Curry puts education on campaign agenda

Prime Minister Perry Christie with PLP North Abaco candidate Renard Curry.

Prime Minister Perry Christie with PLP North Abaco candidate Renard Curry.

HUNDREDS of North Abaconians gathered at the Central Abaco High School grounds on Saturday to hear from PLP candidate Renardo Curry and Prime Minister Perry Christie.

Discussing his plan for the constituency, Mr Curry said: “It starts with education. I’ve been working in youth development for a long time, and it is my deepest conviction that education is a necessity, not a luxury.

“For people to lift themselves up, or to stay competitive, they will need 21st century skills. Our high school graduates need better access to scholarships, and it’s time for vocational schools like BTVI to be established in Abaco.

“College graduates should have our support for job placement. We need continuing education and training programmes for government workers. And we need to support lifelong learning here in North Abaco, there is always more for us to learn, new skills to gain, new opportunities for Bahamians.”

Continuing with the education theme, Prime Minister Christie said: “We can’t quite believe that there aren’t any pre-schools in North Abaco. That just won’t do – not when there is now comprehensive evidence that the earliest years are some of the most important, that a good preschool education can provide benefits for years to come.

“North Abaco, we want your children to get off to a strong start. You need new pre-schools here, and you will have them.”

Mr Christie added that there is a need for more sea patrols to protect Abaconians from foreign poachers, as well as more incentives and grants for farmers.

He also focused on the tourism product.

“We need to do a better job promoting Treasure Cay and Green Turtle Cay and all the treasures of North Abaco – the world should know about the beaches and the hospitality that make it so special here. We are going to bring the way we advertise our islands into the 21st century – with new technology and social media promotions, and with an increased budget that reflects our serious commitment to you.”


Jessemo 11 years, 7 months ago

While Mr. Gomez is busy dodging darts about his character, former (or current) employment, US visa status and unveiled shenanigans by the former PM to secure his nomination, Mr. Curry is addressing issues important to the North Abaco electorate. The choice seems clear to anyone who's eye 'aint red from having fingers poked in it...


spoitier 11 years, 7 months ago

I don't know nothing about this man but if he is out of status from the U.S because he over stayed his tenure or something, I don't see how that have anything to do with his character, that is between him and the U.S. If anything that will means he isn't going back to the U.S to live.


concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

my my HAI even had the power to make the U/S change visa status ...lmao don,t you PLP,S ever get tired of yellin ,the u/s is the devil ,whitey ga trick us and take everything ,we are special chosen people of god like the israelites ,,thats basically your mantra to the masses ,,but hey it works , we are makin babies faster than our economy can absorb them and we are borrowing like drunken sailors to pay our grossly overstaffed civil service ,as long as we keep believeing we are special ,and sweet PGC keeps telling us how special we are and how much God bless us more than other people in our region ,b/c you know their bad and don,t deserve blessin ,,we will be alright ,,,,,,,,,lmao


concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

yeah yeah more pre schools ,more single mothers making babies ,more absentee fathers that the ansrew PGC ..Does anyone have the nerve to tell the electorate we need to stop our irresponsable sexual behavior before we end up like Haiti and Jamaica ,does any politician have the b##lls to say we can,t keep overstaffing the public corps w/ underachievers and expect to continue to enjoy the same standard of living ...


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