Protocol for media

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am both trained as a journalist, but I have been engaged in the media as a radio and television talk show host for a decade and counting, so I am somewhat qualified to opine on the apparent spat between segments of the profession and the Office of the Prime Minister as it relates to access to cabinet ministers to and from meetings of the cabinet.

In no democratic nation, such as The Bahamas, is the wider press “allowed” to simply accost the particular President; Prime Minister and/or essential cabinet and other members of the particular administration off the cuff with unscripted questions and sound bites.

Yes, they are all subjected to questions about public issues and policy matters, but in a dignified and orderly manner.

Many Bahamians just do not get it. Questions, yes. There is a Press Briefing Room at the Office of the Prime Minister where bona fides media and press personalities and communications networks are able on a regular basis to pro-offer their legitimate questions.

To simply allow the press and all manner of individuals to approach the PM or members of the cabinet, one on one, in the entrance to cabinet or the parking apron is a potential serious breach of security and protocol. None of you all can ever imagine members of the press in the USA or The Russian Federation, approaching President Joe Biden or President Vladimir Putin willy-nilly shouting often incoherent questions?

For too long, our leaders and others have encouraged literal street meetings and consultation in unsecured areas. During political campaigns which require that one-on-one touch, press briefings and question periods by the PM and his cabinet must be the right and proper way. It is ludicrous to accuse this administration of being adverse to questions. On what logical and sensible basis is this premise based? To give the Office of the Prime Minister which it has long been lacking, access must be directed by standard protocol, no more, no less.



February 3, 2022.


themessenger 2 years, 2 months ago

Bey! you mean to tell me all dees years you been kissing Brave bungy you was doing it long distance? Well muddos dread, ain no wonder you gat mutton fish mout.

I you mussy ga line up wid da rest of da press dem now to get access to dem buns from big belly bad shape Clint, Lol.


TigerB 2 years, 2 months ago

Well Mr. Bodie, seem you never once made this point in the last administration. It was done this way for long time. I see them chase Minnis down bay street one time ago, and in one case straight from the HOA across to the Churchill Building. But now case it Brave...nuff said.


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