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Agriculture policy to emphasise buyer links

Small Bahamian producers and livestock developers must have secure access to regional and international markets, the Minister of Agriculture said yesterday, adding that “connecting buyers to sellers” was central to the the Bahamas’ Agriculture Policy Programme (APP).

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URCA demands Cable Bahamas pull political ad

THE Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority has ordered Cable Bahamas Limited to immediately cease and desist from broadcasting a political advertisement of Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis that has been showing on its channels.


No consumer respite despite inflation ease

As the tide of inflation in The Bahamas seems to be ebbing, it prompts reflection on what this means for the average Bahamian’s wallet.


URCA: BTC cell monopoly 'rare'

URCA: BTC cell monopoly 'rare' By NEIL HARTNELL Tribune Business Editor While conceding that the Bahamas Telecommunications Company's (BTC) ongoing cellular monopoly was "increasingly rare", the industry regulator has rejected Cable Bahamas' urging that

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Equestrian Bahamas growing vibrantly by leaps and bounds

SINCE the formation of the Equestrian Bahamas after the defunct of the BANEF, president Catherine Ramsingh-Pierre and her executive team have been working arduously to make the sport one of the more vibrant ones in the country.

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TOUGH CALL: Why Trump won and what it could mean for The Bahamas

One thing is for certain - there has been no shortage of analysis from every quarter on why Donald Trump won the US presidential election.

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TOUGH CALL: When parliamentary privilege was on the other foot

According to Fred ‘This is War’ Mitchell, he will not be bound by any court of law when it comes to what he considers to be his unqualified right to say and do whatever he pleases in Parliament.


Video games usually are one of the biggest varieties of amusement in existence. They've also been essentially the most costly …


URCA seeks to shorten reconnection time

THE Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority wants to shorten the time communications service providers have to reconnect the services of people who are wrongfully disconnected or were disconnected because of non-payment.

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Junior Jumpers put their skills to the test

Junior Jumper riders put their skills to the test at the Equestrian Bahamas Jumper Show I at Mariposa Stables on Sunday.


Reverend Bertha Mae Saunders

Memorial Service for Reverend Bertha Mae Saunders, 72 years of #73 Everglade Street, Twynam Heights and formerly of Alice Town, Bimini, who died at her residence on Wednesday, 8th January, 2020, will be held at Southwest Cathedral Church of God, …

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Miller-Uibo wins 200m in Monaco

IN a big test as she prepares to get the medal that has eluded her so far at the Olympic Games, Shaunae Miller-Uibo had enough real estate to reel in two of her arch rivals to win the women’s 200 metres at the EBS Herculis meeting in Monaco.

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Turnquest and Anand finish 2nd in their divisions at the 30th Caribbean Junior Golf Championships

TEAM Bahamas produced a pair of top three finishers against elite junior golf talent in the region at the 30th edition of the Caribbean Amateur Junior Golf Championships.The team concluded the final round yesterday following the three-day competition


Team Bahamas ends up 6th overall at the 29th Caribbean Amateur Junior Golf Championships

TEAM Bahamas faced off against the best junior golfers in the region but fell one spot off their pace in recent years.

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Francis Adderley wins President’s Cup Tournament

FORMER softball/baseball player Francis Adderley, who has played well in partnership with others in recent times, emerged as the champion of his first individual tournament over the weekend.


'Once the Bahamas becomes a permanent stop on the tour, millions of dollars will come to our country and impact our local economy'

'Once the Bahamas becomes a permanent stop on the tour, millions of dollars will come to our country and impact our local economy' By BRENT STUBBS Senior Sports Reporter With the second Bahamas Women's Open less than two weeks a


'Once the Bahamas becomes a permanent stop on the tour, millions of dollars will come to our country and impact our local economy'

'Once the Bahamas becomes a permanent stop on the tour, millions of dollars will come to our country and impact our local economy' By BRENT STUBBS Senior Sports Reporter With the second Bahamas Women's Open less than two weeks a


'Once the Bahamas becomes a permanent stop on the tour, millions of dollars will come to our country and impact our local economy'

'Once the Bahamas becomes a permanent stop on the tour, millions of dollars will come to our country and impact our local economy' By BRENT STUBBS Senior Sports Reporter With the second Bahamas Women's Open less than two weeks a

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A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Give us a sporting chance for more golden moments

The entire Bahamas paused on Monday night to cheer on our nation’s golden superwoman Shaunae Miller as she ran and captured the gold medal in the 400 metres final at the Games of the 31st Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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‘We’ll help - but don’t try to land’: Govt signals it won’t allow cruise ships to send anyone here

THE Bahamas government signalled yesterday that it will not accept people infected with COVID-19 from ships stranded in Bahamian waters despite a US Coast Guard bulletin that foreign-flagged vessels should seek help from countries in which they are registered.