Ignore Hubert Ingraham

EDITOR, The Tribune.

On the very day of Hubert Ingraham’s unwelcome return to front-page politics, both our dailies ran stories about BTC, an institution built on the tax dollars of ordinary Bahamians, and which Mr Ingraham sold to foreign private interests for a measly $148m (when you factor in his saddling of Bahamian taxpayers with the sold-off asset’s pension bill).

The story in question is about yet another part of the sold-off asset being divested by the new owners for a healthy chunk of change.

It is a most timely and cautionary reminder to those who would otherwise be tempted to take seriously Mr Ingraham’s recommendations on voting in the upcoming bye-election.

Instead of continued partisan point-scoring, one would expect a period of quiet circumspection (or at least measured modesty) from a former leader who, with hindsight, has in my opinion done such measurable damage to his country.

But it seems Mr Ingraham shares much with the Bourbon dynasty in exile, who, in the words of Talleyrand, “(have) learned nothing and forgotten nothing”.



November 13, 2023


themessenger 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Mr. Allen, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. You and your party have also been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting! How much money has your party frittered away on trivialities, junkets for friends, lovers and families,Bermuda and the recent trip to Canada via Rome to kiss the Pope’s ring and ass, all for political mileage, comes to mind.


birdiestrachan 6 months, 2 weeks ago

The comparison is foolish. Mr Ingraham gave away BTC very bad judgment Our LUCAYA is theirs also 65 million and still paying OBAN ALL FNM


Economist 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Arrrr....Blisful Birdie....."Ingnorance is blis, tis folly to be wise." You clearly don't have all the facts relating to both PLP and FNM expenditures on the hotel. Why do you think that the PLP made no real noise when the FNM purchased? Get the facts Birdie, Get the facts.


AnObserver 6 months, 2 weeks ago

BTC wasn't an asset, it was a liability. Obscenely overstaffed, poorly maintained infrastructure, and a non-viable business model. People love to talk about the "glory days" of BaTelCo, but forget about the fact that everyday people couldn't afford Internet access, and we were paying $1/minute to call the US. Meanwhile everywhere else in the world long distance service was costing consumers pennies, and they could get broadband for under $100/month.

Ditching that albatross and introducing competition was the greatest thing anyone has ever done for this country.


birdiestrachan 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Btc service has not improved and for the Fnm papa to stand on the house floor and say Bahamians would not be allowed to buy Btc alone is a disgrace are Bahamians less than any one else there are Leakey brains that work like their papa and the doc not wise.


Dawes 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Then go to Aliv, which you are able to do. Before this you had no choice, and the service was lousy. They need to get rid of all the state-owned enterprises. Then things may actually work better here for all, rather than the select few.


sheeprunner12 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Ingraham didn't go far enough.

We are still saddled with BEC, despite the PLP name change by Brave &; PowerSecure. We are still saddled with WSC, that is looking worse by the day. Then there is BOB & Bahamas Air, BAMSI & BAIC etc, etc.

Deregulation is needed like yesterday ..........


birdiestrachan 6 months, 2 weeks ago

True blue Fnms for sure no logic just smoke he gave away Btc it was profitable. He should have sold Bahamas power and light. But of course he did not know any better


Dawes 6 months, 2 weeks ago

And yet PLP haven't sold it either, glad you realize they don't know any better as well.


themessenger 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Don't even waste your time with Birdie who sleeps, eats, drinks & shits PLP. The deranged Birdies capacity for defending the indefensible knows no bounds. Even criminal behavior is acceptable to Birdie as long as the perpetrators are PLP's in good standing.


moncurcool 6 months, 2 weeks ago

You are spot on.

Some people are just too ignorant to even try to reason with.


birdiestrachan 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Read and understand Ms sherry Benjamin and Mr Knowles statements if you believe Mr Ingraham was correct you all are far gone. No hope of return Smart just like the Fnm papa and the insults wisdom is above all else you all papa was wrong and foolish


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