'I feel like a marked man'


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE principal owner of a business on Harrold Road is blaming his troubles on the ongoing NIB row after he was twice targeted by robbers.

Kenuth Knowles, owner of Kenuth’s Electric, called on “the government to stop fooling with me” and said he feels like a marked man since information was leaked on the internet alleging that he received $8 million worth of contracts from NIB.

These suspicions first surfaced when armed men held Mr Knowles, his son and employees at gunpoint in the store and demanded cash.

The culprits asked for Mr Knowles by name, he said, and proceeded to “gun-butt” a worker before making off with cash from the store’s cash register.

Then, at about 2:35pm yesterday, Mr Knowles’ Baillou Hill Estates home was broken into, but the culprits fled the scene when the security system sounded. They did not get away with any valuables. He said they tried to remove the system from the wall and partly damaged the thermostat.

“I need the government to stop fooling around with me,” Mr Knowles said, “Because this is the second time something like this is happening now and it’s not funny anymore.  

“Not long after the incident at my store, they tried to burglarise my home. I believe they are after me because of what was put out there about me with all the NIB allegations floating around. They need to stop.”

In response to the claims about the company and the National Insurance contracts, NIB director Algernon Cargill filed an affidavit denying suggestions he was a colleague of Mr Knowles.

The document also asserts that Mr Cargill was not involved in the decision making process which would have awarded Mr Knowles any contract for NIB’s work.

Calls made to several government officials for a response to Mr Knowles’ claims were not returned last night.

Mr Knowles said police told him they would comb nearby Yellow Elder Gardens for possible suspects.


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