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‘Keep faucet open’ govt urged as real estate triples

The Government was yesterday urged to “keep the faucet open”, and not tinker with real estate taxes and regulation in the upcoming Budget, as contracted property sales more than tripled year-over-year.


Carolyn Hanna - being the change you want to see

CAROLYN F Hanna is a living, powerful example of “being the change you want to see in the world”. While some complain about the state of affairs in their country, point fingers and cast blame; others, like Carolyn, are quietly making a difference by putting their passion into action.


Gov’t u-turn on Nassau solar bidding deadline

THE Government has performed a u-turn over the deadline by which all bids on the New Providence renewable energy and microgrid project must be received, it can be revealed.


FRONT PORCH: The ghosts of vicious colonial and racist mindset endure

There is a racist and colonial mindset born of European imperialism that endures.
