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NIB’s $240m loss at COVID’s peak

COVID-19 has left the National Insurance Board (NIB) facing an “uphill lift” to recovery after plunging the nation’s social security system into a $240m loss at the pandemic’s peak.

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The wreck of the HMS Conqueror near Rum Cay

THOUGH the lore of shipwrecks is often embellished, that of HMS Conqueror on Rum Cay often has the date, the destination, and basic historical facts reported incorrectly. It wrecked on 13 December, 1861 (not the 29th), it was not the first propeller ship in the Royal Navy (HMS Rattler was in 1842), and the ship was on its way to Bermuda, not Mexico. HMS Conqueror was a two-decked steam-screw (propeller) ship, first-rate, of the line, 240 feet long, 55 feet wide, and 34 feet deep.

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Nassau/PI hotels ‘soon can’t take anyone else’

Nassau and Paradise Island hotels will “soon reach the point where we can’t take anyone else”, a senior tourism executive has warned, with room shortages driving “unheard of” March occupancies.

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10 years of an undersea kingdom

THE Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation (BREEF) is celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Sir Nicholas Nuttall Coral Reef Sculpture Garden and Coral Nursery (CRSG) - a testament to a decade of unwavering commitment to marine conservation and environmental stewardship.

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American couple rebuild after Hurricane Dorian devastated their Guana Cay retirement home

AMERICANS Norvell and Mark Slezycki went on an emotional roller-coaster after Hurricane Dorian swept away their dream retirement home in Great Guana Cay, Abaco.

Fund manager to be ‘little more defensive’

A Bahamian investment bank plans to be “a little more defensive” in 2024 with its stock picks as it targets close to $20m annual asset growth in its main equities investment fund.

Gov’t u-turn on Nassau solar bidding deadline

THE Government has performed a u-turn over the deadline by which all bids on the New Providence renewable energy and microgrid project must be received, it can be revealed.

Gov’t boost from moody’s $44m deficit miss forecast

MOODY'S has given the Government’s fiscal consolidation campaign a major boost by predicting that this year’s fiscal deficit will only narrowly overshoot its target by $44m.

Carolyn Hanna - being the change you want to see

CAROLYN F Hanna is a living, powerful example of “being the change you want to see in the world”. While some complain about the state of affairs in their country, point fingers and cast blame; others, like Carolyn, are quietly making a difference by putting their passion into action.
