Brothers murdered together over weekend

Police removing the bodies of two brothers from the scene of a double murder Saturday. 
Photo: Austin Fernander

Police removing the bodies of two brothers from the scene of a double murder Saturday. Photo: Austin Fernander


Tribune Staff Reporter


TWO brothers, one who aimed to become a top boxer representing The Bahamas internationally, and another who planned to wed his fiancé next month, were murdered together on Saturday.

Each of them leaves behind a young daughter and a heartbroken family.

Their father, Tyrone Oliver, 60, said he had warned Shakuar Oliver, 22, to avoid hanging out with his older brother, Tyrone Jr, 28.

He said he broke into tears when he realised his warning went unheeded and that his younger son was also murdered.

“If you don’t watch out, your lifestyle gon’ cause you,” he said.

Police said the men were shot in a car in the Solomon’s Super Centre parking lot around 2.30am on Saturday. Nearby officers heard the gunshots and pursued the occupants of a dark-coloured Japanese vehicle travelling east along the parking lot, but the suspects evaded them.

 Mr Oliver said he was at home praying when the shooting happened. He said in the days before the killings, he felt something bad would happen to his oldest son.

 The father-of-five said he did not believe the people Tyrone Jr surrounded himself with would be good for his promising boxing career. 

 “Many times, there was a misconception between me and him because of some persons who he hangs around. I said they are criminals,” Mr Oliver said.

 “I don’t sugarcoat what it is. I never had any bad sons, but the older one entwined himself with persons known by police. In many times, I admonished him and I said to him, ‘if you don’t watch out, your lifestyle gon’ cause you’.” 

 Mr Oliver said he was sad but unsurprised to learn his older son was killed.  

 He broke down only when he learned that Shakuar was also killed. He said he had warned him to stay away from Tyrone the day before their deaths.

 “When I saw my son (Shakuar) for the last time, and the first time he came to the job to work with me, I told him to don’t go nowhere with your brother because he’s not good for you at this time and he drive right off that job Friday gone and Saturday morning, he gone out with that man and now he’s a dead man because he didn’t heed to the warning,” Mr Oliver said.   

 “And (when I got the news) I said ‘wow’, I told him not to be with this boy for this time because he’s not a good fit for you because in the holy spirit, I already know what God was showing me, so God was preparing me for this.” 

 Nonetheless, Mr Oliver said his sons were good men.

 “I’ve never been in no police station to get them out of jail. I’ve never been in no court for none of them,” he added.  

 Relatives said Shakuar stayed to himself and was excited to marry the mother of his daughter and unborn child. The wedding was set for May 11 ––Tyrone Jr’s birthday. Tyrone Jr was going to be the best man. 

 Eunice Oliver, the mother of the murdered men, praised her sons and said their lives were cut too short.  

 “My son loved The Bahamas,” she said of Tyrone Jr. “He had a passion for representing The Bahamas. He wanted to go to the top but was never given the chance he deserves. He was hardworking, loved to party, loved to dance. He was happy all the time.” 

 She described Shakuar as quiet, adorable, and family-oriented. 

 “His expecting wife, he loved her and his daughter,” she said. “He was a record producer. He was cutting records but never hit it out there, but he had some positive things and was sending positive messages in many of his songs.” 

 “My sons’ lives were cut down short. God loaned them to me for 22 years and 28 years. They impacted the lives of many. My heart bleeds for my two sons.” 


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