hang up the gloves.”


PI hotel project’s 100 ‘permanent’ job pledge

A development that aims to be Paradise Island’s “first new hotel for many years” yesterday said its project will create 100 permanent jobs and a similar number of construction posts.

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Residents voice objections to new PI resort proposal

RESIDENTS last night argued that plans to transform the former Paradise Harbour Club site into a seven-storey hotel represent an “overdevelopment” that will impact quality of life and devalue their properties.


Carolyn Hanna - being the change you want to see

CAROLYN F Hanna is a living, powerful example of “being the change you want to see in the world”. While some complain about the state of affairs in their country, point fingers and cast blame; others, like Carolyn, are quietly making a difference by putting their passion into action.
