Christmas single to help children in need


Tribune Features Writer


FORMER LEAD singer of British pop band Errol Brown and Bahamian singer Alia Coley have released a new song in support of various children homes throughout the Bahamas.

“Send A Prayer” written by Brown, who was a member of Hot Chocolate, the group responsible for the hit song “You Sexy Thing”, teamed up with Coley to produce the touching Christmas single in an effort to provide basic necessities like food, clothing and books for those living in children homes.
Proceeds from the single will benefit the Ranfurly Home, Elizabeth Estates Children’s Home, Children’s Emergency Hostel, and Nazareth Centre in New Providence as well as the Every Child Counts programme in Abaco and Old Bight Children’s Home in Cat Island.
After moving to the Bahamas almost ten years ago Brown said he was moved to help underprivileged children.

This became his motivation to start the Errol Brown Children in Need Foundation. Brown has raised more than $500,000 to help children enjoy the Christmas.
“Ten years ago with a group of friends who play golf, I decided to start a Christmas charity for the children in need in homes across the islands of the Bahamas. It has been really well supported by the business community here in the Bahamas.

The funds go to several charities.”
“We have also given scholarship to children from homes and changed their lives. We actually do not give them money, we provide them with gifts so in other words if they need computers, if they need food, if they need uniforms we provide them with it. That is what we have done all these times,” Mr Brown said.
Three years ago, Mr Brown became acquainted with Cat Island native Alia Coley at a private function. He heard her sing at the event and was impressed by the range and sound of her voice. When Mr Brown approached the singer to work on this project, she agreed on donating fifty percent of the proceeds to the different charities.
“I love the song, and I think it expresses what I wanted the song to express. She expresses it very honestly and sympathetically. I have not had any involvement in recording for about 15 years, because I retired from performing. It gives me a little buzz; it is a nice feeling and I hope people like it,” he said.
“This song “Send A Prayer” was written a few years ago and I was looking for a voice to sing it. So I got in touch with Alia to put it out as a kind of tenth anniversary celebration. She really got involved in the project and agreed to donate 50 percent to the charities which is great,” he told In Ya Ear.


dudu 11 years, 3 months ago

This is great news I am a charity man and I am glad to hear that http://investing.businessweek.com/res...">John Studzinski a very wealthy man does that kind of things


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