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STATESIDE: War and ideology

THE lounge, a finger of whiskey still floating one ice cube in the cut glass tumbler resting on the side table next to his favorite arm chair. Several friends sat in a loose circle, arranged on comfortable hard chairs so he could see and respond to each. One of the professor’s oldest acquaintances spoke up.

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Steven Gardiner leading the way

AS quarter-miler Steven Gardiner led a host of Bahamians competing in the United States, hurdler Devynne Charlton and sprinter Anthonique Strachan were in action at the start of the Wanda Diamond League in Xiamen, China.


Gov’t boost from moody’s $44m deficit miss forecast

MOODY'S has given the Government’s fiscal consolidation campaign a major boost by predicting that this year’s fiscal deficit will only narrowly overshoot its target by $44m.
