All results / Stories / Eileen Carron

Well done, coaches

EDITOR, The Tribune. As the Chief Councillor for Spanish Wells, I would like to take this opportunity to thank and praise the athletes from Spanish Wells All-Age School and their coaches for the performance that they put on at a Track and Field meet in N

Women's struggles in the Bahamas

Women's struggles in the Bahamas By JANET BOSTWICK IN the general elections in the Colony of The Bahama Islands in 1949, Mr Rufus Ingraham, the Member of Parliament for Inagua for two years, lost his bid to be re-elected. His wife, Mrs Mary Ingraham, t


SEATTLE Associated Press The federal court sentencing date for Colton Harris-Moore in the Barefoot Bandit case has been set for Jan. 27. He pleaded guilty in June to charges that included the theft of a plane in a cross-country crime spree. He was arr


SEATTLE Associated Press The federal court sentencing date for Colton Harris-Moore in the Barefoot Bandit case has been set for Jan. 27. He pleaded guilty in June to charges that included the theft of a plane in a cross-country crime spree. He was arr


SEATTLE Associated Press The federal court sentencing date for Colton Harris-Moore in the Barefoot Bandit case has been set for Jan. 27. He pleaded guilty in June to charges that included the theft of a plane in a cross-country crime spree. He was arr


FUNERAL services for Father Theophile Brown, O.S.B., former Prior of St Augustine's Monastery and teacher at St Augustine's College, were held Friday morning at Mary Mother of the Church Benedictine Abbey, in Richmond, Virginia. Interment followed in the

Christie government was slow to act

Christie government was slow to act SPEAKING at the opening of Golden Gates constituency office, Prime Minister Ingraham said that the New Providence Road Improvement Project could have been completed "six or seven years ago" if it weren't for the incomp

Coming home to find house has a new number

EDITOR, The Tribune. The stupidity or lack of common sense displayed by some of those who govern us never ceases to amaze me. Yesterday, I received a notice from the Ministry of Works and Transport that they were engaging in a house numbering exercise in

Quo Vadis

EDITOR, The Tribune. In another missive (Tribune, March 22), Mr Dupuch suggests we take our country back. He does not tell us how to do that, or what/who we are taking back from or even what do with it if we figure out the hows, whys and what fors. He al

Quo Vadis

EDITOR, The Tribune. In another missive (Tribune, March 22), Mr Dupuch suggests we take our country back. He does not tell us how to do that, or what/who we are taking back from or even what do with it if we figure out the hows, whys and what fors. He al

Quo Vadis

EDITOR, The Tribune. In another missive (Tribune, March 22), Mr Dupuch suggests we take our country back. He does not tell us how to do that, or what/who we are taking back from or even what do with it if we figure out the hows, whys and what fors. He al

Quo Vadis

EDITOR, The Tribune. In another missive (Tribune, March 22), Mr Dupuch suggests we take our country back. He does not tell us how to do that, or what/who we are taking back from or even what do with it if we figure out the hows, whys and what fors. He al

Quo Vadis

EDITOR, The Tribune. In another missive (Tribune, March 22), Mr Dupuch suggests we take our country back. He does not tell us how to do that, or what/who we are taking back from or even what do with it if we figure out the hows, whys and what fors. He al

Montagu foreshore earns praise for government

IT'S not often that professional critics like Tough Call feel the need to offer kudos to those in office. After all, they can draw on the multiple resources of the state (including a $2.5 million-a-year "information service") to stroke themselves. And hop

Montagu foreshore earns praise for government

IT'S not often that professional critics like Tough Call feel the need to offer kudos to those in office. After all, they can draw on the multiple resources of the state (including a $2.5 million-a-year "information service") to stroke themselves. And hop

Montagu foreshore earns praise for government

IT'S not often that professional critics like Tough Call feel the need to offer kudos to those in office. After all, they can draw on the multiple resources of the state (including a $2.5 million-a-year "information service") to stroke themselves. And hop

Airport issues must be addressed

THIS TIME, next week a new Government of the Bahamas will have been elected.

Britons cry for return of death penalty

Britons cry for return of death penalty WHILE the Bahamas government, in an attempt to crack down on crime, this year made life sentences for murder mean just that -- "the remaining years of a convicted person's life" - there was an uproar in England when

Greek austerity meeting postponed again

Greek austerity meeting postponed again Greece's prime minister negotiated late into the night Tuesday with the country's international creditors, finalizing a proposal for new austerity measures to avoid a disastrous bankruptcy. Prime Minister Lucas Pap


BISHOP ELLIS IS RIGHT - SOCIAL ILLS MEAN DESTRUCTION IN THIS column yesterday, we jested about Bishop Neil Ellis' theatrical announcement of how, as God's chosen messenger, he was sent to warn Bahamians that the world's three greatest vices, in the form