All results / Stories / Eileen Carron

Montagu foreshore earns praise for government

IT'S not often that professional critics like Tough Call feel the need to offer kudos to those in office. After all, they can draw on the multiple resources of the state (including a $2.5 million-a-year "information service") to stroke themselves. And hop

Airport issues must be addressed

THIS TIME, next week a new Government of the Bahamas will have been elected.

Let's talk about Arawak, why not Clifton?

Let's talk about Arawak, why not Clifton? "LET'S TALK about the new container port at Arawak Cay," was Opposition leader Perry Christie's invitation to his supporters at Clifford Park Friday night. In this column today, we shall take Mr Christie up on hi

Greek austerity meeting postponed again

Greek austerity meeting postponed again Greece's prime minister negotiated late into the night Tuesday with the country's international creditors, finalizing a proposal for new austerity measures to avoid a disastrous bankruptcy. Prime Minister Lucas Pap

25 nations to sign treaty to stop overspending

25 nations to sign treaty to stop overspending All countries in the European Union, except Britain and the Czech Republic, agreed Monday to sign up to a new treaty designed to stop overspending in the eurozone and put an end to the bloc's crippling debt

25 nations to sign treaty to stop overspending

25 nations to sign treaty to stop overspending All countries in the European Union, except Britain and the Czech Republic, agreed Monday to sign up to a new treaty designed to stop overspending in the eurozone and put an end to the bloc's crippling debt

America wrestling with changing notions of race

By HOPE YEN Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - When the 2010 census asked people to classify themselves by race, more than 21.7 million - at least 1 in 14 - went beyond the standard labels and wrote in such terms as "Arab," "Haitian," "Mexican" and "mu

Women's struggles in the Bahamas

Women's struggles in the Bahamas By JANET BOSTWICK IN the general elections in the Colony of The Bahama Islands in 1949, Mr Rufus Ingraham, the Member of Parliament for Inagua for two years, lost his bid to be re-elected. His wife, Mrs Mary Ingraham, t

Politics enters chaos at airport

Politics enters chaos at airport THURSDAY was the first time since airport construction started that we visited the Lynden Pindling International Airport -- a magnificent structure in progress and one of which all Bahamians should be immensely proud. We a

Politics enters chaos at airport

Politics enters chaos at airport THURSDAY was the first time since airport construction started that we visited the Lynden Pindling International Airport -- a magnificent structure in progress and one of which all Bahamians should be immensely proud. We a

Politics enters chaos at airport

Politics enters chaos at airport THURSDAY was the first time since airport construction started that we visited the Lynden Pindling International Airport -- a magnificent structure in progress and one of which all Bahamians should be immensely proud. We a

Politics enters chaos at airport

Politics enters chaos at airport THURSDAY was the first time since airport construction started that we visited the Lynden Pindling International Airport -- a magnificent structure in progress and one of which all Bahamians should be immensely proud. We a

Politics enters chaos at airport

Politics enters chaos at airport THURSDAY was the first time since airport construction started that we visited the Lynden Pindling International Airport -- a magnificent structure in progress and one of which all Bahamians should be immensely proud. We a

A people betrayed, says Ed Moxey, of the Pindling years

A people betrayed, says Ed Moxey, of the Pindling years THE PANACEA to all this country's social problems is Urban Renewal, PLP-style. The constant cry of the PLP is that the FNM came along, stole the PLP's idea, destroyed it and, in so doing, opened a P

Oil drilling in the Bahamas - the facts behind the scares

Oil drilling in the Bahamas - the facts behind the scares By LARRY SMITH IN recent weeks, the Democratic National Alliance has tried to gain political mileage by stirring up a controversy over oil exploration. But rather than focus on the very real sub

The struggle for a free press in the Bahamas

The struggle for a free press in the Bahamas TRIBUNE staff are probably wondering today why we devoted a whole page to mark World Press Freedom day with a general election only two more publishing days away and every inch of space needed for election new

Beware of election promises

ELECTION TIME is here again and so are the promises. Promises, we might add, without any reference to the Public Treasury. Bahamians should be aware of the times in which we live and don't depend on election promises -- even in


Save Guyana: History summons its leaders to higher purpose By Sir Ronald Sanders (The writer is a Consultant and former Caribbean diplomat) NOVEMBER 28 general elections in Guyana have resulted in a crisis for the country. While it is being suggeste

Guyana crisis follows election

By Sir Ronald Sanders NOVEMBER 28 general elections in Guyana have resulted in a crisis for the country. While it is being suggested that the elected President, Donald Ramotar, of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) can appoint and run a minori

Guyana crisis follows election

By Sir Ronald Sanders NOVEMBER 28 general elections in Guyana have resulted in a crisis for the country. While it is being suggested that the elected President, Donald Ramotar, of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) can appoint and run a minori