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Dictatorial tendencies cost Minnis

Immediately after the 2017 elections, Hubert Minnis set on a collision course, angered the majority of Bahamians, which ended in the most astonishing defeat in Bahamian history.


Leave our statues alone

I saw a professor from the University of The Bahamas on the news saying that all of our colonial statues should be removed. I would like to know who gave him the job of speaking for the Bahamian people? He is free to voice his opinion, but he must not speak for the Bahamian people.

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Privy Council hearing could halt Gov’t/developer ‘scuttling’

An outspoken QC was yesterday optimistic that an upcoming Privy Council case may set legal precedent over tactics employed by the Government and developers to “scuttle” court challenges.

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‘We will cut VAT and save economy’

THE Davis administration has pledged to “rescue” the economy, stabilise public finances, decrease value added tax, as well as ensure anti-corruption and government transparency.

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DIANE PHILLIPS: Empty shelves today, can a barter economy be far behind?

A year or more ago when we first heard the words supply chain interruption, the idea felt distant, like someone else’s problem. It’s the way we used to feel about climate change. Surely, someone would fix it in time. Then along came Dorian and we knew climate change wasn’t someone else’s problem. It was ours AND everyone else’s.
